GeneralInformation...... 1
A.Summer AppointmentsforGPTI/TAsonprogram 100–Instructional FOP...... 2
B.Summer AppointmentsforGPTI/TAsonprogram 200–Research FOP...... 2
C.Summer AppointmentsforGPTI/TAsonboth program100 and 200...... 3
D.WorkStudy Appointmentsfor either GPTI/TA appointments...... 3
Things tokeep inmind...... 3
The purposeof this document is toprovide instructions andinformationaboutgraduate students who
hadspringappointments as 9month GPTIs/TAs andwill beteachingor doingresearchinthesummer.Followingthe instructionssetforth inthis documentwillensure TexasTechUniversityisin compliancewith federal regulations.
EOPSvs.ePAF: If anemployeeisperformingdutiesfor30calendar daysormore,anePAFmustbe prepared andsubmitted inordertopay the employeefor time worked.TheEmployeeOnetime Payment system(EOPs)canonlybe used insituationswherean employee is performingdutiesfor less than30calendar days.
SUMMER EXEMPTePAF:HumanResourceshascreateda newSummer ePAFtoassistyouin processing your Summer School appointments. The TTUAddSecondary JobandFuture EndJob –SummerExempt ePAF(TSJFJE)hasbeencreated for thesole purpose of beginningandendingsummer appointments with one ePAF.Please see the ePAFtemplate attachedtoassist youinoriginatingyour summer appointments.Itisrequiredthat thisePAFbeusedtoappoint a9monthTA/GPTImembertoasummerjob.
NOTE:All 9-monthGPTI/TA’s primaryjobsmust remainunchanged.Nine-month GPTI/TA positions (primaryandsecondary) willbe automaticallyplaced on leave without paywith benefitsforthe summer months.
Summer InstructionsGPTI-TA.docxPage 1of3
A.Summer Appointments forGPTI/TAsonprogram 100–Instructional FOP:
A SpringGPTI/TA canearnuptoone-ninthof hisor her academicyear based salaryduringeachmonth of thesummer (June,July andAugust).A SpringGPTI/TA thatwill beteachinginthe summerwill need tobeassigned asecondaryjobforthat summer session.
Positionnumber andSuffix:
- A SpringGPTI/TA that willbe teachingin the summerwill needtobe assigneda secondary jobfor thatsummer session. The summer appointmentshouldusethe primaryposition number assignedto thatGPTI/TA,with a suffixof‘10’.
- It will beassigned an FTE based onthework loadfor the summersession.
- The TA/GPTImayhave summerappointmentsforSummer I,SummerII or both.These appointmentswill beconsidered secondaryjobsinsteadof primaryoroverloadjobs.
- If multiple Instructional positions are tobe assigned simultaneously,a‘20’suffixcanbe used for theadditionalsummerappointmenttothe same position/title.
Annual Salary:
- Annual Salary will need to be figured ona factorof9.
- Factorswill be9
- Payswill be 9
- UseanRGSearncode
- RGS requires Hours per PayPeriod(not units)
- GPTI/TA positions canonlybe used for Instructional purposesonly. FOAPprogramfunding will be100 (Employees doingnoninstructional relatedworkmustbegivena secondjobtitle
–see below)
- ePAFs for appointmentsfunded specificallyfromthe summer school budget(Inbudget pool ‘6Z2’) donotneedtobe routedthroughtheProvost office.
B.SummerAppointmentsforGPTI/TAson program 200– ResearchFOP: A GPTI/TA doingresearch duringthe summermonthsshouldbe assignedas aResearch Assistant-Grad Student forthattime period.
Positionnumber andSuffix:
- A SpringGPTI/TA that willbeworkingonresearchinthe summerwill needtobeassigned a secondary jobfor thatsummersession. Thesummer appointmentshoulduse thepooled Research Assistantpositionnumber assigned toyour departmentwith asuffixof ‘10’.
- AnFTE based ontheworkloadfor thesummer sessionwill needtobe assigned.
- If multiplesummerResearchpositions aretobe assigned simultaneously, a ‘20’suffix canbe used fortheadditional summer appointmenttothesameposition/title.
Annual Salary:
- Annual Salary will needto be figured ona factorof12.
