Digital Media – Grade 6 - PowerPoint Study Guide
Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for PowerPoint:
In PowerPointIndent Bulleted Text (move bullet to right) / Tab Key
Unindent Bulleted Text (move bullet to left) / Shift Key + Tab Key
Select All (All Slides, All Text in a Box) / Control Key + A
Cut (Moves Selected Text or an Image) / Control Key + X
Copy(Copies Selected Text or an Image) / Control Key + C
Paste(Inserts the Cut or Copied Item) / Control Key + V
In Slideshow
Navigate to Next Slide / N, Spacebar, , Down Arrow, Page Down
Navigate to Previous Slide / P, Backspace, , Up Arrow, Page Up
Pen Tool (to Draw on Slides) / Control Key + P
Arrow Tool (to Select with Normal Pointer) / Control Key + A
Erase Slide / E
Blackout (Hide slide with Black Screen) / B
Whiteout (Hide slide with White Screen) / w
PowerPoint – PowerPoint is a program created by the Microsoft Corporation. It is used to create a slideshow and communicate a message to an audience using text and images. Individual subtopics are organized on separate slides.
Template – A template is a pre-designed collection of formatting options for the slide background and text colors. The template may include graphics in the background, and a variety of fonts, bullets, and text colors may be included in the design.
Slideshow – A slideshow is a collection of slides that are used to organize text and communicate a message to an audience. The slide show can be displayed in full view and presenters can click to move forward from one subtopics to the next.
Slide – A slide contains text and images to organize an idea. Text may be organized to include a title and bulleted lists.
Slide Layout – A prearranged slide containing blocks of reserved space for the title and the bulleted lists for text. There may also be a space reserved for an image.
Title– A heading that appears at the top of a slide and hints at the content that will be presented while the slide is displayed.
Bulleted List– Text is organized so that subtopics appear to the left in a bulleted list. Descriptive details or examples that are related to the subtopic are then indented to the right.
Image– An image is a picture (photo, clipart, drawing, etc) used to enhance or make connections to the content(text) by providing something that is related and visual.
Resize Object – A double-headed arrow is used to change the size of an object (such as an image) by clicking and dragging the mouse on any corner of the object.
Move Object – A four-headed arrow is used to change the size of an object (such as an image) by clicking anywhere on the object and dragging the object to a different location on the slide.
Action Button – An action button is an object such as a button or drawing object or picture thatis usedto connect to a specific Internet webpage or slide. It is a “clickable” object that can be used to share information during a slideshow.
Handout – A handout is a printed document that allows you to include multiple, miniature slides on the same sheet of paper. (It also saves ink compared to printing one full page slide per page!)