House of Delegates Minutes
April 26, 2014
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146th Annual Session
Second Meeting of the House of Delegates
Saturday, April 26, 2014
The Hotel Hershey, Hershey, PA
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 12:45 p.m. by Dr. Peter P. Korch III (7), speaker of the house. Dr. Jeffrey B. Sameroff (2), secretary, was unable to attend the Second House meeting. Dr. Stephen T. Radack III, president-elect, assumed the duties of the secretary.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dr. Henry J. Bitar Jr. (10). Dr. John L. Kautz (10) gave the invocation.
PDA Public Service Award
Dr. R. Donald Hoffman (10), president, presented the Pennsylvania Dental Association (PDA) Public Service Award to Dr. Gary S. Davis (5).
PDA Distinguished Service Award
Dr. R. Donald Hoffman (10), president, presented the PDA Distinguished Service Award to Dr. Robert S. Runzo (10).
Results of the Fun Run/Walk
Dr. R. Donald Hoffman (10), president, presented Dr. Elliot D. Maser (2) with a plaque in recognition of his service as Fun Run/Walk chair. Dr. Maser announced the winners of the Fun Run/Walk held on April 26. Mr. Gil Davis finished first. The first male dentist to finish was Dr. Bruce R. Terry (2). The first female finisher was Dr. Nicole Stachewicz-Johnson (9).
Dr. Maria J. Tacelosky (4), chair, Credentials Committee, announced that a quorum was present with all 87 delegates seated. There were no requests to seat a member-at-large as an alternate delegate.
Dr. Korch announced that Dr. Angela M. Trice-Borgia (9) was crowned “PDA Idol” at the PADPAC Karaoke Reception. The gift basket raffle by the Alliance of the PDA raised $2,120 to be donated to MOM-n-PA.
Each delegate was provided with an electronic voting device. Due to inconsistencies in answering sample questions, the accuracy of the system could not be determined. Therefore, Dr. Korch decided to use paper ballots/voting cards as was used in the past.
Report of the Reference Committee on Organizational Affairs
Dr. Peter J. Carroll (1), chair, reported. For the sake of parliamentary procedure and recording, after the presentation of each resolution, Dr. Carroll moved the action recommended by the committee and the motion was automatically seconded by the other members of the reference committee.
The Reference Committee on Organizational Affairs consent agenda was introduced for consideration by the House. Dr. Cary J. Limberakis (2) requested that Resolution 3030#14 be removed from the consent agenda. Dr. Gary S. Davis (5) requested that Resolution 3030#17 be removed from the consent agenda. The consent agenda as amended was approved by consent.
Resolved That the proposed Bylaws be amended by striking the word District HD 14-03: everywhere the phrase Council of District Presidents appears.
Resolved That PDA proposed Bylaws Article 7.0 OFFICERS be amended by
HD 14-04: adding section to the duties of the President-Elect. To serve as chair of the Council of Presidents and as its liaison to the Board.
[Secretary’s note: In crafting the final amended bylaws package the article number was changed to 7.4.6.]
Resolved That PDA proposed Bylaws Article 9, Section 9.12 Council of District HD 14-05: Presidents, section 9.12.2 be amended as follows:
9.12.2 This council shall elect annually a chair from among its members. This council shall be chaired by the president-elect.
[Secretary’s note: In crafting the final amended bylaws package the article number was changed to]
Resolved That PDA proposed Bylaws Article 9, Section 9.12 Council of District HD 14-06: Presidents, be amended by adding section 9.12.3.
9.12.3 The president-elect shall cast the deciding vote in the case of a tie.
[Secretary’s note: In crafting the final amended bylaws package the article number was changed to]
Resolutions 3025#1, 3050#2, 3050#3 and 3050#9R
Resolved That the 2013 Reference Committee on Organizational Affairs model 3025#1 be amended to allow for a ten (10) member Board of Trustees composed
of one (1) trustee elected from each of the PDA Districts.
