Pupil Premium/Catch-up Funding Plan 2017-18

Outcome Targets: To maintain progress of HH Pupil Premium learners as above that of other learners nationally.

Impact/Commitment / Development Actions / By whom? / Monitoring / Cost (proportioned to PP budget) / Target % of PP learners / Impact
Improved outcomes for learners below level 4(new measure) in Maths and English by end of year 7 / Continue with study centre (PP) to run intensive small group sessions for y7 learners below level 4 in Maths)
Small group intervention sessions for learners y7-11
Launch small group English groups for learners below Level 4 / RK PP
EG / Termly Govs CC
Termly Govs CC / 64564
Included above
1800 (catch up) / 70%
Y11 PP learners in En and Ma to achieve in line with other learner nationally / Run Y11 intervention weeks in English and Maths in partnership with Pet-Xi / NC / Summer FGB / 24750
(14850) / 60%
Achieve rapid improvement in reading ages for learners below x level in Y7/8/9 / Corrective Reading Programme to continue under leadership of SEN team leading to significant improvement in reading ages for those with low starting points / JH/KB / Termly Govs CC / 20042
(catch up funding) / N/A
ALPS grade 3 or better in all post-16 courses / Continued work of Sixth Form mentor to ensure effective use of study time by post16 learners leading to improved outcomes / KP/LP / Termly Govs CC / 17695
(8848) / 50%
Impact/Commitment / Development Actions / By whom? / Monitoring / Cost (proportioned to PP budget) / Target % of PP learners / Impact
Attendance for disadvantaged learners to exceed 94% / Attendance mentor to focus on supporting disadvantaged learners ensuring that all PP learner with very low attendance attend monthly sessions with family
ASAL to ensure that 60% of success plans in every year group are used to support disadvantaged learners across achievement, attendance and behaviour to provide early intervention for learners at risk of becoming ‘hard to reach’ / ASAL, SLT / Termly SLT year group reports / 27321
(16392) / 60%
Reduction in disadvantaged learners who become hard to reach / Counselling sessions to be targeted at disadvantaged ‘at risk’ learners to maintain engagement through Y10 and Y11 / AH / Headteacher / 21774
(13064) / 60%
Ensure learners who become ‘hard to reach’ and those at risk of exclusion complete school and achieve qualifications / Continue to work with partner institutions (Jubilee and Red Balloon) to support vulnerable disadvantaged learners
Rigorous monitoring of provision and projected outcomes in partner institutions to ensure best outcomes and value / MRJ / Curriculum Committee Termly / 36000 Jubilee
6000 Red Balloon
(Full cost) / 100%
Impact/Commitment / Development Actions / By whom? / Monitoring / Cost (proportioned to PP budget) / Target % of PP learners / Impact
Intervene successfully in situations where disadvantaged learners are underachieving in all year groups / SAL/ASALs to refine the use of success plans to extend impact form attendnace to achievement. This will ensure all stakeholders are engaged in supporting improved achievement and departmental actions are being implemented (10 PP learners per year group)
Develop the use of behaviour passports for learners exhibiting regular low level disruptive behaviours / MRJ/SLT LMs
SALs/MRJ / Safeguarding Committee
Safeguarding Committee / 93975
Included above / 50 learners
20 learners
Immediate intervention to address specific areas of weakness for all learners in Y7 and 8 / Develop Go Green weeks after every data capture to ensure that learners address areas for development prior to commencing the next piece of learning. Extend to 6th form / JN/JB/KP / Curriculum Committee / None / School-Wide
Achieve full understanding of reasons for disadvantaged learners underperformance in Maths / Action Research project over the course of 206/17 to focus upon improving disadvantaged learner performance in Maths through teaching discrete algebra / KK/AC / Headteacher/ FGB June 2017 / 1500
(Full Cost) / 100%
Governors have full understanding of pupil and catch up premium spend and impact of this / Continued clear reporting on disadvantaged learner performance and actions to address this to the GB / JC/PG / FGB Dec 2016 / None / n/a
Close the gap in Y11 achievement / Targeted PP learners to receive small group intervention after school in period 7 for core subjects / NC / Headteacher / Approx 19706 to PP budget / At least 50%
Total / £247882