M-158 approval: 9/2006

M-102 approval: 9/2006

Editorial Changes: 1/2015

1. Purpose

To encourage and to recognize outstanding engineering contributions to the cotton industry.

2. Award

A. The name of the award shall be: The Mayfield Cotton Engineering Award. The award is sponsored by Deere and Company.

B. The award shall consist of an inscribed plaque.

C. The award shall be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society and acknowledged at the following Beltwide Cotton Conference.

3. Eligibility and Selection Criteria

A. Recipient must be a corporate member of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

B. Recipient must have a good long-term job performance record with at least five years experience in cotton.

C. Recipient should have made a significant engineering-related contribution to the cotton industry.

4. Administration of the Award

A. Policy: The award shall be handled by and be processed through regular ASABE channels in the conventional manner.

B. The selection committee should be composed as follows:

Membership of the M-158 committee shall include the MS-23/7/3 (Cotton Engineering Committee) chair as committee Chair and also include the Past Chair and Vice Chair as members. The committee shall also include at least two members from the following group: 1) a past recipient of the Mayfield Award, 2) a member of PRS-702 (Crops & Feed Processing & Storage Committee) or PAFS-305 (Environmental Air Quality Committee) with interest in cotton, 3) a farm or gin machinery manufacturing representative. The committee shall consist of not less than five, nor more than eight members.

5. Method of Receiving Nominations

A. The Executive Director shall call for nominations in an ASABE publication

or by awards announcement letter each year.

B. Written nominations shall be received at the ASABE headquarters no later than October 31. The award to be presented the following year.

6. Instructions for Preparing Nominations

Nominations may be submitted by any corporate member of ASABE by electronic submission. Nominations should be no more than two typewritten pages and include the nominee’s full name, educational background, previous awards received, society and professional memberships, and a concise statement describing the following:

A. The personal character and leadership abilities of the nominee.

B. The influence that the nominee has had on the cotton industry and on the engineering profession.

C. The scope and nature of specific achievements on which the nomination is based.

7. Selection Process

The selection committees shall have the following options:

A. Select a recipient from written nominations.

B. Elect not to select a recipient for a particular year.

C. Modify the selection process in the interest of minimizing the effort required to select a deserving candidate.

Last revision: 9/2006

Revised 12/20/2005