Nature and Science 2015;13(6)

Risk assessmentofPolycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons on ediblefish (Scomberomoruscommerson and Parastromateusniger) in Persian Gulf

Zeynab Sabounchi1, Dr. Hassan Hoveidi2, Dr. Saeed Kardar3

  1. MSc of Environmental pollution, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Damavand, Iran
  2. Assistant Professor in Environmental Planning, Department ofEnvironmental Planning andManagement, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
  3. Assistant Professor in Environmental engineering, Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Damavand, Iran

Abstract: Background and purpose: Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons (PAHs) due totheirhigh toxicityare known as prioritiesoforganic compoundspollutionin the world whichareconsideredasindicators ofpollution.Due to the presenceof oilwellsin the Persian Gulf, these compoundsareconsidered as one of the sources of pollution. These compounds are pollutants ofsoil andwaterecosystems and areverydangerous andlife threatening for fish. The aim of thisstudy was to evaluate16combinationsofPAHs (pollutants of petroleum compounds index) forScomberomoruscommerson and Parastromateusniger in Persian Gulf. Material and Methods: PAHs: In edible samples, Scomberomoruscommerson and Parastromateusnigerfishingfromthe northern part ofthe Persian Gulf (Bushehr Province) were evaluatedusinggas chromatography(GC-FID). Findings: Total concentrations of PolycyclicAromaticHydrocarbons(PAHs) in Scomberomoruscommerson was 275 mg/g offish dry weight and in Parastromateusniger was 180 mg/g offish dry weight. Origin of both of them was from oil. Conclusion: The totalconcentrationofcarcinogen(PEC)forPAHsin Scomberomoruscommerson and Parastromateusniger were 42.76 and 26.76, respectively.

[ZeynabSabounchi, Hassan Hoveidi, SaeedKardar.Risk assessmentofPolycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons on ediblefish (Scomberomoruscommerson and Parastromateusniger) in Persian Gulf.Nat Sci2015;13(6):55-61]. (ISSN: 1545-0740).

Keywords: Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons (PAHs), fish, Persian Gulf


Nature and Science 2015;13(6)

1. Introduction

Persian Gulfhas very fragile and vulnerable climatic conditions andthe lowestemissionsinit would have devastating effectson the health ofthefishandorganisms.Persian Gulfbiodiversityis high.

Persian Gulfas animportant economicresourceandavaluableoil and gasreservesin the worldis importantandabout 40% ofthe world'soil and gas reservesinthePersian Gulfarethemostcrowdedof the worldforoiland non-oiltankers(GEO, 2000; Khan, 2002). Over theyearsthis areahas undergoneeventssuch as wars, oil contaminationand the resultingenvironmentaldisasterishuge. The oil spillin thePersian Gulfwatersthrough thedischargeoiltankersduring thecleaningof oil tankers, discharging ballast waterof ships,rigs,exploitation ofoil wellsandaccidentssuch ascollisionsandaccidents,destructionandfiretankersandoil rigs, water thesevereoilpollutionin thePersian Gulfput(ROPME, 1996; Munawar et al., 2002).

PAHscompounds arepollutantsastoxic, mutagenicandcarcinogeniccompoundsknown (Johnsona et al., 2005).These compounds areenvironmentalcarcinogensisthatthenatural conditionsof theenvironmentwill not be removedeasily. With increasingmolecular weightaromatic compoundstobreak downtheirresistanceishigher(ZahedandMohammadDashtaki, 2000).

Polycyclic aromatichydrocarbonsinto two categories,lightand heavytwo to threeringsorfour ringsaremoredivided. Thecombination oflowsolubilityin waterandfatare friends.MostPAHsoflowvapor pressureandparticlesareabsorbed. As a result ofincomplete combustion oforganic matterthere andallcontain carbon and hydrogencompoundscouldactas aprecursor. These compoundsduringparalysistobreak downintosmallerpartsareunstablefree radicals andthencombinedwith each otherin the presence ofheat, PAHsareproduced. Temperature500-700 °Candconsistsofoxygen,thepressureisintensified(Ivaniet al., 2012).

