August 7, 2017

Dear Sixth Grade Students and Parents,

Welcome to sixth grade at Schilling Farms Middle School! The sixth grade teachers have new and exciting plans for this year’s classes and hope you are looking forward to the coming year as much as we are.

Please read and discuss the attached information carefully. It is vital that we all work together to make this school year a meaningful and enriching experience for each student. Parents, you are your child’s first and most important educator. We appreciate the opportunity to work with your child and welcome your input. We know how very precious your child is to you and will do our best to provide your child with a caring and supportive learning experience. We’re looking forward to a successful year for your child. As always, we appreciate your support in this endeavor.


The Sixth Grade Teachers

Welcome to the Sixth Grade


Language Arts Community

Ms. Bowie - Rm 107

Ms. Hobbs/Ms. Ross - Rm 109

Ms. Houston - Rm 108

Science Community

Ms. Arwine – Rm 103

Ms. Lyons - Rm 105

Ms. Sellers – Rm 106e

Stem Community Communications Workshop Community

Ms. Davis - Rm 601

Ms. Braxton - Rm 602

Interventionist Ms. Cardwell – Rm 607

Ms. Coudriet – Rm 406

Ms. Hatcher – Rm 311 Ms. Emerling - Rm 604

Ms. Vencel – Rm 603

Grading Scale: Conduct

A= 93-100 E

B= 85-92 S

C= 75-84 N

D= 70-74

F= Below 70

***The grading scale will be used for all classes except Communications Workshop and Stem. Communications Workshop and Stem are non-graded courses.

Grading Procedure:

The following category weights will be used for all academic courses except Communications Workshop and Stem.

Academic Classes

Homework 5%

Classwork 20%

Quizzes 30%

Tests 45%

We believe that homework is an important part of the instructional process. These assignments review, reinforce, and extend learning. We feel that parents are key to making homework a positive experience for their child. We ask that you make homework a priority by providing a set time and place for your child to complete his/her homework. If there is not a specific assignment, encourage your child to read, practice math facts, or review/prepare for future tests/projects. Homework will affect your child’s grades. Homework, either written or review, will be assigned at each teacher’s discretion.

Make-up Work:

Parents may call the school before 9 AM on the third day of each student’s absence to request assignments. They may be picked up after 2:00 PM on the third day. A student has one day for each day missed to complete and turn in make-up work. Tests are made up by special arrangement. Missed assignments will be readily available to students in each classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to secure and complete make-up work. This also applies to students who miss class because of school-sponsored activities.

Arrival Time:

Students are not allowed in the hallways until 7:45 AM. If students arrive early, they must report to the cafeteria. A staff member or administrator will dismiss the students to their classrooms at 7:45 AM. At that time, the students may begin to enter their homerooms and prepare for the school day. It is important that your child arrives on time. After 8:00 AM, the students are considered tardy.

Sixth Grade Discipline Plan


1. At all times, be respectful to your teachers and fellow students.

2. Be in your seat and ready to learn.

3. String bags and water bottles must be kept under your desk at all times.

4. Do not eat food or chew gum in class or in the hallways.

5. Take a direct route to your classes without stopping to talk or going to another

location. Use transition times between classes for water and restroom breaks.

6. iPads must remain OFF while in homeroom, the hallways, and the restrooms.

7. When you arrive to class, place your iPad on your desk, screen side down, and wait

for directions.

8. When not in use, keep the iPad screen side down on your desk.

9. Use the iPad for school use as instructed by your teacher only. This includes using the

internet, apps, airdrop, email, taking photos or videos, audio recordings, and using

headphones or ear buds.

10. Never allow another student to use or borrow your iPad.


Step 1: Student receives warning.

Step 2: Student will confer with teacher. Parent contact is made.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2. Includes a formal detention warning.

Step 4: Detention assigned.

Conduct grade for the quarter cannot be higher than “S”.

Step 5: Repeat Step 4. Parent conference required.

Conduct grade for the quarter cannot be higher than “N”.

Step 6: Disciplinary referral to office.

***Teachers reserve the right to assign and hold Silent Lunch in their classrooms for violation of established rules.

***Teachers also reserve the right to take away privileges for students who repeatedly violate the rules. For example, a student who is repeatedly assigned to detention or ISS may not be allowed to participate in Field Day.

***Severe Clause- Immediate referral to administration for fighting, inappropriate language, disrespectful actions, or other unacceptable behaviors.

Reward Options:

1. Verbal praise

2. Treats

3. Special activities

4. Positive Notes

5. Homework Coupons and Other Incentives

All students are allowed the privilege of a locker. Lockers are the property of the school and as such they are loaned to students for the safekeeping of books, supplies, and personal belongings.

In order to have the privilege of a locker, each student needs to

remember the following rules:

1.  Keep a lock on your locker at all times. (No lock, no locker)

2.  Never give your locker combination to another student.

Make sure you have everything you will need for class(es)

before you leave your locker. You will NOT be allowed to

return to your locker until the next class change (if time allows).

3.  Keep backpacks in your locker during the day.

4.  You will have designated times to visit your locker.

5.  In order to keep your locker, you must bring all required items to class. Failure to do so will result in a consequence.

6.  Continued failure to bring necessary materials to class will result in the loss of your locker privilege.

7.  Going to your locker for the purposes of socializing is not permitted.

8.  Having a locker is a privilege. This privilege can be taken away if any of the above rules are violated.

Schilling Farms Middle School

Sixth Grade

Dear Parents,

The 6th Grade Packet for the 2017-2018 school year can be found on your child’s homeroom teacher’s website. The website can be accessed through the Schilling Farms Website. Please read the packet, review the information with your child, and sign and date below.

My child and I have read all of the information in the 6th Grade Packet, including the discipline plan and the locker policy, and we agree to abide by and support the staff and their program.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Student Signature Date



*Parents-please complete this form, and return it to your child’s homeroom teacher.

Student Name:______Birthday:______


Mother’s Name:______Father’s Name:______

Parent Email Addresses

Mother: ______

Father: ______

Parent Phone Numbers

Mother: ______(hm) ______(cell) ______(wk)

Father: ______(hm) ______(cell) ______(wk)

Locker Number: ______

Locker Combination: ______-______-______

Transportation Information

Bus Rider______Car rider______Walker______***If you checked more than one, please explain below. If your child’s method of transportation changes, please contact his/her homeroom teacher.


Additional Information you would like to share about your child:


