Taynuilt Primary School
Parent Council AGM
Monday 11th June 2012
Kate Hunter (KH), Peter McCracken (PM), Angela Hatton (AH), Caroline Boyle (CB), Norrie Leckie (NL), Gregor Cameron (GC), Clare Stennett (CS), Lucinda Gray (LG), Stephen Day (SD).
David Robinson (DR), Karen Sim (KS), Douglas Baird (DB)
Previous AGM minutes (6th June 2011):
Summary - no correspondence, no constitutional change, extension and Poly tunnel planned, No actions arising.
Proposed:Peter McCracken, seconded Caroline Boyle
No correspondence since meeting on the 21st May 2012
Constitutional Changes
No Changes required
Election of Members
Current Parent Council Chair (KH) and vice-chair (PM) and 2 members (LG & DB) are due to step down. They were thanked for their input and support. Particular thanks to Kate and Peter for their strong involvement and the smooth running of the Parent Council over the last few years.
Elected new Chair was Angela Hatton and new vice-chair was Stephen Day
Propose by Caroline, seconded by Clare.
Members: Norrie Leckie, Gregor Cameron, Clare Stennett, David Robinson & Karen Sim were re-elected for another year.
No new members required at present, but should consider recruitment soon.
Head teacher’s report:
Key points:
- School role as of August 2012 estimated to be 81, with nursery roll expected to be 34.
- Staffing to remain the same.
- New classroom nearly complete, on hold at present awaiting final parts, but will be finished by the end of term and ready for use in time for August 2012
- Sports’ Day was a great success and many children and parents liked having it at the Pavilion. This provided more space for running events, but also helps prepare the children for sports’ events at the high school and demonstrates use of the facilities.
- Eco Group working hard and continue to take on and meet a variety of duties. Still plans for the school to apply for a green Flag award, but this may be delayed until next year.
- New window in the P6/7 classroom.
- Very successful year for events and achievements and the children and staff should be congratulated for their hard work and positive involvement.
Item for next meeting: minute taking - should this be done by Council member or paid Council secretary?
Date for AGM
Monday 10th June 2013 at 7 pm at the school.
Provisional dates for next ordinary meetings:
3rd September 2012
12th November 2012
14th January 2013
22nd April 2013