To:Student Organizations, Staff, Students, and Faculty
College of Health and Human Services
From:Kelly Turner
Vice-President of CHHS College Council
The College of Health and Human Services Student Council holds its annual Awards Ceremony to recognize deserving candidates who have made outstanding contributions throughout the campus, community, and department. This year’s ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday, April 26th at 4:00 p.m. in Scripps Cottage.
The attached nomination forms with the required essay are due no later than Monday, April 4th at 3:00 p.m. They may be submitted via email to or dropped off to Claire Norberg in the CHHS Dean’s Office, ED-154. The nomination packet includes the description of the various awards, criteria to be eligible for awards, and the nomination form itself. The prestigious awards to be given are: Outstanding Student, Outstanding Student Organization or Club, Outstanding Club Advisor, Outstanding Professor, Outstanding Support Staff, Meliorism Award, and this year, we are also recognizing one Outstanding Department Advisor.
Additional nomination forms are available at the CHHS Dean’s Office Mailroom, ED-154. I strongly encourage you to fill one out and nominate those who are deserving of the recognition. Should any questions arise regarding the nomination process and provisions, please do not hesitate to email me .
Mark your calendars!We hope to have a memorable ceremony with you all!
April 4thNominations are due at 3:00 p.m. Please submit them to Claire Norberg either via email at or in the CHHS Dean’s Office, ED-154.
Early AprilInvitations for the award recipients and their guests will be sent out.
April 20thLast day to RSVP to Claire Norberg via email:
April 26thAwards Ceremony will be held in Scripps Cottage at 4:00 p.m.
College of Health and Human Services Award of Excellence
Nominations Criteria
Criteria for Nominees:
- Be a student, faculty, or staff member within the College of Health and Human Services
- Students must have a SDSU GPA of at least 2.8 to qualify for nominations
- Must have a background in community volunteering, activism, and college or SDSU involvement
Criteria for Nominators:
- Nominate no more than 3 candidates per award
- Complete the nomination form and statement describing why the nominee should receive the award based on his or her campus and community involvement.
College of Health and Human Services Award of Excellence
Awards Description
Outstanding Student of the Year (Graduate or Undergraduate)
Awarded to one student who gas contributed outstanding effort, time and achievement toward furthering the interests of the college and/or has demonstrated academic excellence in their discipline through achievements and involvements.
Student Organizations
Outstanding Organization or Club of the Year
Awarded to one student organization which demonstrated excellence in community service and service to SDSU. This can be illustrated in student leadership, fieldwork or campus involvement.
Outstanding Club Advisor of the Year
Awarded to one student organization advisor who contributed outstanding time, effort and guidance to help further the interests and goals of his or her respective organization.
Outstanding Professor of the Year (Graduate or Undergraduate)
Awarded to one faculty member to recognize the outstanding contributions he or she has made to student development and the quality of education within the department.
Outstanding Support Staff of the Year
Awarded to one support staff member to recognize the outstanding contributions he or she has made in providing service to students and his or her colleagues.
Outstanding Department Advisor of the Year
Awarded to one department advisor to recognize the outstanding dedication and contributions he or she has made to help students be academically successful and involved in their respective department.
Embodiment Award
College of Health and Human Services College Council’s newest award for the academic year 2010-2011 is the Embodiment Award. This award is designated for a College of Health and Human Services organization or College of Health and Human Services student who has gone above and beyond in philanthropic efforts, which embodies the College of Health and Human Services motto, "Think Globally, Act Locally."
Meliorism Award
Awarded to one faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in the qualities of meliorism. Criteria are outlined in the following page.
College of Health and Human Services Award of Excellence
Meliorism Award Criteria
Meliorism Award
Awarded to one faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in the qualities of meliorism.
The Meliorism award is based on the individual’s exceptionality within the following areas. Nominees need not possess all characteristics.
I. Professional Development
- National Recognition: Awards, published articles & books
- Involvement and integration of student development: Research projects IRA grants, and special student based projects
II. Community Service:
- Past involvement on boards, committees, and/or conventions: Lectures, training, volunteer activities & task forces
- Current involvement on boards, committees, and/or conventions: Lectures, training, volunteer activities & taskforces
- Community based awards
III. Campus Involvement
- Oversight and involvement in clubs and associations
- Special program development or involvement in student leadership
- Participation in campus events, activities & task forces
College of Health and Human Services Award of Excellence
Nomination Form
Check the appropriate award:
Student of the year
Professor of the Year
Organization/Club of the Year
Club Advisor of the Year
Support Staff of the Year
Department Advisor of the Year
Meliorism Award
*Name to be printed on award if person is selected, including title if applicable (i.e. Ph.D., MSN, LCSW, M.Ed., etc.). Please make sure the name is spelled correctly and printed legibly.
**Don’t forget to fill out the required statement describing why the nominee should receive the award.
Nomination Statement
Please describe below why your nominee is deserving of this award: