Policy & Procedure
Child Safety Policy & Procedure
RESPONSIBILITY / Committee of Management
Name of Policy / Child Safety Policy & Procedure
Description of Policy / This policy outlines the support available to staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors who wish to make a child safety complaint
Policy applies to / Community Centre - wide
Policy Status / Staff / Volunteers / Students / Contractors
New Policy / Revision of Existing Policy
Description of Revision / N.A.
Approval Authority / Committee of Management President
Governing Authority / Committee of Management
Responsible Officer / Centre Manager
Approval Date
Effective Date
Date of last Revision
Date of Policy Review
* Unless otherwise indicated, this policy will still apply beyond the review date.
Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Protocols / Patterson Lakes Community CentreCode of Conduct Policy
Misconduct and Serious Misconduct Policy
Work, Safety and Wellbeing Policy (O.H.&S.)
Workplace Grievance Policy
1. Background Information
In line with PLCC’s mission which expresses a fundamental concern for the dignity of all human beings, this policy seeks to develop a supportive workplace with policies and procedures that provide a clear statement of the PLCC’s expectations of its staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors in respect of conduct that may constitute a breach of the child safe policyand related policies, including but not limited to the PLCC’s Code of Conduct.
The Child Safe Policy & Procedure is designed to assist Patterson Lakes Community Centre to meet its legal obligation to provide a code of conduct for interacting with children and young people for all staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors under the Student Protection Risk Management Strategy as detailed in the Commission for Children and Young People & Child Guardian Act 2005 s99G(4).
PLCC is committed to promoting and protecting the interests and safety of children and has implemented a zero tolerance to child abuse.
All staff, volunteers, students, members and contractorsare responsible for the care and protection of children and reporting information about child abuse.
2. Policy Statement
2.1PLCCis committed to promoting and protecting at all times the best interests of children involved in its programs.
2.2All children, regardless of their gender, race, religious beliefs, age, disability, sexual orientation, or family or social background, have equal rights to protection from abuse.
2.3Patterson Lakes Community Centre Inc., has zero tolerance for child abuse. Everyone working at Patterson Lakes Community Centre Inc., is responsible for the care and protection of the children within our care and reporting information about suspected child abuse.
2.4Child protection is a shared responsibility between the PLCC staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors.
3. Policy Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to guide the PLCC’s approach to concerns or complaints about children’s safety
4. Application of Policy
4.1 This policy applies to all staff volunteers, students, members and contractors who are subject to alleged breach to child safe behaviour or any other behaviour that may constitute a breach of this policy.
5. Responsibility
5.1The Committee of Management and the Centre Manager are responsible for:
- Dealing with and investigating reports of child abuse;
- Ensuring that all staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors are aware of relevant laws, organisational policies and procedures, and the organisation’s Code of Conduct;
- Ensuring that all adults within the Patterson Lakes Community Centre Inc., community are aware of their obligation to report suspected sexual abuse of a child in accordance with these policies and procedures;
- Ensuring that all staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors are aware of their obligation to observe the child safe policy and procedure
- Providing support for staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors in undertaking their child protection responsibilities.
- Promote child safety at all times;
- Assess the risk of child abuse within their area of control and eradicate / minimise any risk to the extent possible;
- Educate staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors about the prevention and detection of child abuse; and
- Facilitate the reporting of any inappropriate behaviour or suspected abusive activities.
5.2All staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors share in the responsibility for the prevention and detection of child abuse, and must:
- Familiarise themselves with the relevant laws, the policy and procedures in relation to child protection, and comply with all requirements;
- Report any reasonable belief that a child’s safety is at risk to the relevant senior management staff.
- Provide an environment that is supportive of all children’s emotional and physical safety.
6. Procedures
6.1 Staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors should normally raise a claim with their nominated supervisor and attempt to resolve such claims locally and informally. Where such resolution fails or is not appropriate, staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors should discuss the matter with the next most senior PLCC manager.
6.2 In the case of child safety complaints, the PLCC will review the allegations and respond to the staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors who raised the complaint.
6.3 While the procedural requirements of the various child safety resolution mechanisms vary, PLCC aims to ensure that:
• child safety complaints are addressed sensitively, promptly and in accordance with relevant PLCC policy and principles of natural justice;
• all reasonable steps are taken to respect the confidentiality of the people involved in a complaint;
•fairness and impartiality prevail throughout the appropriate resolution process - until a child safety complaint is investigated and a decision is made, a grievance is an allegation, not a fact;
• appropriate records are maintained throughout the resolution process;
• persons who notify of a child safe complaint are protected from victimisation or reprisal; and
• persons who notify a child safe complaint are regularly informed of the progress of the matter, including the consequences of any finding that the grievance is substantiated or not substantiated.
6.4 Most child safe complaints should be able to be resolved at local level. Before entering into the formal process, the aggrieved staff volunteers, students, members and contractors should attempt to resolve the child safe complaint with his or her nominated supervisor, or next most senior manager.
6.5 In circumstances where the child safe complaint is unable to be resolved at the informal stage or local level, the nominated supervisor or next most senior PLCC manager who has received the complaint may refer the matter to the Committee of Management who will either make a relevant determination about the complaint, investigate the matter to make findings of fact or refer the matter to an external investigator to make findings of fact.
6.6 If the complaint is dealt with formally, PLCC will aim to ensure:
• Before a complaint is investigated, the complainant relevantly describes the allegations they wish to make (in most instances, but not all, this will need to be in writing), including particulars of the allegations so that they can be investigated appropriately;
• The person against whom the allegations are made is provided with a copy of the allegations that will be investigated; and
• All parties are informed in writing of the outcomes of any investigative process.
6.7 Outcome and Referral
If a child safe complaint is investigated under 6.5 of this Policy and findings are made that substantiate any or all of the allegations made, the Manager may refer the matter to the PLCC Committee of Management who may:
• Counsel the staff member involved on their behaviour and the findings made as a result of the investigation;
• Commence disciplinary action in accordance with Section 7 of the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2013 - 2017 (or its successor), which could lead to disciplinary action being taken, including termination of employment;
• Take some other form of appropriate action; or
• Take no further action.
6.8 This Child Safe Policy and Procedure shall be a complete code for PLCC in managing and resolving Child Safe complaints. This policy in no way limits a staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors rights, including their access to Fair Work Commission or any other jurisdiction (court or tribunal).
7 Confidentiality and Victimisation
7.1 The parties to a child safe complaint are required, at all stages of this policy and procedure, to maintain confidentiality in relation to the concern or compliant. The parties must not disclose, by any form of communication, either the fact or the substance of the matter to anyone other than an advocate, staff representative.
7.2A person must not victimiseor otherwise subject another person to detrimental actionas a consequence of that person raising, providing information about, orotherwise being involved in the resolution of a complaint under these procedures
7.3 Any breach of either the confidentiality or non-victimisation requirements will be treated seriously by PLCC, and may result in disciplinary action. Any such breach will be referred for investigation and handling in accordance with the relevant misconduct procedure.
8 Policy Review
From time to time the PLCC may make changes to this Policy to improve the effectiveness of its operation.
9 Further Assistance
Any staff, volunteer, student, member and contractor who requires assistance with this Policy should first consult with their direct supervisor. Should further advice be required staff, volunteers, students, members and contractors should contact the Centre Manager on 97728588.
Patterson Lakes Community Centre/Policies & Procedures/Child Safe Policy/2016
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