Date: September 22, 2015 Number on council: 14

Date of Senate Meeting: September 17, 2015 Number present: 13

Prepared by Kyra Johnson

Amanda Dietlin, Vice President of Academic Affairs, called the Senate meeting of the 2015-2016 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 4:06pm in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.

Roll Call

Absent: Senator Graham

Approval of Minutes

Vote: Unanimous, last week's minutes have been approved

Call to the Audience:

Vanessa Pomeroy- Vice President of Governmental Affairs

ABOR is next week, Thursday 9-5pm, if you want to go we have institutional excuses for you. If you have an excuse you must go, you can’t just change your mind. We except you to be there if you sign up.

Kristine: Can I get names of all who want to go?

Chair Dietlin: Senator L’Ecuyer, Anderson, Ridge, and Carr

Chair Dietlin: Allison Kelley, Kyra Johnson and me

Kristine: Awesome thanks; we will have them ready for you after meeting.

Chair Dietlin: So for all the clubs here today, when I call your club name just come up to the podium and explain about who you are and what your club is about.

Unfinished Business

a. Club Recognition: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda

New Action Business

a. Club Recognition: First Jacks

Item A- Club Recognition: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda

Motion: Senator Carr moves to vote to untable Item A: Club Recognition: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda

Second: Senator Ridge

Vote: Unanimous, Item A Club Recognition: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda has been untabled

Motion: Senator L’Ecuyer moves to vote on Item A: Club Recognition: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda

Second: Senator Nunnally


Kayla: Hello I’m Kayla. I am acting as the president of this club and I am looking to start a chapter of Future Business Leaders of America at NAU. I have two people as of right now who are interested in the club. Our first official meeting is this Monday. We will be expecting dues from our members and we have two advisors, one from the FCB and one from Communication.

Senator Roos: what do you do?

Kayla: We like to focus on conferences like nationals, which is in Chicago. We want to attend different business competitions. We reach out to professionals in the business field and anything that is business orientated.

Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Club Recognition: Future Business Leaders of America- Phi Beta Lambda has been approved

Item B- Club Recognition: First Jacks

Motion: Senator Roos moves to vote on Item B Club Recognition: First Jacks

Second: Senator Sowerwine


Bailey: Hello I am bailey. I would be president of First Jacks if it were to be approved. So First Jacks is for first generation students, which makes up 40% of the school population. First Jacks would focus on a 7-week workshop series. Also we will be looking to have social events and advocate for the first generation students. We want students to feel like NAU is their home and hopefully help them stay in school.

Senator Mathew: Will non-first generation students not participate? Like is it only for first generation?

Bailey: Any students that want to get involved anyone is allowed. If first generation students have friends who want to support them we definitely would be happy to have them.

Vote: Unanimous, Item B Club Recognition: First Jacks has been approved

Chair Dietlin: For all club and organizations you are welcome to stay but we are going into officer reports; it is up to you if you would like to leave at this time. Also congratulations, both clubs have been approved.

Executive Reports

a. President- Alexandria Buchta

- Good afternoon Senate and Staff: Sorry I could not be at todays senate meeting due to a conflicting meeting. I want to inform you of what occurred at the Faculty Senate meeting on Monday: The provost was in attendance at the meeting. He covered his goals for the coming years at NAU. These goals include making NAU a high valued organization by strategically allocating recourses. There will be a change to the IT system at NAU, which may affect jobs in the IT fields of colleges. This was an issue brought to the attention of the Senate and hopefully more information will be provided in the coming months regarding centralized IT efforts at NAU. There is a new change to the syllabus template in order to make syllabi more streamlined and understandable across the board. I am sure Amanda will also cover information of the Syllabus changes that are currently being vetted across the University. There is a new search committee being formed to find a ne Vice Provost for CIE, hopefully the position will be filled in Spring 2016.There was brief discussion about Higher Learning Commission Committee (HLC), which will help with the reaccreditation of the University in 2017-2018. I will be attending an HLC meeting tomorrow morning and keep you all posted on what is happening in the reaccreditation process. The Presidents office wants to have a new long term vision for the school by Spring 2016. Everyone has probably seen vision boards around campus please stop and fill out the board (with appropriate answers). If anyone has any questions for me on other information covered at faculty senate feel free to stop by my office hours.

b. Vice President of Student Affairs- Allison Kelley

- Thank you for helping work the tailgate. We handed out all the shirts. If you haven’t picked up your shirt come get them and you can take some for your family members. We need more people for family weekend tailgate so keep a lookout for the signup sheet. ASNAU is going to have a family section if you want to invite your family. We are going to have lumberjack buttons for students and parents. I am going to send a template out to all senators to send out to clubs for family weekend tailgate packets. I reached out to inclusion and multicultural services to have a tailgate section, kind of like a partnership. For diversity events if you have any suggestions please tell me. I am setting up a diversity committee and we will meet weekly or bi-weekly. I am going to send this around; sign it if you want to be on the committee. I also emailed all the clubs today that fall under that focus, like: safe zone, ASWI, d- MECCA and LGBTQA resources to be a part of that tailgate section. I contacted D-MECCA to setup safe zone training for all staff. If you want any other topics other then the ones we have, please tell me. We are making safe zone training mandatory; all you have to do is attend the workshops. If we don’t have enough people who can make it we can setup one just for ASNAU. Once you have attended 102 you will get a place card to put up saying you are trained to be a safe zone.

