Further details
We are looking to appoint 4 teachers, 2 permanent and 2 temporary for twelve months in the first instance. We have no particular Year group or subject specialisation needs just individuals with existing or developing excellent practice in the classroom. Please indicate in your application letter any evidence that you have that your teaching is of a high quality.
We are hoping for applications from existing teachers and from trainees who are at the end of their training.
We have an excellent record in terms of supporting the development of teachers and we hold our staff in very high regard, they are our most valuable resource and so we take time to nurture and value them. Staff enjoy coming to work and most give 100% to both children and colleagues. We all work hard here and our efforts are rewarded with the satisfaction gained from seeing children move on with their learning. The school population comes from a range of backgrounds, free meals entitlement is 20% and many have difficulties outside school. We have a strong Pastoral Team to support our work with our children.
As we are expecting a large number of applications for this post we will not be able to respond to each applicant personally.
The closing date is Wednesday 11thApril at noon.
If you have not heard from us by the end of the day on Friday 13th April please assume your application has not been carried forward to the next stage. If this is the case please accept our thanks for your application and our best wishes for any further applications you might be making.
A short listing event for this post will be held on Monday 16th April. The candidates will be shown round the building, given a context presentation by the headteacher and then each applicant will then have a 5 minute slot with the Headteacher and Deputy to introduce themselves and explain what skills/qualities they have which makes them suitable for a position at Westgate Primary school. Following this a number will be invited to attend school on Friday 20th April and / or Friday 27th April for lesson observations and interviews.
If you like a challenge, don't mind hard work and want to get involved with a successful, growing school, fill in your application and return it to us by noon on Wednesday 11thApril. If you have any further queries please ring the school direct on 01524 832747.
Please note we will be unable to do school tours before the shortlisting event.