Kevin Raskoff Curriculum Vita- Page 1 of 4
K e v i n A. R a s k o f f
Biology Department - MontereyPeninsulaCollege
980 Fremont Street, Monterey, CA93940
(831) 646-4132
Academic Background
Postdoctoral Fellowship (2001-2003). Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Project: Hydrozoan and scyphozoan rearing and lifecycles.
Ph. D. (2001). University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Organismic Biology, Ecology, and Evolution. Thesis: The ecology of the mesopelagic cnidarians in Monterey Bay, California.
B. Sc. (1994). CaliforniaPolytechnicStateUniversity, San Luis Obispo. Department of Biology. Ecology and Systematic Biology: Fisheries and Marine Biology.
General Education (1988-1990). Los AngelesPierceCollege.
Teaching Experience and Employment
Faculty. 2006- present. MontereyPeninsulaCollege. Monterey, CA. Teaching Marine Biology, Concepts in Biology II: Ecology, Behavior and Evolution, Environmental Science, and Principles of Biology.
Lecturer II. 2003-2006. CaliforniaState university, MontereyBay. Seaside, CA. Taught Marine Science, Zoology, Marine Ecology Seminar, Nature Photography, and The Nature of Science.
Adjunct Faculty. 2001- 2006. MontereyPeninsulaCollege. Monterey, CA. Taught Concepts in Biology II: Ecology, Behavior and Evolution, Environmental Science, and Principles of Biology.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow. 2001– 2003. Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Research into hydrozoan and scyphozoan lifecycles. Chief scientist on 11 dives with the ROVs Ventana and Tiburon. Scientist on over 120 cruises.
Science Consultant. Fall 2001 – Spring 2002. Standards-based Teaching for Understanding. MontereyPeninsulaCollege. Provided content support for MPUSD K-5 grade lesson development and training on biological science fundamentals for teachers.
Research Assistant. 1997– 2001. Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Midwater Ecology Group. Ecology and distributions of mesopelagic medusae of MontereyBay.
Academic Counselor. 1996 – 1997. Department of Biology, University of California, Los Angeles. Provided support for students with major course planning and personal issues.
Science Content Expert. Summer 1996 and 1997. Leadership in Marine Science. National Science Foundation funded teacher training program. University of California, Los Angeles. Lead lab sections training K-12 school teachers on methods to incorporate marine science in their curriculum.
Science Instructor. 1995 – 1996. Cruising Classroom. Marine Science Center. University of California, Los Angeles. Taught educational ship-board marine programs, grades 4-12.
Graduate Teaching Associate. 1994 – 1996. Department of Organismic Biology, Ecology, and Evolution, University of California, Los Angeles. Responsible for design, instruction, and assessment of laboratory component of lower and upper division courses.
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant. 1992 – 1994. Invertebrate Zoology. CaliforniaPolytechnicStateUniversity, San Luis Obispo. Assisted in all aspects of instruction, examinations and grading. Four semesters.
Summer Faculty. Summer 1992 and 1993. Summer Scholars Academy, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Taught biology laboratory and workshop classes to underrepresented students during California Polytechnic summer bridge programs.
Certifications: AAUS, NAUI advanced research SCUBA certified, Blue-water diving certified, Small boat operations.
Raskoff, K.A., Robison, B.H. (2005) A novel mutualistic relationship between a doliolid and a cnidarian, Bythotiara dolioeques sp. nov. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 85: 583–593.
Robison, B.H., Raskoff, K.A., Sherlock, R.E. (2005) Adaptations for living deep: a new bathypelagic doliolid from the eastern North Pacific. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 85: 595-602.
Robison, B.H., Raskoff, K.A., Sherlock, R.E. (2005) Ecological substrate in midwater: Doliolula equus, a new, mesopelagic tunicate. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 85: 655-663.
Raskoff, K.A., Purcell, J.E., Hopcroft, R.R. (2005) Gelatinous zooplankton of the Arctic Ocean: in situ observations under the ice. Polar Biology 28: 207-217.
Hopcroft, R.R., Clarke, C., Nelson, R.J., Raskoff, K.A. (2005) Zooplankton Communities of the Arctic's CanadaBasin: the contribution by smaller taxa. Polar Biology 28: 198-206.
Raskoff, K.A. and Matsumoto, G.I. (2004) Stellamedusa ventana, a new mesopelagic scyphomedusae from the eastern Pacific representing a new subfamily, the Stellamedusinae. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 84, 1-6.
Matsumoto, G. I., K. A. Raskoff, D. Lindsay. (2003) Tiburonia granrojo n. sp., a mesopelagic scyphomedusa from the Pacific Ocean representing the type of a new subfamily (class Scyphozoa: order Semaeostomeae: family Ulmaridae: subfamily Tiburoniinae subfam. Nov.) Marine Biology 143 : 73-77
Raskoff, K. A., F. A. Sommer, W. M. Hamner, K. Cross. (2003) Collection and Culture Techniques for Gelatinous Zooplankton. Biological Bulletin 204 : 68-80.
Raskoff, K. A. (2002) Foraging, prey capture, and gut contents of the mesopelagic narcomedusa Solmissus spp. (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). Marine Biology. 141: 1099-1107
Raskoff, K. A. (2001) The impact of El Niño events on populations of mesopelagic hydromedusae. Hydrobiologia 451: 121-129.
Purcell, J. E., D. L. Breitburg, M. B. Decker, W. M. Graham, M. J. Youngbluth and K. A. Raskoff, (2001). Pelagic cnidarians and ctenophores in low dissolved oxygen environments. In N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner (eds.), Coastal hypoxia: consequences for living resources and ecosystems. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C.: 77-100.
Raskoff, K. A. (2001) The ecology of the mesopelagic hydromedusae in Monterey Bay, California. Ph. D. thesis. University of California, Los Angeles.
Jacobs, D. K., S. E. Lee, M. N. Dawson, J. L. Staton and K. A. Raskoff (1998) The history of development through the evolution of molecules: gene trees, hearts, eyes and dorsoventral inversion. In R. DeSalle and B. Schierwater (eds.), Molecular approaches to ecology and evolution. Birkheauser, Boston: 323-357.
Dawson, M. N., K. A. Raskoff, and D. K. Jacobs. (1998) Field preservation of marine invertebrate tissue for DNA analyses. Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology, 7(2), 145-152.
Selected Abstracts, Lectures, and Presentations
Raskoff, K. A. (2005) Invited Lecture. Oceanography of MontereyBay. Ocean Conservation Education Action Network, MontereyBay National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey, CA.
Raskoff, K. A. (2003) Invited Speaker. Jellyfish of MontereyBay: The Most Visible Members of Our Gelatinous Fauna. MontereyBay National Marine Sanctuary Currents Symposia. CSUMB, Seaside, CA.
Raskoff, K. A. (2003) The DeepSea. Science Standards with Integrated Marine Science Lecture. MBARI, Moss Landing, CA.
Raskoff, K. A. and G. I. Matsumoto. (2002) Bumpy and Big Red: two new subfamilies of large mesopelagic scyphomedusae from the Pacific. Western Society of Naturalists. Monterey, CA.
Raskoff, K. A. (2002) Invited Speaker. Challenges of getting Ocean Science into Classrooms. National Marine Educators Association. New London, CT.
Raskoff, K. A. (2001) Invited Seminar. The hydromedusae of MontereyBay: vertical distributions, behaviors, and species interactions. Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing , CA.
Raskoff, K. A. (2000) Invited Speaker. Hydromedusae of Monterey Bay, California. NSF sponsored Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise in Taxonomy workshop on hydrozoan taxonomy. Lecce, Italy.
Raskoff, K. A. (2000) Guest Lecture. Adaptations of deep sea gelatinous animals for OBEE 25. The Oceans. University of California, Los Angeles, CA.
Grants and Funding
The Arctic's Great Wall: Exploration of the Lomonosov Ridge. In review. NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration. Co PI. $320,00
The HiddenOcean: Explorations under the ice of the Western Arctic- the pelagic fauna: Phase II. 2004-2006. NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration. $211,000
The HiddenOcean: Explorations under the ice of the Western Arctic. 2002 – 2003 NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration. $130,000
Pertinent scientific cruises and research experiences
Chief Scientist on 11 cruises and scientist on over 160 ROV dives.
ROV and Submersible Experience
Johnson-Sea-Link, Ventana, Tiburon, Global Explorer, Max Rover, Kaiko and others
Research Locations
Arctic Sea- 2002 and 2005 NOAA funded survey of deep-sea zooplankton.
Monterey Bay- 1997-2005 MBARI ROVs, deep-sea zooplankton, blue water SCUBA.
Hawaii- 2001 MBARI ROVs, deep-sea zooplankton, blue-water SCUBA.
Atlantic- 2001 HBOI Johnson-Sea-Link submersible, blue-water SCUBA.
Italy- 2000 NSF sponsored subtidal hydrozoan collection and rearing.
Japan- 1999 JAMSTEC ROV, Mariana Trench.
Catalina Island, CA- 1996-97 Subtidal SCUBA research.
Bodega Marine Laboratory, CA- 1996 Genetic sampling of jellyfish populations
Republic of Palau- 1995 Marine lake research.
Published Photography (partial list)
National Geographic, Discover Magazine, Nature, Wired, GEO, several MBA books, Focus, SEED, Alaska, La Recherche, BBC Wildlife, NPR, ABC, CBS, CBC, AP news, Reuters, CNET, MSNBC, American Museum of Natural History and over 300 websites worldwide.