It's reported thata large proportion ofhuman cancerssuch aslung cancerand prostate cancer, related tofood(Ambrosini et al., 2008; Shen et al., 2008). Certain groups ofpeoplemay be exposed tohigherrisksofexposure toPAHsin the dietthan the general populationexist (Martí-Cid et al., 2008). In a study ofPersian Gulfthree species offish, mullet, glassWillieexposureto polycyclic aromatichydrocarbonsinamounts of0.3, 0.6and1.2 ppmduring96 hoursand8days. ThetotalamountofPAHsinmullet-dose andwithin96 hourswas0.6(Mohajeri, 2004). In another studyofthe origin of14PAHcompoundswas studiedin Bushehr. Because of thewide geographicdistributionofoysterreefsandfeedvaluein the diet ofpeopleareBushehrwere evaluated. PAHscompoundsinsediment andclamsrecoveryofmore than65percent.Thetotalconcentration of14PAHs inthe soft tissueof musselscombined268ngper gramdry weight ofthecomposition. 14concentrations of PAHsinthesoft tissueof musselsfrom146.9to268.1ngper gramdry weightofsedimentbetween41.7to227.6nggdry weightwas measured. Oysterrockycoast ofBushehr provincein termsof thesepollutantswaslow(Mirzaet al.,2010). Anyakora (et al. (2003 reported that16aromatic compoundsin water, sedimentsand fishin theNiger Delta regionofNigeriawas significantlyhigh.


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Table 1.Formulaandchemical structureandphysical properties ofsomecompounds,polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons


Nature and Science 2015;13(6)

Materials and methods:

In thisstudy,statisticaland laboratorymethodsused to study thecomposition of the16maincompoundspolycyclic aromatichydrocarbonsrecommendedUnited States of AmericaEnvironmental Protection Agency(EPA)is used.So thatthe datawere analyzedstatisticallyusing. Eachsamplewasrepeated three times. Sampling offish,milk andblackpuddingwasin the spring of2014along the coastof Bushehr. Forthe measurement ofPAHs intwospecies of fishfrom28 to30fish, with an average lengthof183cmScomberomoruscommerson and 52cm of Parastromateusniger were harvested. Caughtfishinto abucketofstainless steelandtoremovemud orsandattached tothemwere irrigatedwith seawater. Samples werecompletelycoveredwithaluminumfoilandfreezercontainingcrushediceuntil analysislaboratoryandwere storedat-20 ° C(Cortazar et al., 2008).

Chemicals, solvents and standards

Chemicalsused in thisstudywere obtainedfromMerckGermany, a list of thesubstanceslistedin the table below:


Nature and Science 2015;13(6)

Table 2.Solvents andequipment neededto test

Solvent / Tool
Aston / test tube 250
Cyclohexane / Meyerflask100
Hexane / Baker50
Methanol / 50-100hopperandthe hopperseparator250,500
Toluene / Cylinder100and 1000
Potassium hydroxide / Pipette


Nature and Science 2015;13(6)

Thefirstpart ofsample preparationof fishtissuefrom otherpartsseparatedby asteelbladeandwerecrushedby amixer(Moopam, 1999). Aftermixingsoft tissueHr4-3fish (of a species) together andhomogenization, the samplesweredriedby afreezedryer. In order todigestand extractPAHs5 gsampleof soft tissuedriedfishwith200ml ofmethanoland 11mlphenyl16microgramsper milliliter, as theinternal standard(EPA, 1986)for a period of16 hourswithin the systemSoxhletwas placed. Then20ml of2 Mpotassiumhydroxidetodigestfatcontent ofthe solventaddedto theflaskandwerecontinuedfor 2hoursSoxhlet. Aftercooling, the mixtureis pouredinto aseparatorfunneland 30ml ofdistilled water and90ml ofnormalhexanewas added andafter shakingand mixingperfectfunnelto separatetheorganicandaqueousphasesof the basewastobeseparated. Extractingwith two50mlofhexanewas repeated. Allthe organic phaseseparatedandconcentratedbyrotaryevaporatorpasses throughthe cleaningcolumn, evaporatoragainbyrotatingthe volume of5ml. The samplesweregradedintovialsand thencompleteevaporationof the solvent, inanmlsolutionforinjectiontopreparea GC.

