New IRS Form 990 Policies Sample NonProfit Organization
Trustee, Director, Officer, Key Employee (TDOKE), and
Highest Compensated Employee Questionnaire
Effective 1/1/09
This form was developed to assist the organization in collecting information relative to reporting transactions and relationships in its annual filing of IRS Form 990. The organization is not required to perform more than a reasonable effort to obtain this information. Please complete the questions to the best of your knowledge and ability and sign and date the form at the end.
Name: ______
Board position: ______(ie: president, treasurer, director, key employee etc.)
For the Tax year: ______(ie: 2008 or year ended 6/30/09)
A)During the tax year were you an employee of the organization and compensated? / Yes / NoB)During the tax year did you receive compensation in your role as an officer of the organization other than reimbursement of out of pocket expenses? / Yes / No
C)During the tax year did you receive compensation in your role as an employee or an officer of an organization that is related to the organization (see glossary for definition of related)? / Yes / No
D)During the tax year if you are a director of the organization- did you, as an independent contractor, or an entity owned more than 35% by you receive more than $10,000 in compensation in a single transaction or over $100,000 in aggregate? / Yes / No
E)Did a family member of yours receive compensation exceeding $10,000? / Yes / No
F)During the tax year did you or any family member receive any loans, grants or have any business transactions with the organization or related organizations? / Yes / No
G)During the tax year, did the organization enter into any transactions with an entity (other than a tax-exempt organization) of which you were (1) an officer, (2) a director, (3) a trustee, (4) a key employee, (5) a partner or member with an ownership interest in excess of 5% if the entity is treated as a partnership, or (6) a shareholder with an ownership interest in excess of 5% if the entity is a professional corporation? / Yes / No
Exceptions: Donors, members of religious orders taking a vow of poverty & consumers or members of the organization receiving benefits in that role.
Any “Yes” response maybe an indication of a lack of independence as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. The organization may request additional clarifying information as a result of your response to make a determination prior to filing of IRS Form 990. Note: there is no penalty or cause for concern should it be determined that you are not independent- it is for reporting purposes only.
Family and Business Relationships
A)During the tax year did you have a family relationship with any other officer, director or key employee of the organization or an organization that is related to the organization? / Yes / NoIf so, describe the family relationship(s).
B)During the tax year did you have a business relationship with any other officer, director or key employee of the organization or an organization that is related to the organization? / Yes / NoIf so, describe the business relationship(s) including the volume of business during the tax year.
Any “Yes” response maybe reportable as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. The organization may request additional clarifying information as a result of your response to make a determination prior to filing of IRS Form 990. Note: there exceptions for certain business transactions which depend on the facts, circumstances and amount of business.
Independent Voting Member
Example 1. B is a voting member of the organization’s board of directors. B is also a partnerwith a profits and capital interest greater than 5% in a law firm, C, that charged $120,000 to theorganization for legal services in a court case. The transaction between C and the organizationmust be reported on Schedule L because it is a transaction between the organization and anentity of which B is a more than 5% owner, and because the payment from C to the organizationexceeded $100,000 (see instructions to Schedule L, Part IV, regarding both factors).
Accordingly, B is not an independent member of the governing body, because the $120,000payment must be reported on Schedule L as an indirect business transaction with B. If B werean associate attorney (an employee) but not an officer, director, trustee, key employee, orowner of the law firm, then the transaction would not affect B’s status as an independentmember of the organization’s governing body.
Example 2. D is a voting member of both the organization’s governing body and the governingbody of C, a related organization. D’s daughter, E, received $40,000 in taxable compensationas a part-time employee of C. D is not an independent member of the governing body, becauseE received compensation from C, a related organization to D, and the compensation was of atype (compensation to family member of a member of C’s governing body) and amount (over$10,000).
Example 3.C is an attorney employed by a law firm that is not a related organization withrespect to the organization. The organization and the law firm enter into an arrangement whereC serves the organization, a 501(c)(3) legal aid society, pro bono on a full-time basis as its vice presidentand as a board member while continuing to receive her regular compensation fromthe law firm. The organization does not provide any compensation to C for the servicesprovided by C to the organization, and does not report C’s compensation on Form W-2 or Form1099-MISC. The law firm does not treat any part of C’s compensation as a charitablecontribution to the legal aid society. Nothing in these facts would prevent C from qualifying as an independent member of the organization’s governing body.
Example 4.D, a volunteer director of the organization, is also the sole owner and CEO of Mmanagement company (an unrelated organization), which provides management services to theorganization. The organization pays M an annual fee of $150,000 for the management services. D does not qualify as an independent member of the organization’s governing body, because D receives indirect financial benefits from the organization through M.
Business Relationship
Example 1. B is an officer of the organization, and C is a member of the organization’sgoverning body. B is C’s brother-in-law. The organization must report that B and C have afamily relationship.
Example 2. D and E are officers of the organization. D is also a partner in an accounting firmwith 300 partners (with a 1/300th interest in the firm’s profits and capital), but is not an officer,director, trustee, or key employee of the accounting firm. D’s accounting firm provides servicesto E in the ordinary course of the accounting firm’s business, on terms generally offered to thepublic, and receives $100,000 in fees during the year. The relationship between D and E is nota reportable business relationship, either because (1) it is in the ordinary course of business onterms generally offered to the public, or (2) D does not hold a greater-than-35% interest in theaccounting firm’s profits or capital.
