Muscular Dystrophy Campaign Adaptations & Building Design Network Questionnaire

This questionnaire asks about your experience of adapting your home.

By completing it you will be providing the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign with useful evidence of the problems faced by people with muscular dystrophy, and on the effectiveness of different solutions.

You can complete the form electronically and return it by email, or print it off and return it to us by fax or post. Return details are given on the last page.

Section A. Individual details (Please tick & give more detail if necessary)

A1. Name of neuromuscular condition

Becker MD

Congenital MD

Duchenne MD

Facioscapulohumeral MD


Limb girdle MD

Myotonic dystrophy

Spinal muscular atrophy

Other (please specify)

A2. Age group of disabled person/people

Under 5 yrs 5 -10 11 -19 21 - 30 31 - 50 51 +

A3. Were the needs of more than one disabled person involved?

Yes No

If Yes, please give details

A4. Mobility. Please tick all that apply. Are you

Able to walk?

Self-propelled wheelchair user - indoor?

Self-propelled wheelchair user - outdoor?

Powered wheelchair user (indoor?)

Powered wheelchair user (outdoor?)


A5. Who owns your home?

Local Authority

Privately owned

Housing Association

Private landlord

A6. What type of property is it?


Terraced house

Semi-detached house

Detached house


Mobile home

Listed building

A7. Was your house purpose-built for your disability?

Yes No

Section B. Work carried out/outcome

B1. Approximate date the building work was completed?

B2. What work was carried out?

Ramp - front

Ramp - back


Ground-floor bathroom

Ground-floor bedroom & bathroom


B3. How satisfied are you with the outcome?

Extremely satisfied

Very satisfied

Fairly satisfied

Not very satisfied

Not at all satisfied


B4. Would you make all the same decisions if you could start again?

Yes No

If No, what would you change?

B5. Will you need further adaptations in the future?

Yes No Don’t know

Section C. Time taken

C1. How long did it take from the time you first asked Social Services for adaptations to completion of the work?

6 months -1 year

1 - 2 years

Over 2 years. Please specify number of years

If over 2 years were there any special reasons for the delay?

C2. Was the work completed by the time you needed the special facilities?

Yes No

If No, how long did you have to manage with inadequate facilities?

Under 6 months

6 months - 1 year

1 - 2 years

Over 2 years. Please specify number of years


Section D. Building work

D1. How did you choose your builder?

Did you get enough help with the choice?

Yes No

D2. How satisfied were you with the way your builder went about the work?

Not at all satisfied

Not very satisfied

Fairly satisfied

Very satisfied

Extremely satisfied

If not satisfied, did you feel able to complain?

Yes No

D3. How carefully did the builder follow the plans?

Extremely carefully

Very carefully

Fairly carefully

Not very carefully

Not at all carefully

Please describe any mistakes

D4. Who did you feel was responsible for making sure the builder did a good job?

D5. Was the building work supervised by an architectural designer

Yes No

If Yes, how helpful was this?

Extremely helpful

Very helpful

Fairly helpful

Not very helpful

Not at all helpful

If No, do you think it would have helped you?

Yes No

Section E. Assessment of needs/plans

E1. How well do you feel your needs were assessed?

Not at all well

Not very well

Fairly well

Very well

Extremely well

By whom? (please specify)

E2. Was an occupational therapist (OT) involved?

Yes No

E3. Did waiting for an OT assessment cause a significant delay?

Yes No

E4. To what extent do you feel your Social Services OT understood the special problems of muscular dystrophy or your type of disability?

Extremely well

Very well

Fairly well

Not very well

Not at all well

E5. Do you feel that your opinion was:-

a. asked for? Yes No By Whom?

b. listened to? Yes No By Whom?

E6. Regarding the adaptation, were you allowed to have everything you felt you needed?

Yes No

If No, please give details

E7. Who drew the plans?

E8. What did the plans cost? £ Don’t know

Section F. Support

F1. How clearly was the Grants system explained to you?

Not at all clearly

Not very clearly

Fairly clearly

Very clearly

Extremely clearly

By whom? (Please specify)

F2. How well were you kept in touch with what was going on?

Extremely well

Very well

Fairly well

Not very well

Not at all well

By whom? (Please specify)

F3. What type of grant did you receive and how much?

(Home) Improvement Grant £

Disabled Facilities Grant £

Social Services £

Family Fund Trust £

Other Charity/Trust £

Loan £

Please state terms:

None. We had to pay £

In addition to Grant we had to pay £

F4. How good was the service you received from the staff involved?

Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor / Not involved
Architectural designer
Social Services Community OT
Hospital / clinic OT
Local Authority Grants Officer
MDC Family Care Officer
MDC National OT Advisor
Other – see below

If other, please specify


F5. Did you find the process of adaptations was emotionally difficult?

Yes No

Please give an idea of the stress

Extremely stressful

Very stressful

Fairly stressful

Not very stressful

Not at all stressful

F6. Did you have any professional to turn to for support?

Yes No

If Yes, who?

Family Care Officer/MDC

Grants officer

Health visitor

Housing officer

MDC Branch or support group member

National OT Advisor/MDC

Occupational therapist Social Services

Occupational therapist hospital/clinic


Social worker


Other (please specify)

In what way were they able to help?

F7. Would you have appreciated more help and advice from the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign? And in what way? (Please be honest)


Section G. Facilities/equipment review

G1. Lift

Please tick the type of lift you have, and what you think of it

(If no lift, please continue with G2)

a) Type of lift / Poor / Fair / Good / Very good / Excellent
Stairlift (seat at side of stairs)
Wheelchair platform lift up stairs
Through-floor lift
Step lift (outside)
Other – please specify below

Other lift type:

b) Can you use the lift entirely independently?

Yes No

c) If No, why not?

G2. Doors

a) Can you open & close your bedroom & bathroom doors independently?

Yes No

b) What type of doors are they?


Double swing


Other (please specify)

c) Can you open and close either your front or back door independently?

Yes No

d) Do you have an automatic door opener?

Yes No

e) Are any thresholds a problem?

Yes No If Yes, at which door?

G3. Bathroom

a) Is your bathroom big enough for use with a wheelchair (even if you don’t use one)?

Yes No

b) Is there space for a wheelchair at the side of the toilet?

Yes No

c) Do you use a toilet chair over the toilet?

Yes No

If Yes, do you know the make or can you describe the chair?

How satisfactory is it?

Not at all satisfactory

Not very satisfactory

Fairly satisfactory

Very satisfactory

Extremely satisfactory

d) Do you have a Clos-o-mat shower toilet?

Yes No

e) or a Geberit shower toilet?

Yes No

What do you think of it?

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

Any other comments?

G4. Bathing

a) How do you get in and out of the bath?

I don’t have a bath

I have a shower

I can’t use a bath or shower without help

Please rate your bathing equipment below

Do not have / Poor / Fair / Good / Very good / Excellent
Mermaid Ranger (with separate chassis)
Arjo Sovereign (formerly Parker Series 300 bath)
Other (please specify below)

Other equipment - type:

Any other comments?


b) Shower

Do you have a shower?

Yes No

Please indicate type of shower

Shower over bath

Tiled floor-level shower

Shower tray. Type?

c) Type of shower chair (please describe)

What do you think of it?

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

G5. Washbasin

a)  What type of washbasin do you use?

b) If you use a wheelchair can you get right under the basin without adjusting the footrests?

Yes No

c) Do you have space to rest your forearms?

Yes No

d) Can you reach and operate the taps?

Yes No

e) What type of taps?




What do you think of them?

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

d) Can you reach your toothbrush, towel etc. without help?

Yes No

G6. Bedroom

a) Is your bedroom en suite with bathroom?

Yes No

b) Do you have space for tables or surfaces for computer/stereo/ hobbies etc?

Yes No

c) Do you use a ceiling hoist over bed?

Yes No


d) With extended track from bed to bath?

Yes No

e) Portable hoist?

Yes No If Yes please specify model

What do you think of your hoist?

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

Any other comments?

f) Do you have an electric bed?

Yes No

Please specify model

What do you think of it?

Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent

Any other comments?

G7. Kitchen

a) To get an idea of size, is it big enough to use from a wheelchair?

Yes No

b) If necessary, is there a kitchen surface that could be made suitable for

use from a wheelchair?

Yes No

G8. Light switches

a) If you use a wheelchair can you reach the switches?

Yes No

If No, which ones can’t you reach?

b) Can you turn the light on/off when in bed?

Yes No

G9. Heating

a) What type of central heating do you have?





Solid Fuel

b) Is your bedroom warm enough?

Yes No

c) Is your bathroom warm enough?

Yes No


Section H. Involvement of Muscular Dystrophy Campaign

H1. Is your architectural designer a member of the Muscular Dystrophy Adaptations & Building Design Network?

Yes No Don’t know

Please give name

H2. Do you feel it has been a good idea to have a specialist MD architectural designer to give advice & help with all the stages involved in adaptations?

Yes No Don’t know

If Yes or No could you please give your reasons

Name and address of disabled person. (This can be omitted if you prefer)



Your responses will be invaluable and strictly confidential

Please return this questionnaire to:

National Occupational Therapy Advisor

Muscular Dystrophy Campaign

7-11 Prescott Place

London SW4 6BS


tel: 020 7720 8055

fax: 020 7498 0670