Analysis method

Allfishsamplesobtainedwere analyzedusingGas ChromatographyVarian -3400models. The devicehas acolumnHP-5MS,with a length of30metersand inner diameter of0.32mmand0.25micrometerthin filminstalled on thegas chromatographionSazshlhwasrevealed. Split-splitinjectiondevicebyusingheliumgasflow of1.5mlper minuteunderinternationalstandardswas carried out. TheGC condition,at280° Canda voltageelectroninjectionwasequivalent to2000eV. The initialtemperaturewas keptat70° C for2minutes. Thenincrease thetemperatureto30° Cper minuteto150 ° C, 4° Cper minuteto 310° C, and the temperature wassetto10 minutesremained constant.


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Table3.Tableofdevice condition foranalysis

Detector / FID
Column / Capillarywitha thin layer of1.2micrometers
Column length / 25meters
Internal diameter / 0.32mm.
Carrier gas / Nitrogenpurity99.999%
Carrier gas speed


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In orderto ensurequality controloftheworkscheduleannounced by theEnvironmental Protection AgencyhasusedAmerica. Thepreparationand analysis ofall thetools andequipment neededwith a mixture ofn-hexaneanddichloromethanewere washed. AllsolventsfromMerckGermanywerealsoupforchromatography. Solventscontrolledonceper daybeforethe start of thetrial andanalysisInstrument blankasa solventto ensurea cleansolventand the devicewas used. Per20 samplesa solventextractionsystem, the mainoperatinglikeitwas doneonthe healthandinjection machineequipment, reactantsandthe extraction procedureto beestablished. This operationiscalledExtraction Blank. The studyalsoSurrogatestandardwas used.Recoverytestwas performedevery10 samples. That's awholefish samplespreviouslystudiedPAHintheabsence ofdetectableamounts, inthis case,thecombination of5ppmofpolycyclic aromatichydrocarbonswas addedand allthe main types ofoperations such asthosecarriedon. The resultsshowlevels ofrecoveryforeach compoundamong68% to 99% wasvariable. Reproducibilitywas among85% and 100% respectively. Due to thetoxicity andcarcinogenesisnumber ofcompoundsPAH,in all testingguidelines(OSHA, 1990),wasobserved. The laboratoryhas avalidcertificatefrom theDepartment of Environmentand standard operated procedure waswritten.



Scomberomoruscommerson is from Scomberidaefamilieswhich makeuptheskeletonisasaltwater fish(Fakhriet al., 2011). The fishcaughtinthe Persian Gulfandtheenvironment. Kind offishisflakedmeatisvery delicious. Thefish ina large areainsouth-east Asiaand the Middle East, China, Japan, Australia and the east coast of Africais found. Scomberomoruscommerson is bigger than Indo-Pacific king mackerel but its shape is as like as Indo-Pacific king mackerel. Scomberomoruscommerson is from Scomberidaefamilies andcaudaltwo branches of theimportant features of thisfish. Thebodyof thisfishisspindle-shapedcross-sectionitisoval. The length of this fish is between 120 and240cm. Feedof thisfish is from smaller fishand marineplanktonicforms(BolgvadandLopentin, 1998).

Totalconcentrations ofpolycyclic aromaticcompoundsinfish,275microgramsper gramdry weight ofthefish. Benzo(g, h, i)peryleneBenzo (g, h, i) commersonfishin any of thesamples(Table4.1) 16combinedconcentrationofPAHas follows:

Benzo(a)anthracenePyreneBenzo(b)fluorantheneFluoranthenePhenanthreneBenzo(a)pyreneFluoreneAnthraceneAcenapthene< Chrysene< Naphthalene< Naphthalene< AcenapthaleneAcenapthaleneDibenzo(a,h)anthraceneBenzo(g,h,i)perylene.

The average concentration ofbenzo(a)Payrn, the most effective combination ofcarcinogenicPAHinthese fishwas23microgramsper gramdry weight. Averageconcentrations ofpolycyclic aromaticcompoundsin the range from0 to36μg / gdryweightwasrecordedthe highestaverage concentrationinfish,iscommersoncompositionofbenzo(a)anthracene.