Example 3.F and G are trustees of the organization. F is the owner and CEO of anautomobile dealership. G purchased a $45,000 car from the dealership during theorganization’s tax year in the ordinary course of the dealership’s business, on terms generallyoffered to the public. The relationship between F and G is not a reportable businessrelationship, because the transaction was in the ordinary course of business on terms generallyoffered to the public.
Example 4.H and J are members of the organization’s board of directors. Both are CEOs ofpublicly traded corporations and serve on each other’s boards. The relationship between H andJ is a reportable business relationship, because each is a director or officer in the samebusiness entity.
Example 5.K is a key employee of the organization, and L is on its board of directors. L is agreater-than-35% partner of a law firm that charged $60,000 during the organization’s tax yearfor legal services provided to K that were worth $600,000 at the law firm’s ordinary rates (thus,the ordinary course of business exception does not apply). However, the relationship betweenK and L is not a reportable business relationship, because of the privileged relationship ofattorney and client.
Related Organization
In the case of a parent/subsidiary relationship:
- power to remove and replace (or to appoint or elect, if such power includes acontinuing power to appoint or elect periodically or in the event of vacancies)a majority of the nonprofit organization’s or other organization’s directors ortrustees,
- management or board overlap where a majority of the subsidiaryorganization’s directors or trustees are trustees, directors, officers,employees, or agents of the parent organization.
In the case of brother/sister nonprofit organizations:
- the same persons constitute a majority of the members of the governingbody of both organizations.
In the case of stock corporations and other organizations with owners or personshaving beneficial interests, whether such organization is taxable or tax-exempt, controlmeans any of the following relationships:
- ownership of more than 50% of the stock (by voting power or value) of acorporation,
- ownership of more than 50% of the profits or capital interest in a partnership,
- ownership of more than 50% of the profits or capitalinterest in a limited liabilitycompany taxed as a partnership, regardless of the designation under statelaw of the ownership interests as stock, membership interests, or otherwise,
- being a managing partner or managing member in a partnership or limitedliability company which has three or fewer managing partners or managingmembers (regardless of which partner or member has the most actualcontrol),
- being a general partner in a limited partnership which has three or fewergeneral partners (regardless of which partner has the most actual control),
- being the sole member of a disregarded entity, or
- ownership of more than 50% of the beneficial interest in a trust
Highest Compensated Employee
One of the five highest compensated employees of the organization (including employees of a disregarded entity of the organization) other than officers or key employees. The five highest compensated employees are determined by the amounts of reportable compensation for the calendar year ending with or within the organization’s tax year. Highest paid employees must receive at least $100,000 in reportable compensation to be reported in Core Form Part VII Section A.
Family Relationship
The family of an individual includes only his or her spouse, ancestors, brothers and sisters (whether whole or half blood), children (whether natural or adopted), grandchildren, great grandchildren, and spouses of brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Does not include cousins.
Business Relationship
1)One person is employed by the other in a sole proprietorship or by an organization withwhich the other is associated as a trustee, director, officer, key employee, or greater-than-35% owner;
2)One person is transacting business with the other (other than in the ordinary course ofeither party’s business on the same terms as are generally offered to the public), directlyor indirectly, in one or morecontracts of sale, lease, license, loan, performance ofservices, or other transaction involving transfers of cash or property valued in excess of$10,000 in the aggregate during the organization’s tax year (indirect transactions aretransactions with an organization with which the one person is associated as a trustee,director, officer, key employee, or greater-than-35% owner); and
3)The two persons are each a director, trustee, officer, or greater than 10% owner in thesame business or investment entity.
Ownership is measured by stock ownership (either voting power or value) of a corporation,profits or capital interest in a partnership or limited liability company, membership interest in anonprofit organization, or beneficial interest in a trust. Ownership includes indirect ownership(e.g., ownership in an entity that has ownership in the entity in question); there may beownership through multiple tiers of entities.
Privileged relationship exception. For purposes of line 2, a “business relationship” does notinclude a relationship between (1) attorney and client, (2) medical professional (includingpsychologist) and patient, or (3) priest/clergy and penitent/communicant.
Key Employee
For purposes of Form 990 reporting, an employee of the organization (other than anofficer, director, or trustee) who meets all three of the following tests:
1)$150,000 Test. Receives reportable compensation from the organization andall related organizations in excess of $150,000 for the calendar year ending withor within the organization’s tax year;
2)Responsibility Test. The employee:
- has responsibilities, powers or influence over the organization as a whole thatis similar to those of officers, directors, or trustees;
- manages a discrete segment or activity of the organization that represents 10%or more of the activities, assets, income, or expenses of the organization, ascompared to the organization as a whole; or
- has or shares authority to control or determine 10% or more of theorganization’s capital expenditures, operating budget, or compensation foremployees.
3)Top 20 Test. Is one of the 20 employees (that satisfy the $150,000 Test andResponsibility Test) with the highest reportable compensation from theorganization and related organizations for the calendar year ending with orwithin the organization’s tax year.