- Factorswill be 12
- Payswill be12
- UseanRGSearncode
- RGS requires Hours per PayPeriod(not units)
Summer InstructionsGPTI-TA.docxPage 2of3
State funding may be used to pay summer appointments for existing employees hired prior to February 1st. Summer appointments for employees hired on or after February 1st, may be paid with other institutional non-state sources.
- Research Assistantpositions canonlybeused forResearch purposesonly. FOAPprogram fundingwill be 200
C.SummerAppointmentsforGPTI/TAsonbothprogram 100and 200: If the graduatestudentwillhavebothTeachingand Researchpositions,the FTEwill needtobe split between thetwopositionsaccordingtothe work load.The student willhave twojobs.
D.Work StudyAppointmentsfor eitherGPTI/TAappointments:
If a graduate student isapproved for workstudy fundingduringeither summer schoolsession, the ePAF will be prepared usingtheW positionnumber provided to youbythe work study office.
Thingsto keepinmind:
1.The summer appointmentshoulduse the primarypositionnumber assignedtothatGPTI/TA
member,witha suffixof ‘10’. Ifmultiple summer positions are tobeassigned simultaneously,a ‘20’ suffix can be used for the additional summer appointmentstothesame position/title.
2.GPTI/TA positions canonlybe used for instructionalwork.
3.Research Assistantpositions canonlybeused for Researchwork.
4.AnFTE will needtobe assigned toALLsummerpositions. If multiple positions willbe assigned,the FTE will needtobe split accordingtothe work load.
5.AnRGS –RegularSalaryearnings codewith hours calculated bythe FTE will be used inthe Create or change defaultearningssectionofthe ePAF.
6.If FTEchangeswilloccur for a title fromonesummer sessiontoanother, an FTE change ePAFcan be used toassignthe newFTE, payrateandjoblabordistribution.
7.All jobswhichhave anactive statusthrough9/1(have not beenended inthis fiscalyear)will be requiredtobe budgetedfor duringBudgetPrepfor the next FY.
8.Any GPTIor TAappointment mustbe routedthroughthe Graduate School for approval.
If youhavequestions, pleasecontactHumanResources–CompensationOperations for assistance at 742-3851or sendusan .
TTUAdd Secondary Joband Future EndJob–Summer ExemptePAF(TSJFJE)Template
Summer InstructionsGPTI-TA.docxPage 3of3
Purpose ofthisePAFApproval Category:(Only Availablefor Summer Appointments)
For use whena Faculty/TA/GPTIemployeehas a primary job onleavefor thesummer and
will beappointedtoteach or researchduring thesummer;must indicate thesummer jobenddate.
For details andcomparisonwith other ePAFs,pleasereviewtheGuidefor Choosing anePAF document ontheHR JobAids webpage.
ThePersonnel Dateis the firstday of the new job, regardless of whether it occurred inthe past or is an upcomingdate.
TheQuery Dateis pre-populated withtoday’s date andshould be over-typed witha date that is after both the previous Job EndDate andthe Last PaidDate.The ePAFwill applyeven after
the Due Date.If the employee missed a paycheck,a Manual Check Request mustbe submittedfor eachpay periodmissed.
The final day of the jobshouldbe enteredin all3date fields.
Hint: Do not use the browser Hint: Save often
Hint:Use Decision Guide for QueryDate
Hint:Use the Job Aid "ePAF Attachment Instructions"
Hint: Followthe example for dates input.
Hint: No dashesor spaces in most input boxes
NEW ePAF PERSON SELECTION Screen. This isthe first ePAF entryscreen
QueryDate Approval Category
Enter R# OR Search for R#. Do NOTgenerate a new R#
Hint: Enter THE DATE (if it isnot today'sdate)
TTU Add Sec Job AND Future End-SUMMER Exempt TSJFJE
NEW ePAF JOB SELECTION Screen. This isthe screen where you enter or select the T# position.
HINT:If theperson was previouslyappointed to this T#, click ALL JOBS to getappts and select the previous apt byclicking theround radial in the Select column.
HINT:Be sure to click the NEXT APPROVAL TYPE button until onlythe GObutton remains.
Enter Position Number
Suffix 10
Hint: Enter Position # for the newjob, and TAB to the Suffix. Use 10 for the first job assignment; use 20, 30, etcfor simultaneous job assignmentsto the same position/title.
The ePAF entryform opens.Be sure to followthese hintsbefore starting your entry:
HINT:Verifythe T#, suffix and title appear correctlyabove each Approval Type.
