Sexual exploitation of children and young people is child abuse andtackling child sexual exploitation is one of the most important current challenges for the LSCB. It is the responsibility of all partner agencies to identify all children and young people at risk of exploitation, in order to prevent them from becoming victims, and it is the responsibility of all partner agencies to protect and safeguard all children and young people who are experiencing exploitation from further harm. In order to meet this challenge, a shared understanding of the problem and a shared responsibility to proactively address all areas of sexual exploitation is required. This will be achieved by efficient working partnerships between agencies with active coordination by the LSCB, in recognition that the most effective way to tackle this form of child abuse is via a committed coordinated multi-agency approach, in partnership with children, young people, families and communities.
Please send your completed questionnaire to LSCB, 3rd Floor, 2 Great George Street, Leeds, LS2 8BA
Child Sexual Exploitation Scoping QuestionnaireName:
Email Address:
Question / Answer
1a. Does your organisation have a designated lead with overall responsibility for CSE?
1b. How arestaff made aware of who is the designated lead for CSE within your organisation? / Yes / No
If answered yes – what does this role entail?
If answered no – what plans do you have to address this?
Please explain:
2a. Does your organisation have CSE policies and procedures in place?
2b. If you answered yes to the question do you have systems in place to monitor and quality assures the implementation and compliance of your CSE policies and procedures? / Yes / No
If answered no – what plans to you have to address this?
Yes / No
If answered no - what plans to you have to address this?
Do your staff have access to the following training:
How to recognise the signs of CSE?
How to identify young people at risk of, or experiencing, sexual exploitation?
How to respond to any concerns?
How to safeguard young people from sexual exploitation?
How to work with/ support potentially sexually exploited children/ young people?
Is the training provided ‘in-house’?
If not, who does providethe training?
Do you know how many staff have been trained?
If answered yes to the above question please state the number as a % of the workforce who require training / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / no
Please give details of provider
Yes / No
Please enter %
4.Does your organisation collect the following data on the number of young people you work with:
Believed to be at risk of sexual exploitation?
Believed to be experiencing sexual exploitation?
The number of CSE referrals your organisation has made to CSWS / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Please add any additional comments
5a. Does your organisation provide any form of child sexual exploitation support to children and young people?
5b. If yes which of the following do you provide this to? / Yes / No
Girls & young women only
Boys & young men only
Girls & boys
6. What type of support do you provide?
Information on a website for young people
General awareness raising to young people
Targeted awareness raising for young people identified as at risk
One to one work
Therapeutic one to one work
Group work / Yes/No
7. Does the support you provide cover any of the following?
Managing risk
Helping child recognise abuse process
Self-esteem work
Boosting resilience
Alcohol misuse
Substance misuse
Sexual health
Mental health
Family support
Offending behaviour
Online safety
Grooming awareness
Sexting awareness
Employment / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Other type of support, please specify
8. If you want to tell us anything else about the support you provide please complete this section