Online Resource List
LAWS (Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter)
Phone: 703.777.6552.
(Contacts are Sue Curtis, the executive director, (703) 771-3398, , or Bonnie Cady, . they both know me and feel free to say I referred you.)
Provides temporary emergency shelter, food and emotional support to women and their children who were escaping domestic violence and abuse. All LAWS services are confidential and free of charge. If you or someone you know, is in danger or emotional crisis because of:
Violence in the home
Violence in a dating relationship
Being stalked
Being an abused or neglected child
Having been sexually assaulted
List of services provided:
- Legal Services
- Domestic Violence Services and 24-Hour Crisis Hotline
- Youth and Children's Services
- Sexual Assault Services
- Teen Violence Prevention Program
- Nurturing Program
- The Resourceful Woman Thrift Shop
LCSJ(Loudon County Social Justice, part of LAWS)
Contact Hannah Lindsay, director of Sexual Assault 703.771.9020
Free individual counseling for women who have been sexually abused or are in abusive relationships.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. @ Crossroads UMC every Friday night 7-9 PM in Discipleship room.
Celebrate Recovery
Floris United Methodist Chruch
Time:7:00 PM
Location:Floris UMC
Where:Check Hall Monitors for Room Assignments
Childcare:You may drop your children off in our nursery located on the second floor. You will need to fill out forms before so please come a little earlier than your event.
Contact:Jeanette Debernardi (email) or call 703-793-0026 x121
Celebrate Recovery
Ashburn Presbyterian Church
Phone: 703-729-2012
20962 Ashburn Rd., AshburnVA20147-4708
A Christ-centered recovery program for recovery from: any addictions, codependency, family dysfunction, eating disorders, grief, anger…Meets at Ashburn Presbyterian Church every Wednesday night 7-9 PM in the Old Sanctuary.
Exists to bring awareness, openness, accountability and recovery to the church, society and individuals in the issues of pornography and to begin to provide solutions through non-judgmental and creative means. To learn more, visit
Adoption/Foster Care
Catholic Charities
Phone: 703-425-0100.
Children’s Services
5294 Lyngate Court
Burke, VA22015
If you and your spouse are interested in adopting a child or you are seeking information about domestic and international adoption Catholic Charities is available to help. The Catholic Charities Arlington Diocese (CCAD) is a licensed child-placing agency in the commonwealth of Virginia.
If you are pregnant and need help you can receive confidential help and supportive prenatal services and information on resources. The CCAD also has information and support on placing your baby for adoption.
United Methodist Family Services
Phone: 703-941-9008
6335 Little River Turnpike
Alexandria, VA20120
UMFS provides a range of adoption services that recognize that adoption is a lifelong process, creating a relationship between a child and adoptive parents. We pay special attention to the complex circumstances that give rise to the need for adoption and to the stresses and adjustments that ensue for all parties in this process.
Dates with a Purpose
Are you feeling that your marriage needs a bit of a spark? Or do you simply need space and a trusted babysitter? We can provide both!
The objective of Dates With a Purpose is to make space for couples to have focused time together to investin their marriage. Dates With a Purpose will give you the opportunity to meet other married couples, share stories, gain relationship tools, and laughs. From this place, you will head out on your dates with thoughts that we hope will inspire discussion and a renewed sense of the gift of your marriage.
When: 2nd Saturday of each month at 5:45pm (Registration closes the Monday before)
Where: Crossroads building (43454 Crossroads Dr.) in the Discipleship Room.
Contact: Marlene Blackburn
A Woman’s Choice
Phone: (703) 538-4305
6201 Leesburg Pike # 220
Falls Church, VA 22044-2201
Questions of pregnancy? This organization is independent, nonpolitical, nonsectarian, and well-prepared to help you, whether you are single or married, regardless of age, race and religion.
Our Services
We Provide...
•Free pregnancy test
• Counselingon abortion and
• alternatives
• Counseling as needed with
• parents, boyfriend or husband
• Referrals to a doctor for good
• medical care
• Show you how you can continue
• with school or your job
• Assistance with housing options
• Informationon community resources
We Will Continue to Offer...
