What is RRR123?
R- Response Code i.e. A random 6 digit code will be generated starting with ‘R’ and will be sent via SMS to customer in Call registration message along with call number.
R- Resolution Code i.e. A random 6 digit code will be generated starting with ‘S’ and will be sent via SMS to customer in Technician details SMS after call being allocated to Technician.
R- Replacement Code i.e. product replacement code. Code will be given for product replacement after 3 weeks of call registration. It will come in next development phase and it will be informed then.
RRR123- Response code will be sent to customer along with call number. ASC CCO needs to call customer and get that code after discussing the fault and other details. She/he needs to punch that code in Web CMS while allocating call to technician. This activity needs to be done in 1 Hour. This code is not mandatory to punch.
Resolution code will be sent to customer along with Technician details after call allocation. The Technician need to collect that code from customer (if only customer is satisfied). And need to send that code via SMS to a particular phone number or can punch it in system. This whole activity needs to be completed in 2 days. This code is mandatory to punch.
Replacement Code will given for product replacement after 3 weeks. This final R will be added in next development cycle and more detail will be shared then.
Most important point- This whole activity will not affect the call closure but if Resolution code is wrongly entered or entered blank then no Claim will be generated. After approval from admin claim can be generated.
RR2390 Incentive- If both the codes entered are correct and with in time limit special incentive will be given to ASC.
We are going to implement this project in 3 Phases.
1st Phase- will be live on 06-Feb-2013
1. Call registration SMS will contain Response code.
Complaint_No / Phone_M / TextAUR3001130001 / 8130898811 / Dear Customer, Your Complaint no is AUR3001130001 For help call
39404040(Prefix StateCapital STD Code)pl give Response Code R20235,if receive call within 1 hr.
2. Response Code can be punched while allocation of call to technician.
3. Resolution Code will be sent in Technician detail SMS.
Complaint_No / Phone_M / Variable_TextAUR3001130007 / 8130898811 / Dear Customer your Complaint AUR3001130007 to be serviced by Arjun Sabale, (9717490609)
.Pls Provide Resolution Code S03157 after satisfactory job completion.
4. After successful completion of call, technician will take the Resolution code from customer and SMS it to a particular number or code can be punched in system.
SMS- SVC SCC COMPLAINT NO RESOLUTION CODE example- SVC SCC AUR0302130001 S12345. Send it to 9211728660
5. Call has to be closed by ASC as normal process.
6. Resolution code is MANDATORY.
7. In 1st Phase no validation will run. As usual Normal Claim & Challan will be generated.
Response code will be Alpha numeric i.e. 1st digit is alphabet ‘R’ and next 5 digits will be random numbers. This code will be punched while allocating call to technician. Also once this code is used, 2nd time it can’t be used.
If Response Code is punched wrong below POP UP message will warn you. For moving forward you can press OK. At the time of allocation of call Response Code is not mandatory. But be careful no incentive will be generated.
After successful completion of call, technician will take the Resolution code from customer and SMS it to a particular number or code can be punched in system.
SMS- SVC SCC COMPLAINT NO RESOLUTION CODE example- SVC SCC AUR0302130001 S12345. Send it to 9211728660
Resolution Code is a mandatory field.
If SMS sent by technician is wrong, then the Resolution Code field in call updation screen can be edited once while closing the call. But if SMS sent by technician is correct the Resolution Code field will be in display mode i.e. code will be visible but can’t be edited.
Call updation screen
Resolution Code after punching
Phase-2 will be shared later.