Greco-Roman Presentation Biography Project- 10 Slides and 6-8 Pictures
1. Slide 1- Title Slide
2. Slides #2-9- I want 3-5 details per slide and pictures (6-8 total)
3. Slide 10-Works Cited – Proper Format, Alphabetical Order, proper indentation
4. World Book Online, World History in Context, and Books
10%- Directions and use of Time
25%- Presentation
50%- Content (3-5 details per slide)
10%- Pictures (6-8)
5%- Spelling, Grammar, Word Usage
50% penalty for lateness
POSSIBLE list of topics for slides – Every person is different, the information makes the topics not the other way around
Early Life
Military Career
Academic Career
Famous Works
1. One Author
Example 1
Author: last name, first. Title(book). City of publication: Publisher, Date. Medium.
Alexander, Lloyd. The Rope Trick. New York: Dutton, 2002. Print.
Example 2
Netzley, Patricia D. The Importance of Queen Victoria. San Diego:
Lucent, 1996. Print.
2. Two or Three Authors
For a work with two or three authors, list their names in the same order
as they appear on the title page. Reverse only the name of the first
author listed.
Example 1
Akerman, Ernest, and Karen Hartman. Internet Today: E-mail,
Searching, and The World Wide Web. Chicago: Fitzroy,
1999. Print.
Example 2
Smith, William P., Alice R. Miller, and George Hapkins. The
Heritage of the Civil War. Chicago: Silver Burdett, 1992.
Biography of the Greco-Roman World
Philip II of Macedonia
Alexander the Great
Julius Caesar
Augustus (Octavian) Caesar
Xerxes I
Marc Antony
Marcus Aurelius
Cleopatra (VII) Ptolemy
Pythagoras Demosthenes Herodotus Hadrian
Thales of Miletus Aeschylus
Thucydides Theodora
Justinian I Cicero
Spartacus Solon
Hippocrates Eratosthenes
Check list before you turn it in-
% Category Items to Check Check Marks (√)
10% / - Directions and use of Time / - 1. Written directions turned in and completed- 2. Behavior and Work ethic
- 3. Utilized library time
- 4. Shared to me at
by google docs Moodle / 1. __
2. __
3. __
4. __
25% / Presentation / - 5. Presented to class / 5. __
50% / Content (3-5 details per slide) / - 6. 3-5 details based on your person
- 7. Information is from World Book Online, Student Resource, World History in context or a Book
- 8. 8 slides of content with sufficient information (do not write too few of words)
- 9. Information was put into your own words (paraphrasing, not simply copied and pasted) / 6. __
7. __
8. __
9. __
10% / Pictures (6-8) / - 10. At least 6 / 10. __
5%- / Spelling, Grammar, Word Usage, and Formatting / - 11. Information makes sense
- 12. Spelling
- 13. Word choice and usage makes sense
- 14. Title Page completed
- 15.Works Cited page done correctly / 11. __
12. __
13. __
14. __
15. __
- 50% penalty for lateness (Due February 3rd, 2015)
- Emailed shared to me from google docs (Moodle Account) (not by me pulling it up your own Moodle google account during class- -5%)
Warning Cards
Disrespectful - Having or exhibiting a lack of respect; rude and discourteous.
Insubordinate- Defiant of authority; disobedient