HINT:If this is a reappointment to a T#, copythe Job Begin Date fromthe Current Value to the NewValue column. HINT:Remember that the Default Earnings does not insert Effective Dates, and it needs to be entered on each line.
Add SecondaryJob Exempt
Job Begin Date (MM/DD/YYYY)Hint:Use the QueryDate as the Job Begin Date. Exception: If this isa reappointment and the employee was previouslyappointed to thisT# position, use the original JobBegin Date displayed in the Current Value Column of the ePAF.
Job TypeSecondary Default. Not overrideable.
JobsEffective Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Hint: Use the QueryDate asthe JobsEffective Date.
Personnel Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Hint:FollowTHE DATEReminders above.
Step0 Default. Not overrideable.
Annual Salary Use the ePAF Calculator job aid. For this summer ePAF
Use 9 mon salary of the title is 9 mo Faculty/TA/GPTI, or
Use 12 mon salary if the title is research.
This is not salary for a semester or salary for a month.
Job Status Active Default. Not overrideable.
Position Title Entrynot allowed. Defaults AFTER ePAF applies.
FTE Use 3-digit decimals (i.e. .50, .375) 1.0 is
Job Change Reason CodeNEWJO Add SecondaryJob
Timesheet COA Chart of Account, Tor S
Timesheet Orgn Home Organization code such asC11000
Supervisor IDR# ID of the job supervisor, who must have an active job.
COMPENSATION Exempt - Factor & Pays
Effective Date MM/DD/YYYY Hint: Use the QueryDate
Hoursper Day Use the ePAF Calculator job aid
Hoursper Pay Use the ePAF Calculator job aid
Factor Use 9 if the title is9 Mo Faculty/TA/GPTI; or
Use 12 if the title is 12 Mo research.
Pays CopyfromFactor above.
Effective Date (MM/DD/YYYY) / Earnings / Hrs or Unitsper Pay / Deemed Hours / Special Rate / Shift / End DatePickFromList
Use QueryDate / RGS / (Hours) / LvBlank / LvBlank / 1 / LvBlank
Hint: Onlymake entries in three columns- Effective Date, EarningsCode, and Hrsor Units(Shift ispre-loaded; LvBlank- leave column blank- column isnot used).
Effective Date:Use the QueryDate. Must be in theformat MM/DD/YYYY. Required with each Earnings Code. HLN /HLD is not required.
RGS for Exempt Regular Salary: Type RGS in the Earnings column. Hoursor Unitsper Payisthe same asHoursper Payentered above.
CAUTION:Do not 'edit' an Earnings Code that defaults into Default Earnings. If a code is unwanted, click to remove the line and enter the desired Earnings Code on a newline.
Be sure to click "SAVE and Add NewRows" if you make changes in Default Earnings.
Effective Date (MM/DD/YYYY)Hint: Date defaultsto the QueryDate
COA / Fund / Org / Acct / Program / Activity / Location / PercentTor S
Hint: Effective Date should be querydate.Hint:Percent column should total to 100.
CAUTION:FOAPAL defaults fromthe Position and onlythe Percent can be edited. If theFOAP is not wanted, set the percent to 0 and click to remove the line. Add desired FOAPs on newline(s) with appropriate percents. Be sure to click "SAVE and Add NewRows" if you make changes to the FOAPs.
JobsEffective Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Hint:FollowTHE DATERemindersabove.
Personnel Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Hint:FollowTHE DATERemindersabove.
Job StatusT Default. Not overrideable.
Job Change Reason CodeENJOB
Job End Date Hint:FollowTHE DATERemindersabove.
7 - AcademicSupport TTUFYI
20 - DepartmentApprove Hint: Click the magnifying glass and choose
75 - CompensationApprove a name for each level.
80 - BudgetApprove Hint: Find the “Default Routing” link in your Originator
95 - HRTTU ApprovalApprove Summary and save your normal approvers.
99 - HRTTU Apply- UploadApply
HINT: The minimumapprovalsfor most ePAF's are preloaded in the Routing Queue. If additional approvalsare required for a particular employee type such asfacultyor students(Grad School, Provost, etc), or if additional approvalsare required byyour department management or if the transaction isan exception to universitypolicy select the required approversfromthe Approval Level pull down list.