Resolved The Board of Trustees be comprised of a total of 7 trustees with one 3050#2 from each trustee region, PDA President, PDA President-elect, and PDA
Treasurer. Each trustee region shall be comprised of at least one PDA district as outlined in the PDA bylaws as follows to amend by substitution:
8.1.1 The following Districts will be combined into Trustee regions
TRUSTEE REGION 1: District 1
TRUSTEE REGION 2: District 2
TRUSTEE REGION 3: District 3 and District 4
TRUSTEE REGION 4: District 5
TRUSTEE REGION 5: District 6, District 7 and District 8
TRUSTEE REGION 6: District 9
TRUSTEE REGION 7: District 10
8.1.2 Each Trustee Region shall adopt and maintain a system to elect a trustee to the PDA Board.
8.2.1 The Board shall consist of one (1) member elected from each of the seven (7) trustee regions, the president, president-elect, and treasurer.
8.2.2 The seven (7) elected regional trustees shall constitute the voting membership of the Board.
8.2.3 The president shall cast the deciding vote in the case of a tie.
8.2.4 The seven (7) elected regional trustees shall be divided into two (2) groups of two (2) and a group of three (3) respectively, one group to be elected annually. Implementation of the change shall be done according to the 2014 PDA HOD adopted transition model.
9.13.1 This committee shall be composed of seven (7) members, one from each Trustee Region. The President shall appoint these committee members at least sixty (60) days prior to annual meeting.
BOT Transition Model: Implementation to occur after PDA officer election results are announced at the 2014 PDA HOD and prior to new 2014-15 officers and any new PDA trustees are being sworn in.
If 2nd district PE nominee wins; When term will end for Regional Trustees: Election Cycles
7th and 6th retire at this HOD, 8th has one more year on term. Their districts shall merge to regional trustee model and 8th may serve as regional trustee for 1 year 3rd and 4th both have time remaining on their 4 year term. Their districts shall merge to regional trustee model with the trustee with the longest remaining time on term to serve as regional trustee.
District 1 - April 2016
District 2 – April 2017
District 3 – merge with region
District 4 – Trustee Region, current Trustee remains for region, term will end 2016
District 5 – April 2016
District 6 - merge with region
District 7 - merge with region
District 8 - Trustee Region, current Trustee remains for region, term will end 2015
District 9 – April 2015
District 10 - April 2017
If 6th district PE nominee wins; When term will end for Regional Trustees: Election Cycles
7th and 6th retire at this HOD, 8th has one more year on term. Their districts shall merge to regional trustee model and new 6th trustee shall serve as regional trustee for full 3 year term. 3rd and 4th both have time remaining on their 4 year term. Their districts shall merge to regional trustee model with the trustee with the longest remaining time on term to serve as regional trustee.
District 1 - April 2016
District 2 – April 2015
District 3 – merge with region
District 4 – Trustee Region, current Trustee remains for region, term will end 2016
District 5 – April 2016
District 6 - Trustee Region, current Trustee remains for region, term will end 2017
District 7 - merge with region
District 8 - merge with region
District 9 – April 2015
District 10 - April 2017
(Fiscal Implication: Approx $6,000 annual savings)
Resolved Amend by addition 8.2.1
3050#3 The Board shall consist of one (1) member elected from each of the
five (5) trustee regions, the president, president-elect, and treasurer and as an ex-officio BOT member, a representative from the New Dentist Committee (chair or chairs designee). (Fiscal Implication: Up to $1,500)
Resolution 3050#9R was adopted in lieu of 3025#1, 3050#2 and 3050#3 as HD 14-07.
Resolved That the Board of Trustees shall consist of one (1) trustee elected
HD 14-07: from each of the PDA districts, the PDA President, PDA President-
elect, and PDA Treasurer.
Resolutions 3030#11 and 3030#11AR
Resolved That PDA Bylaws Article 9, Section 9.12 Council of District Presidents,
3030#11 be amended by adding section 9.12.4.
9.12.4 The presidents of the local dental societies shall serve as ex officio members.
Resolution 3030#11 was amended as 3030#11AR and adopted as HD 14-08.
Resolved That PDA proposed Bylaws Article 9, Section 9.12 Council of District
HD 14-08: Presidents, be amended by adding section 9.12.4.
9.12.4 The presidents of the local dental societies and district presidents-elect shall serve as ex officio members.
[Secretary’s note: In crafting the final amended bylaws package the article number was changed to]
Resolutions 3030#12 and 3030#12AR
Resolved That PDA proposed Bylaws Article 9, Section 9.12 Council of District
3030#12 Presidents, be amended by adding section 9.12.5.