Fig 1. Scomberomoruscommerson


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Table 4-16levels ofpolycyclicaromatic hydrocarbonsinsoft tissue in Scomberomoruscommerson

Polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons / Concentrationof4microgramsper gramdry weightperfish / Ave. / S.D.
Naphthalene / 15 / 0 / 20 / 21 / 0 / 0 / 19 / 11 / 10
Acenapthalene / 6 / 10 / 0 / 9 / 5 / 8 / 11 / 7 / 4
Acenapthene / 15 / 27 / 25 / 0 / 0 / 18 / 24 / 16 / 11
Fluorene / 0 / 18 / 28 / 31 / 38 / 26 / 23 / 23 / 12
Phenanthrene / 30 / 19 / 26 / 23 / 22 / 17 / 28 / 24 / 5
Anthracene / 17 / 14 / 23 / 15 / 13 / 16 / 31 / 18 / 6
Fluoranthene / 34 / 31 / 17 / 28 / 23 / 22 / 21 / 25 / 6
Pyrene / 21 / 40 / 26 / 41 / 20 / 45 / 19 / 30 / 11
Benzo(a)anthracene / 19 / 83 / 40 / 22 / 18 / 41 / 26 / 36 / 23
Chrysene / 32 / 10 / 25 / 13 / 10 / 23 / 0 / 16 / 11
Benzo(b)fluoranthene / 0 / 51 / 47 / 32 / 32 / 39 / 0 / 29 / 21
Naphthalene / 0 / 15 / 18 / 0 / 25 / 12 / 0 / 10 / 10
Benzo(a)pyrene / 23 / 15 / 33 / 50 / 16 / 14 / 13 / 23 / 14
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene / 0 / 8 / 0 / 0 / 7 / 0 / 5 / 3 / 4
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Acenapthalene / 9 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 10 / 0 / 10 / 4 / 5


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Pamousargenteusis fromboneblackpudding and white pudding. Pamousargenteusis commonly found inseaandseacomein the winterand earlyautumn. Parastromateusnigerand fishiswideandcompactbody. Terminalmouthandupperandlowerbackandslightlyto the frontedge of theeyeisclosed. Thefishjawshas a rowof tinyteethareconical. Dorsal finspineswith 4 to5shortwith aradius of41to 44soft rayshard andlasting. Directthelateral linescalespoorlywith8 to19, which formedthe stemtailbladeisweak, anal finhas twospinesare coveredand notvisible inadultsand 35 to39soft raysto aspurleads.Ventral finsinspecimenslarger than10 cmis not visible, long,sword-shaped thoracicaresmallscaleandaresoonoff. Body colorofadultfishagray -silverandbrownisblue andfinswithblackedges, inyoung people withabdominaljugular, blackanddarkverticallineson both sides ofthebody. Apelagicfishthatusuallyfoundin the area ofthe continental shelfat depths of15 to40 meterscan be seenon themuddyground. Daysnearthe bed andnearthe water surfaceat nighttofeedthezooplankton, crustaceans andsmallfish. The maximumbodylength is55centimeters(Sadeghi, 2001, AsadiandDehghani, 1996).

Totalof16polycyclic aromaticcompoundsin fish, black Pamousargenteus is in accordance with thetable(4-2), and 180microgramsper gramdry weight ofthefish. Benzo(g, h, i)perylene (Benzo (g, h, i))andthe two(1, 2, 3-cd)pyrene (Indeno (1, 2, 3-cd)inany of the samplesfish. The highest concentrationsofbenzo(a)anthracene(Benzo (a) anthracene)in the range ofthe average concentration of23microgramsper gramdry weight ofthe fishwas found. The average concentration ofbenzo(a)pyrene is 15microgramsper gramdry weight ofthefish.

Fig. 2. Parastromateusniger


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Table5.Concentrations ofpolycyclic aromatichydrocarbonsinfishtissue

Polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons / Concentrationof4microgramsper gramdry weightperfish, / Ave. / S.D.
Naphthalene / 12 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 18 / 0 / 15 / 8 / 8
Acenapthalene / 24 / 0 / 4 / 2 / 6 / 0 / 0 / 5 / 9
Acenapthene / 18 / 10 / 0 / 0 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 11 / 8
Fluorene / 15 / 24 / 16 / 32 / 12 / 15 / 23 / 20 / 7
Phenanthrene / 0 / 17 / 28 / 19 / 21 / 13 / 0 / 14 / 11
Anthracene / 13 / 11 / 0 / 16 / 0 / 11 / 22 / 10 / 8
Fluoranthene / 26 / 20 / 19 / 24 / 8 / 16 / 20 / 19 / 6
Pyrene / 12 / 28 / 18 / 22 / 19 / 24 / 21 / 21 / 5
Benzo(a)anthracene / 14 / 33 / 25 / 32 / 24 / 0 / 30 / 23 / 12
Chrysene / 9 / 14 / 0 / 17 / 0 / 0 / 12 / 7 / 7
Benzo(b)fluoranthene / 41 / 26 / 22 / 14 / 18 / 12 / 15 / 21 / 10
Benzo(k)fluoranthene / 23 / 0 / 0 / 6 / 0 / 0 / 9 / 5 / 9
Benzo(a)pyrene / 16 / 15 / 12 / 15 / 13 / 17 / 14 / 15 / 2
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene / 0 / 5 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2 / 4 / 2 / 2
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0