• Ongoing personal counseling
• Fostering healthy relationships
• Furnish maternity and baby clothes
• Provide baby equipment
• Planning for the mother's and the
• baby's future
• Other assistance, depending on your
• particular circumstances
• Both prenatal and postnatal guidance
• Referral for adoption information
Christ House
Phone: 202-328-1100
1717 Columbia Road NW
Provides comprehensive health care for sick, homeless men & women and assist them in addressing critical issues to help break the cycle of homelessness.
Phone: 703-443-2000
224A Cornwall St. NW
Leesburg, VA20176
Dedicated team of highly-trained doctors and nurses who offer a wide-range of services including pediatrics, adult medicine, ob/gyn, mental health, and lab work. Patient services staff is available to answer questions about insurance coverage, choosing a doctor, making an appointment or getting a referral. Care for anyone in need, regardless of age or ability to pay, whether they have insurance. Medicare patients welcome.
Loudoun Free Clinic
Phone: 703-779-5416
224B Cornwall St. NW
Leesburg, VA20176
Serves low-income, uninsured residents of LoudounCounty. Provides health care through volunteer doctors, nurses, and others for quality health care.
Loudoun Cares
Operates the only comprehensive Information & Referral Help Line in the county. The Help Line provides FREE information on health and human services, community resources, and much more! The Help Line is available 9:00A.M.-5:00P.M., Monday – Friday and is also available in Spanish. Answers questions and refers on:
- Child Care
- Crisis Intervention
- Disability Services
- Domestic Violence Programs
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Employment Services
- Family Counseling
- Financial Assistance
- Food Banks
- Homeless Services
- Legal Assistance
- Maternal and Child Health Care
- Parenting Programs
- Senior Services
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
- Substance Abuse
- Transportation
- Volunteering
NEW Winter Fuel Fund helps low-income families pay utility costs. This creative partnership is rounded out by the Loudoun County Department of Family Services which has well-trained staff who take applications and carefully determine the eligibility of families seeking assistance.
The Closet
Phone: (703) 437-7652
845 Station St
Herndon, VA20170-4609
Assists low-income families by selling used clothing and household goods at a nominal price.
Mental Health
Phone: (703) 538-2872
2960 Sleepy Hollow Road
Falls Church, VA22044-2082
Website for Health Library:
One in five Americans will suffer from a mental illness during their lifetime that will require treatment. Learn more about the kind of mental health care that is available, where to go for help, and the treatments you may need.
DominionHospital offers individuals and families hope and help. Dominion's highly qualified physicians and staff combine their expertise to diagnose and treat you or your loved one, when you need it.
Friends of LoudounCounty Mental Health
Phone: 703-443-1380
17 Royal Street, S.E., Suite 103
Leesburg, VA20175
Friends of LoudounMental Health is a private nonprofit organization which operates in partnership with the Supported Living Services of the Loudoun County Mental Health Services. This group advocates for mental health needs throughout LoudounCounty, educates the general public about mental illnesses, and raises money to fund our various consumer-focused programs. Loudoun's Supported Living Services works directly with consumers of the county's programs who are experiencing serious mental illnesses.
NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness)
Phone: 703-524-7600 Information Hotline: 1-800-950-6264
Colonial Place Three
2107 Wilson Blvd. Suite 300
Arlington, VA22201-3042
You can reach our HelpLine representatives by calling 1 (800) 950- NAMI (6264), Monday through Friday from 10am-6pm ET or by writing to .
NAMI is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with mental illness. You can find local chapters or specific help on the website.
Our Savior’s Way Lutheran Church offers GriefShare sessions twice a year in Fall and Spring.
Phone: 703-858-9254
43115 Waxpool Road
Ashburn, VA20148
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life. GriefShare offers daily emails, that provide encouragement and reminders of the recovery process. Interested? View a Preview of Day 1.
Innerworks-This way to knowing yourself
Beth Ratchford, LCSW, MA
Beth is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who counsels primarily with adolescents. She is currently offering group therapy for Eating Disorders for younger adolescents (rising 9th and 10th graders).
Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral Counseling by appointment
Crossroads UMC
Rev. Jean Hankins
Phone: 703-729-5100 ext. 124
Jean is an ordained deacon in the United Methodist Church. Her work is primarily short-term spiritually-centered counseling or spiritual direction. Jean also holds a Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling and has applied to the state board for licensing. Jean is able to offer long-tern counseling or give referrals to licensed counseling practitioners in the area based on your specific needs.