Honors English II Syllabus 2016-2017
Mrs. Stone – 904-3850/Ext. 22939 –
Course Description
English II focuses on composition skills, vocabulary development, the study and enjoyment of literature, and the study of grammar emphasizing usage. Activities are designed to refine oral and written communication. Outside reading will be required each six weeks and will be a major grade for the six weeks. The outside reading books will be assigned 2 quarters with your choice on 2 quarters. Students will take the End-of-Course exam, which will count for 25% of the semester average and their final exam grade.
Quarter 1
- Summer Reading Assessment- Skills: Plot, Setting, Mood, Character
- Short Texts – Short Stories/Info Text
Night – Required Text
The Wave – Dystopian novel
Writing: Analytical Summary and Synthesis Text-Based Analysis (argument)
Grammar and Vocabulary /
Quarter 2
- Skills: Narrative/Theme- Non-fiction Analysis
- Informational Text
Animal Farm – Novel
Outside Reading Novel – Choice Novel
Writing: Theme-Based Research Project
Analytical Summary and Synthesis
Text-Based Analysis (informational)
Grammar and Vocabulary
Quarter 3
- Skills: Argument, Persuasion, Perspective
- Short Texts: Non-fiction/Speeches
- Informational Text
A Separate Peace – Outside Reading Novel
Writing: Analytical Summary and Synthesis
Text-Based Analysis (informational)
Grammar and Vocabulary /
Quarter 4
- Skills: Poetry, Drama- Short Text: Poetry Analysis
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Writing: Analytical Summary and Synthesis
Text-Based Analysis (argument)
Grammar and Vocabulary
Prime Time:
Prime Time is a period of 30 minutes that is built into our instructional day. I may request for students to come during that period to make-up or finish assignments. The time will be used primarily for tutorial sessions. Any student who would like extra help may ask in advance to come during this time. He/She will be given a pass to show to his/her teacher and must sign in the log-book. I may assign students mandatory Prime Time. Any student who receives a pass but fails to report to the classroom will be considered skipping.
-Composition Notebook – any color
-Folder with prongs or pockets or both – any color
-A section for H English II in a 3-ring binder shared with other classes
-Loose Leaf Paper
-Black or blue ink pens/Pencils/Hi-Liters
Wish List Materials:
-Box of Kleenex
-Hand Sanitizer
-Pencils and Highlighters
Blackman students are expected to complete every assignment.
The only fair way to assess a student and to assign a fair grade to that student is when all assignments are attempted. Zeroes negatively affect a student’s average and make the grade an inaccurate reflection of what the student knows and can do. A student will be required to attend academic help session(s) if he/she has a missing assignment.
Calculation of Grades
Formative/Process Grade(These check for student’s understanding during the learning process.) / Summative/Product Grades
(These show student’s mastery level at the end of an instructional unit.)
50% / 50%
•Practice work
•Drafts of essays
•Mini projects
•Review packets
•Benchmark assessments
•Notebook checks / •Final projects
•Final draft of essays
•Performance tasks
•Unit Tests
•9-weeks exams
Extra Credit:
Extra creditis only offered to students who have completed all assignments. If a student has missing assignments, he/she cannot do extra credit work until all assignments have been completed.
Failing Work:
If a student scores a 70 or lower on any summative assessment, the student will be expected to recover the grade, redo the assessment, take a different test, or correct the assignment for credit.
Missing Work:
If a student fails to turn in an assignment on time, he/she will still be expected to complete it, and a 20% penalty will be deducted from the grade for lateness. Any assignment not completed by the end of a 9-week term will be assigned a ZERO.
Make-up Work Due to Absenteeism
Missed work due to an absence must be made up within five (5) days of returning to school for full credit. After that, the Missing Work policy above applies.