(704) 454-7300 ex. 1605

Unit 3: The Legislative Branch


·  Respect and responsibility are the keys to success in this class. You are to respect everyone and everything in the room and it is your responsibility to prepare for your future by taking advantage of the opportunities to succeed in this class.

·  Take advantage of all opportunities to increase your grade!

·  There will be a notebook check during this unit which will include all Unit 3 & 4 documents and activities.

·  All make up work is due within one week of returning to school from an absence. If missing work is not completed within the allotted amount of time, you will receive a ZERO on that assignment. See Ms. Paxton for missed assignments or to schedule a make-up quiz or test.

Date / Topic/Activities / Assignments
Tuesday 9/30 / PLAN TEST, Electoral College Webquest; work on Project
Wednesday 10/1 / PLAN TEST, finish project, current events / Finish project
Thursday 10/2 / Political Projects due!; Political Parties Quiz; Presidential Elections; Guided Notes: Structure of Congress / Read and take notes on pgs 176-182 for RQ
Friday 10/3 / U3RQ1; Notes: Powers of Congress/Jobs of Congress; Create Your Own Bill / Read and take notes on pgs 197-202 for RQ
Monday 10/6 / U3RQ2; Notes: How A Bill Becomes A Law; collaborative group activity: Congress Simulation / Continue working on Study Guide
Tuesday 10/7 / Video: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington with viewing guide / Continue working on Study Guide
Wednesday 10/8 / Finish video; Webquest on Congress / Continue working on Study Guide
Thursday 10/9 / Contemporary Issues & Government Responses; Review; Current Events / Study for the Test; complete Study Guide
Friday 10/10 / Unit 4 Test: Legislative Branch / Get progress report signed!!!

Essential Standards: CE.C&G.2; CE.C&G.3; CE.C&G.5

Extra Credit Opportunity: Due the day of the test

·  Write a letter to a congressman about an issue that is important to you. Try to persuade them to take action as you see fit. Use facts to back up your opinions. Cite your sources.

***I have read and understand the assignments and responsibilities listed above.***

Student Signature: ______Date:

Parent Signature: ______Date: