Cornelius/English Vocabulary List 35
PAN – all
In his epic poem Paradise Lost, John Milton calls the capital of hell Pandemonium (PAN all + DAIMON demon), the home of all demons, a place of wild confusion and noise. Today pandemonium has come to mean any wild uproar or tumult.
Panacea (pan uh se’ uh) [PAN all + AKOS remedy] – a remedy for all ills or difficulties. People who join cults are often looking for a panacea for their troubles.
Pan-American (pan uh mer’ uh kun) - including all of America, both North and South. He hopes to participate in the Pan-American Games.
Panchromatic (pan kro mat’ ik) [PAN all + CHROM color] – sensitive to light of all colors. The panchromatic film gave him excellent pictures.
Pandemonium (pan duh mo’ ne um) [PAN all + DAIMON demon] – the home of all demons in Milton’s Paradise Lost; a wild uproar. When the winning team returned, there was pandemonium.
Panoply (pan’ uh ple) [PAN all + HOPLON armor] – a full suit of armor; ceremonial attire; any magnificent or impressive array. The woods in their full panoply of autumn foliage were an invitation to photographers.
Panorama (pan uh ram’ uh) [PAN all + HORAMA sight] – a view in all directions. The panorama from the top of the Royal Gorge was awe-inspiring.
Pantheism (pan’ the iz um) [ PAN all + THE god] – the doctrine that God is all the laws and forces of nature and the universe. He turned from the formal religions to a belief in pantheism. Also, the ancient belief in and worship of all gods. Pantheism was the religion of early Rome.
Pantheon (pan’ the on) [PAN all + THE god] – a temple of all the gods. They visited the Pantheon in Rome. Also, the place of the idols of any group, or the idols themselves.
Eric Heiden skated his way into the pantheon of American Olympic heroes.
Pantomime (pan’ tuh mim) [PAN all + MIM to imitate] – a theatrical performance in which the actors play all the parts with gestures and without speaking. Marcel Marceau has turned the ancient dramatic form of pantomime into an art.