Young Professionals – Managing and Leading Regional Rural Governance (9803204100) p 2
Young Professionals – Managing and Leading Regional Rural Governance
Please fulfill correctly and completely the following requested information. If requested, dates should be written like 20-09-2009 (for 20th September 2009). The latest date should always be at the beginning of a list. Delete not useful table cells or insert new ones.
Deadline for application: 29th of January 2010
Please send the completed documents in one single document (pdf, scanned documents integrated) with the mail subject: Application InWEnt Young professionals to BOTH mail adresses below:
1.) Henriette Stange
2.) Katarina Spasovska
1. Checklist for eligibility 2
2. Personal details 3
3. Curriculum vitae 3
4. Letter of motivation 3
5. Letter of recommendation and employers confirmation 3
6. Background information 3
1. Checklist for eligibility
Please check first your personal eligibility for the programme!
Yes, I am aged between 25 and 39 years. / q.Yes, I am fluent in English and can negotiate in English. / q
Yes, I do have two years of working experience in the rural or regional
development sector. / q
Yes, I do have the intention to take over managerial functions. / q
Yes, I do have an academic degree in a relevant field (e.g. agriculture, economics, and politics). / q
Yes, I am a national of one of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo1, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia / q
If you can tick all boxes above – please proceed with the application. / x
1 under UNSCR 1244
2. Personal details
Please fulfill correctly and completely the following requested information.
1. Surname / 2. First Name3. Date, place and country of birth / 4. Private address:
5. Phone No.: / 6. Fax No.
7. E-mail: / 8. Nationality
9. Sex / Male: Female: (Please, mark with an X)
10. Maritial status / 11. Religion
12. Knowledge of languages (Please, mark with an X)
speak / write / read
fluent / medium / elementary / good / medium / elementary / good / medium / elementary
13. Educational Record
From / to / Name and place of institution / Major fields of studies / Degree, Diploma, Certificate
Vocational schools (technical, commercial or others)l
Other educational institutions (corrrespondence courses etc.)
14. Employment Record
From / to / Employer / 1. Position held
2. Description of duties performed
15. Current Position and employing organization
Employing organization: / Postal Address of employing organization:
Kind of organisation / Governmental organization: Non governmental organization:
Private enterprise: (Please, mark with an X)
Exact position held by the applicant: / Email of the employing organization:
16. Previous stays abroad and/or participation in national conferences, workshops, training courses
From / to / Country / Purpose / Financed by
3. Curriculum vitae (1 to 2 pages)
4. Letter of motivation
We are highly interested, to get to know about your motivation for this programme. Please, describe referring to the three questions in blue!
· My vision for the development of my favourite country region and/or institution (where I work) for the year 2015 (0.5 pages).
· My idea of the first steps, being realistic and useful, to get closer to my vision of the future (rest of page)
· My concrete project idea
You are expected to suggest a concrete project, which will be realized during the running project time (completion expected by September 2010). Imagine your vision and your current position: what kind of project will you suggest to us and realize in your country?
(Ideas: You can define and deliver a change process in your institution. You may develop a regional development plan (commonly agreed) for your region. You can develop and deliver a working plan and/or schedule of responsibilities within your ministry related to the regional development. You can develop and deliver a programme on good governance, can create a programme for capacity development or deliver a project on awareness raising on rural development.)
5. Letter of recommendation and employers confirmation
Letter of recommendation
Name of the recommending personPosition/ Function within the home
Reason for the recommendation of the candidate
Description of the benefit for the home organisation
______, the______
Place/Country Date
______Signature of the recommending person
Employers confirmation
Institution/ Company Letter Head
Place, Date
Letter of support from INSTITUTION/ COMPANY NAME concerning the “Young Professionals – Managing and Leading Regional Rural Governance”
We are declaring to support the participation of Mr./ Ms. Firstname Name in the “Young Professionals – Managing and Leading Regional Rural Governance” Programme for the Western Balkans.
· We are aware that Mr./ Ms. Firstname Name will participate during two training courses in Germany
o Step 2: March 18th to 31st 2010 and
o Step 4: May 31st to June 20th 2010 (please add travel times!)
· Between and after these training courses the participant has to work on his own project, suggested to us and supported by local coaching capacities.
The institution/ company is aware, that she has to take care of the travel costs.
All other costs for training, board, lodging and health insurance for the entire duration of the training courses are covered by InWEnt gGmbH of Germany.
We will do our best in order to support Mr./ Ms. Firstname Name during the implementation phases and we are willing to give the applicant a leave of absence for the length of each seminar.
Place / Country Date
Signature of the representative of the home company/ Stamp of the home company
6. Background information
Regional development processes in rural areas of the South Eastern European countries are characterised by a high complexity and are influenced by various fields of politics. The EU integration requires substantial adjustments to the EU policies on the national and the regional level.