C. Vice President of Academic Affairs- Amanda Dietlin

- You heard a little bit about the syllabus guideline change in Ali’s report. Basically what is going to be happening is all classes will create a web that will have all records of student’s syllabi in one location. It will also include an outline of how the course fits into the bachelor degrees on campus. This is going to streamline the progression of course and see what courses need help. Look out for an email from me if you are on my academic committee. There are a lot of senate bills coming. Remember you have on week from the date that club gets you the funding packet to write the bill and to get it into appropriations. I received an email from the University of Colorado. They are trying to create something like our NAU 100 programs and would like our help. I sent the email on to the leads center and honors program to see if they would like to help. I finished up the one on one meetings with senators.

Senator Moore-Sharp: Does NAU 100 fall under the university college?

Chair Dietlin: yes

Senator Moore-Sharp: If I had questions on that do I contact the dean?

Chair Dietlin: Contact where they train the facilitators. The dean looks over everything so she might not know the specifics of the program.

D. Vice President of Government Affairs – Vanessa Pomeroy

- We are getting ready for ABOR this coming week; we are in the process of preparing for that. We are going to show the movie Hunting Ground at Prochnow on October 10th. We are going to be setting up training for hosting our It’s On Us campaign. We are following up with potential interns and we have new SSA director; he is doing a great job. I met with Ryan about your concerns and he has met up with the organization so now anyone can walk with any shoes. They will be kicking people out who are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, also anyone who is not taking it seriously. Stefan (Senator Rosic) has reached out to organizations that want to be a part of it. If you have anymore concerns, I would like to be that liaison for you.

e. Chief of Staff- Lauren Stebbins

I heard back from Mid Way West; she prefers to text about things and she will get us quotes tomorrow. AZ Bounce is getting around to giving us quotes. We will be working on 3500 votes that we have already on the genre selection and we were able to get the descriptions from Sun Entertainment to put on there. I know Stefan (Senator Rosic) got back to me about their college idea and if you guys have ideas on a “get to know your dean” event, let me know. I worked on retyping homecoming packet and it will be going out the 28th. Since you all have your polo’s, we will be taking pictures before next senate.

Staff Reports

a. Student State Affairs- Heaven Pollock, john

-No report

b. Public Relations- Reed Emerson, Connor Wandersee, Korrin Snow

- No report

c. Special Events- Amy Edgerton, Taylor Wesner

Amy: Quick run down on carnival stuff: we have been playing phone tag since the company people are busy individuals. AZ Bounce sent us a quote and we are working on a quote from Mid Way West. We are seeing a lot of the stuff we want to accomplish come forward and we will keep you updated. We are a month away from the carnival. Concert voting opened and we did tabling for it. Please vote and tell your friends to vote since we want a good presentation of the student body and good use of money for concert.

Taylor: I emailed all senators for all the colleges. We are definitely open to hosting forms but we want to do more of a meet and greet thing. Get your event suggestion into us as soon as possible. We will be also mailing you guys next week.

d. Information Technologies -

Lauren: Chantz has redone our entire website. If you see anything that still needs to be fixed please let me know and we can get it fixed. Minutes and agendas should be on there as well.

e. NSG- Kali Morris, Hali Wetzel

- NSG kickoff was Monday. Wrecking ball was fun and we had the same turnout as last year, but those people who where super interested came so that’s good. Our first meeting is next Wednesday at 5:30pm.

Senator Carr: You should reach out to reach out to the center for foreign exchange students who might be interested.

Kali: Okay we will look into that. We are trying to make jacks fest a huge thing and athletics said they would chip in to help us. For the homecoming float we don’t have a truck, if you have one or friend we would really appreciate it

Senator Carr: Would an SUV with trailer work?

Kali: If it hitches and can hold the weight

Committee Reports

A. Appropriations: Senator L’Ecuyer

- We had our second official meeting, we made goals on what we want to accomplish and we talked about the budget. We didn’t think it was good to split the budget in half for each semester. All 6 of us agreed to not split it but we need three quarters of senate to vote before that is approved.

Senator Moore-Sharp: who is going to keep tabs on the budget?

Chief of Staff: Front desk girls will.

Chair Dietlin: I created a budget sheet thing which I have already put the Green Jack senate bill and it will be kept up to date.

Chief of Staff: Any questions?

B. Legislative: Senator Carr

- Great discussion on making a diversity chair that would go along with a committee so we have a stronger support system. Maybe create a hired position for ASNAU that would be beneficial in creating events. We are researching other schools and trying to see what changes we could be making to bylaws and the constitution.

Senator L’Ecuyer: We actually have something about that…

Senator Carr: Does anyone have any comments?

Senator Rosic: We are looking to create a higher up position of someone who is updated and involved in those diversity organizations and would like to work with theses organizations. Since NAU’s population is diversifying more and more each year; we believe it is becoming necessary.

Senator L’Ecuyer: Would it be in committee or ASNAU as a whole?

Chair Dietlin: We where talking about a higher up position.

Senator Carr: We talked about how we would be doing a chair under Allison now but a hire for next year.

Senator Nunnally: We also talked about the chair person working with the diversity council and reporting back to us.

Senator Sowerwine: How does this position differ from Allison?

Senator Carr: We though the position its self is really important and having one person in charge of just that would allow more focus on the big picture. The chair would be talking to groups and be doing ground work.

Chair Dietlin: These are goals; just a discussion. If you have comments or concerns talk to Senator Carr or I; we don’t have anything in writing.