Job Title: Senior Carer- Day/Night

Responsible To: Home Manager/Deputy Manager/ Nursing Sister/

Nursing Staff

Main Duties And Responsibilities:

  1. Allocate and facilitate care by deploying care assistants and ensuring work schedules are followed. Monitoring and controlling their work to ensure resident care is provided to a high standard.
  1. Maintain staff morale, develop good communication and interpersonal relations in all departments. Build team spirits and motivate staff towards a high standard of care.
  1. Assist residents in all aspects of daily living, monitoring health status and reporting relevant information to nurse in charge.
  1. Monitor and take responsibility for meal times, ensuring all residents has adequate dietary intake and fluids. Ensure all residents are gathered to the necessary areas for meal times and tea trolley goes out at agreed times. Ensure necessary records are completed.
  1. Ensure monthly/weekly weights are recorded and resident weights monitored using MUST tool and action plan put in place in liaison with nurse.
  1. Ensure resident’s rooms, clothes and belongings are maintained to satisfactory condition and each resident has adequate clothing and personal toiletries.
  1. Ensure chiropody, hair care and nail care are maintained on a regular basis.
  1. Participate with nursing staff in audit of standards of care e.g. nail care, slings, use of continence products and identify clear action plans.
  1. Attend staff meetings as necessary.
  1. Be responsible for standards of cleanliness and tidiness on floor including cupboards, commodes, bathrooms and individual resident rooms.
  1. Be responsible for care assistant breaks.
  1. Ensure all charts in resident rooms are recorded e.g. turns chart, food and fluid balance charts etc, in liaison with nurse.
  1. Ensure the Nurse call is answered promptly.
  1. Encourage a holistic approach to care, maintaining dignity, privacy and individuality of each resident, incorporating psychological, social and spiritual needs.
  1. Identify areas of concern regarding care and alongside nurse in charge formulate a plan of action in order to best meet the needs of the resident.
  1. Provide support, advice and guidance for the staff working within the team.
  1. Liaise and assist other members of the multidisciplinary team e.g. chiropodist, optician, dentist etc… in the interest of individual residents.
  1. Assist in the promotion of continence. Order products as required.
  1. Assist in framework of social activities by interacting with residents and helping them continue with hobbies and activities in the home.
  1. Clean and maintain equipment used by residents e.g. wheelchairs, commodes, hearing aids, spectacles etc.
  1. Ensure property book is completed on admission and residents clothing are clearly marked.
  1. Maintain an adequate supply of documentation/charts and photocopy as required.
  1. Adhere to and promote infection control guidelines. Order equipment as required.
  1. Ensure economic use of resources.
  1. Ensure confidentiality is maintained at all times.
  1. Adhere to all Policies and procedures of the Home.
  1. Be helpful and polite to residents and visitors at all times.
  1. Report all complaints to the Home Manager/ Nurse in Charge and assist with investigations when required.


  1. Induct new members of staff and complete induction pack.
  1. Train and encourage other staff as necessary.
  1. Identify staff training needs.
  1. Recognise own limitations and training needs, and seek advice and support from nurse in charge.
  1. Take active role in training sessions offered.
  1. Attend all mandatory training provided by the Home, and encourage other Care Assistants to attend also.
  1. Maintain registration with Northern Ireland Social Care Council.

Health and Safety

  1. Identify general mechanical problems, report faults and defects in equipment and ensure staff also comply are competent with use of equipment.
  1. Be aware of fire policy and evacuation procedure within Ashbrook.
  1. Ensure high standards of personal hygiene at all times.
  1. Ensure decontamination records are maintained accurately and up to date.
  1. Where senior care workers are required to undertake night duty she/he will be expected to undertake regular visits of inspection through home at night to ensure building is secure and safe.
  1. Ensure that all resources used in and around the Home are sensibly conserved by all Staff Members e.g. monitor usage of incontinence aids, wipes, dressings, electricity etc.
  1. Report all accidents to Home Manager/ Nurse in Charge. Ensure accident book is completed.
  1. In accordance with Health and Safety at work act 1974, ensure as far as it is reasonably practicable, the health and welfare of yourself, residents, staff and visitors and be aware of COSHH regulations.
  1. Turn off lights and radiators not in use.
  1. Oversee compliance of care assistants with Health and Safety requirements as referred to in policies and procedures.
  1. Use all equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines.

This job description is not meant to be definitive or restrictive and will be modified to meet changing needs.

I ...... have received the job description for Senior Carer and have read and understand the information given to me.

Signature: ...... Date: ......

Issue Date: 7th July 2009