Firstly, the complexity is increased, since the preparation for the implementation of EU policies and the design and implementation of national policies proceed at the same time.
Secondly, the stakeholders involved are heterogeneous. On the political and administrative level, there are different institutions responsible for rural and regional development. Furthermore, representatives of the civil society and the private sector influence the decision making process.
Therefore new modes of cooperation between the public, the civil and the private sector are needed. Effectiveness and transparency of the participation in the political and the administrative decision making process is vital for a democratic regional development.
Frequently, this is called "Regional Governance". If talking about rural areas, the term "Regional Rural Governance" is used referring to a Good Governance in rural areas.
Yet, there is a lack of Capacity Building Activities enabling professionals and stakeholders to actively participate in the design, implementation and management of policies fostering rural and regional development on local, regional and national level.
The objective of the pilot training sequence "Young Professionals – Managing and Leading Regional Rural Governance" is to support Young Professionals working in rural and regional development, in acquiring professional, methodological and personal competencies needed to take a leading role in designing, implementing and managing change processes towards a "Good Governance" in rural areas.
Target Group
20 to 25 Young Professionals/ Young decision makers working at institutions/ organisations designing respectively implementing strategies and policies for rural and regional development. Since rural and regional development is a cross-sectoral and cross-level approach, the participants should come from different backgrounds: National level (ministries and downstream authorities responsible for rural and regional development, e. g. agriculture or economy), regional and local level (municipalities, regional development agencies), educational and research institutions as well as civil society, the private sector and NGOs.
· Policy analysis: theory and practice
· "Policy Cycle Approach" and management
· Change Management
· Competency profile analysis of participants
· Development of transfer projects (to be implemented in the participants' organisations)
· Integrated Regional and Rural Development
- EU policies/ programmes for rural regions‘ development in the EU approximation/ accession process (IPA)
- LEADER-Approach including the drafting/ implementation of regional development concepts
- Diversification of rural areas (Tourism, support to SME’s, renewable energy)
- Participatory stakeholder involvement
- Cross-region and cross-border partnerships
· Project management and management skills
· Soft Skills necessary to induce and manage change processes, e. g.:
- Communication, presentation, teambuilding
- Moderation, facilitation and negotiation
- Project management methods and instruments
You are expected to complete two reports on your own learning progress, commenting on the professional experience and knowledge you have gained. Please note that you have to be specific and describe this progress by examples from your work. A special emphasis should be laid on the implementation in your home company (according to your action plan) after you have completed the training courses abroad.
Working Method
The training courses focus on the active participation and inputs of all participants. Through integration and accumulation of their experiences, the training courses promote the regional and interregional exchange of know-how. Participatory working methods, such as practical group work, presentations and moderated discussions in the plenary enable participants to elaborate issues independently and autonomously and promote sustainable know-how transfer. A special focus is on various field visits, e. g. to German Federal (Berlin) and state ministries (Stuttgart) as well as rural regions e.g. LEADER Projects. Theoretical knowledge can be deepened and the topics will be discussed with practitioners.
Rules and regulations of the seminars in Germany
The following gives an overview of rules and regulations for the participants in the programme. It provides you with the necessary information for the internship period. In order to avoid misunderstandings and disappointment, please read the text carefully.
1. Preparation for travelling
Some of the selected participants need visas for travelling to Germany. InWEnt will support the participants when applying for a visa. It will provide them with individual invitation letters to be presented at the embassies of Germany. Please make sure that your travelling passport is valid for at least 6 months.
Participants will have to make their own travel arrangements and bear the travel costs themselves respectively their sending organisation.
2. Arrival in host country
The seminars will take place
· in Zschortau near Leipzig (International Training Centre) from March 18th to 31st 2010. Arrival will be March 17th, departure will be April 1st 2010.
· close to/ in Stuttgart from May 31st to June 20th 2010. Arrival will be May 30th, departure will be June 21st 2010.
We will provide you with information details regarding the location of the seminar venues and will arrange accommodation.
3. Costs
The travel costs have to be born by your sending organisation.
All costs for training, board, lodging and health insurance for the entire duration of the training courses will be covered by InWEnt. All costs for site visits and daily allowances will be covered by InWEnt.
Personal expenses will be covered by you.
I herewith acknowledge that I have carefully read and accept the information above and I commit myself to observing the above rules.I hereby declare that
- I am medically fit and free from any infectious
- the statements made by me on this form are
true, complete and correct. / If accepted for a training award I undertake to
- observe the host country’s laws,
- accept the course regulations,
- return to my home country at the end of
the training programme.
I have been informed that family members are not to accompany me.
Place, Date Signature of the applicant