STATE “Behind the Scenes”

Award Nomination

This annual award recognizes an OSUMaster Gardener™who works quietlyandunselfishlybehind the scenes to further theOSU Master GardenerProgram on acountyor state level. This isnot a personwho is out in front workingon projects soeveryone knows theircontributions.

Ratherit is a person whom fewmayactuallyknow the level of theircontributions. Note:There is only oneaward madeat thestate level. If your nominee doesnot win thestateaward, make sure that theyreceive proper recognitionat the countylevel for all they havedonefor yourprogram.

Complete the form below, andattach a photo of the Master Gardener with the nomination form. The awardscommitteemust receive thecompletedapplicationbyMay 15, ofeachyear.

Nominee informationfortheSTATE “Behind the Scenes” Award:

Name: ______County: ______

Address: ______

Remember: please include a photo of your STATE Behind the Scenes Nominee.

Number of years that the nominee has been an OSU Master Gardener ______

1.Level of involvementwithin their localChapter:

2.Explain the “behind the scenes” contribution(s)this personhas madeto theOSU MasterGardenerProgram on a local or statelevel.(Answer in narrative,attach additional sheet as






Comments fromExtensionAgent orMG Program staffthe“Behindthe Scenes” Award:

(Answer in narrative,attachadditionalsheet as necessary.):

Signatureof MG ProgramFaculty/Staff


Returncomplete applicationto:


OMGA Awards Committee Chair

4017 ALSBuilding

Oregon StateUniversity

Corvallis, OR 97331-7304


Please nominate asingleindividual.Dual or teamnominationsarediscouraged, unless thereis aparticularlycompellingreason to do so ( arenominatingtwofamilymembers,whoworkandcontribute asa team).

Applicants will be scored,based upon the criteriaoutlined below(40 points possible):

Number ofYearsas a Master Gardener(5 Points):MasterGardeners should be recognized fortheyears ofserviceto the Program. However, because this is not the sole or most importantcriteria on which applications should be judged, this categoryis onlyworth5 points. Please usethe followingscale to assign a numerical scoreto this column.

  • 1 to 5years =1 point
  • 6 to 10years =2 points
  • 11 to 15years =3 points
  • 16 to 20years =4 points
  • 21 ormoreyears =5 points

LocalChapterInvolvement(10 Points): Has the nominee heldanyleadership positions withintheir localChapter? Has the personinitiated anew program, or havetheybreathed new lifeintoan existingprogram, within theirlocalChapter? Do theyplaya role in trainingand/or mentoringnewMasterGardeners? Please considerall of these questions,aswellas otherways that thenominee mayhavefostered the success of their Chapter,whencomingupwith a point score(from 1 to 10) forLocalChapterInvolvement.

Behind the Scenes Contributions (20 points): It is this quiet and unselfishservice that defines theBehind the Scenes award. Thus, this categoryis weighted the heaviest ofallcategories. Is thenominee the type of person thatyoucould imagine askingtocomplete atask, andyou sense thattheywouldcomplete thetask in remarkable fashion, andask fornothinginreturn? Have thenominee‟scontributionstotheprogrambeenrecognized,insomeotherfashion?Mightyou callthisMasterGardeneran„UnsungHero‟oftheProgram?These,andotherquestions,areonesyou should consider whendetermining ascore forthis category. Please notethat service canoccur at thelocal level,thestate level, or both

CommentsfromMaster GardenerProgramStaff(5 points): Thecommentsfrom the staffareimportant and independent support for eachnominee.However, becauseProgramStaff putvaryinglevels of effort into theircomments, potential Behind the ScenesAwardees will not beoverlypenalized formissingor briefcomments. Thus, this categoryis onlyworth 5 points,maximum.