Nature and Science 2015;13(6)

Pollutionrisk assessmentofPAHs inScomberomoruscommerson and Parastromateusniger

To estimate daily in- take (EDI), the relationship(1) was used (Conti et al., 212):

(1) EDI= (IR*C)/BW

IR: the ingestion rate daily or meal size

C: the metal concentration

BW: the body weight

Comparison oftotal concentrations ofpolycyclic aromatichydrocarbonsin twospecies of fishshows that eating moreScomberomoruscommerson and daily intake ofpolycyclic aromaticcompoundstomoreParastromateusniger.So you havetousethefish insensitivepopulationssuch aschildren and pregnant womenshouldconsidercarefully. Falcoet al. (2003), calculated daily intake of16polycyclic aromaticcompoundsinfoodsamplesfromthe general populationof Catalonia, Spain calculated theseven cities. Intheirstudy,daily intakefor young menwas 8.418, 8.199adolescents, 7.365 children, 6.330olderpeople and young women were6.285microgramsper day.The resultingPAHconcentrations(mcg/g) andTEFgives concentrationoftheBAP(BaPeq)for each ofPAH.ThenallindividualBaPeqsummarizedthe powerofcarcinogenconcentration(PEC)of allof PAHsaccording toequation(2):

(2) PEC = ∑ (TEF *Concentration)

PEC: carcinogenic potency equivalent concentration

TEFs: Toxic equivalence factors


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Combination / TEF / The concentrationofcarcinogen(PEC)inμg / g
Scomberomoruscommerson / Parastromateusniger
Pyrene / 5
0.001 / 15
0.03 / 10


Nature and Science 2015;13(6)

According to the above equation, the concentrationofcarcinogen(PEC)fortotalPAHsinScomberomoruscommerson and Parastromateusniger was 42.765and26.76microgramsper gram, respectively. Researchin Mumbai,Indiain 2006 and2008 ondifferentspecies offishconcentrationsofcarcinogenicPAHscompoundsBaA, BbF, BkF, BaP, InPandDbA were 9.49to31.23nanogramsper gramfresh weightwas calculated(Dhananjayanand Muralidharan, 2012).

Determine the source ofcontamination in Scomberomoruscommerson and Parastromateusniger

The studycomparedthecombination of lightand heavycomponents(LMW/HMW>1) LMW / HMW: Low molecular weight to High molecular weightgreater thanone,indicating thesource ofcontamination inthefishoilisPAHcompounds. Thesourceofcontamination in Scomberomoruscommerson and Parastromateusnigerwould be estimated by measuringtheratioofFluoranthene toPyrene, it's proved that this ratio in Scomberomoruscommerson is 0.83 and in Parastromateusniger is <1.


Persian Gulfandsemi-closeddue tolowmobility andexchange ofwaterwiththe Indian Ocean, the lackof specificannualrainfallwateris notentering theenvironmentwithexcessivewaterevaporation, normallyinthe distributionandpollutionremediation, capacityislimited. Persian Gulfas auniqueecosystemandavitalinternationalwaterwaytrafficin addition to thedamages caused byoil tankersandoil extractionfrom thesea, Persian GulfWars I and II, as well as in terms ofurbanization, developmentindustrial andirrationalexploitationofresourceslocatedundertheseato thedischarge oflarge amounts ofmunicipal and industrialwastewaterhas become. Thepollutionofcoastalareasthat arefertile groundfor breeding, spawningand growthofparticularspeciesof ediblefishareaffected. Amongseveralorganic pollutantsAromatichydrocarbonsand chemical propertiesdue tobiological effectsshouldbe consideredmore than others.


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