9.12.5 This Council shall plan only electronic or telephonic meetings to achieve their stated purpose, unless as otherwise stated in these bylaws. Electronic business conduct shall follow the adopted format for e-business conduct of PDA committees.
Resolution 3030#12 was amended as 3030#12AR and adopted as HD 14-09.
Resolved That PDA proposed Bylaws Article 9, Section 9.12 Council of District
HD 14-09: Presidents, be amended by adding section 9.12.5.
9.12.5 This Council shall plan only electronic or telephonic meetings to achieve its stated purpose, unless as otherwise stated in these bylaws. Electronic business conduct shall follow the adopted PDA format for e-business conduct of PDA committees protocol.
[Secretary’s note: In crafting the final amended bylaws package the article number was changed to]
Resolutions 3030#13 and 3030#13AR
Resolved That PDA Bylaws Article 9, Section 9.12 Council of District Presidents,
3030#13 be amended as follows: Duties To meet in person at attend the meeting of the Council during the PDA annual meeting and to conduct their business by actively participating via the Social Network and to advise the Board of petitions from the membership. To submit an advisory report to the Board of Trustees two weeks prior to any prescheduled board meeting. To serve as the Disciplinary Appeals Review board. To review, vet and refine the issues submitted for Board of Trustees action or for the PDA annual Town Hall meeting issues agenda. To communicate regularly with the presidents of local dental societies within the district to inform them of board actions during the year. To communicate information from members and component dental societies in both a lateral and vertical direction throughout PDA. To identify and encourage groom potential new volunteer leaders.
Resolved That PDA proposed Bylaws Article 9, Section 9.12 Council of District
3030#13AR Presidents, be amended as follows: Duties To meet in person at attend the meeting of the Council during the PDA annual meeting and to conduct their business by actively participating via the Social Network and to advise the Board of petitions from the membership. To submit an advisory report to the Board of Trustees two weeks prior to any prescheduled board meeting. To serve as the Disciplinary Appeals Review board. To review, vet and refine the issues submitted for Board of Trustees action or for the PDA annual annual Town Hall meeting issues agenda. To communicate regularly with the presidents of local dental societies within the district to inform them of board actions during the year. To communicate information from members and component dental societies in both a lateral and vertical direction throughout PDA. To identify and encourage groom mentor potential new volunteer leaders. To attend and participate in the Town Hall Meeting PDA annual meeting.
Resolution 3030#13AR was substituted for 3030#13. Resolution 3030#13AR was amended and adopted as HD 14-10.
Resolved That PDA proposed Bylaws Article 9, Section 9.12 Council of District
HD 14-10: Presidents, be amended as follows: Duties To meet in person at attend the meeting of the Council during the PDA annual meeting and to conduct their business by actively participating via the Social Network and to advise the Board of petitions from the membership. To have the chairperson of the Council of Presidents submit an advisory report to the Board of Trustees two weeks prior to any prescheduled board meeting. To serve as the Disciplinary Appeals Review board. To review, vet and refine the issues submitted for Board of Trustees action or for the PDA annual annual Town Hall meeting issues agenda. To communicate regularly with the presidents of local dental societies within the district to inform them of board actions during the year. To communicate information from members and component dental societies in both a lateral and vertical direction throughout PDA. To identify and encourage groom mentor potential new volunteer leaders. To attend and participate in the Town Hall Meeting PDA annual meeting.
[Secretary’s note: In crafting the final amended bylaws package the article numbers were changed to 9.12.2 through consecutively.]
Resolutions 3030#15 and 3030#15AR
Resolved That PDA proposed Bylaws Article 4.0 MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS
3030#15 be amended by adding section 4.2.4.
4.2.4 A special meeting called by the Council of Presidents to modify the authority of the Board of Trustees will be comprised of representation by the districts in the same numbers as the last House of Delegates and will have the authority to modify the Bylaws. The Bylaws can be amended by this group by a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote.
Resolution 3030#15AR was substituted for 3030#15 and adopted as HD 14-11.
Resolved That PDA proposed Bylaws Article 4.0 MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS
HD 14-11: be amended by adding section 4.2.4.
4.2.4 A special meeting called by the Council of Presidents to modify the authority of the Board of Trustees will be comprised of representation by the districts in the same numbers calculated in the same manner as the last House of Delegates and will have the authority to modify the Bylaws. The Bylaws can be amended by this group by a two-thirds (⅔) majority vote.