FEBRUARY 25, 2016
Call to order:
A general meeting of the KSU Staff Senate was held on the Marietta Campus, Joe Mack Student Center, Ballroom A, Marietta Georgia, on Thursday, February 25, 2016. The meeting convened at 10:09AM. Chair Kathy Rechsteiner presiding.
Members in attendance:
Tara Adams, Ron Bullock (proxy for Ana Baida), Lisa Bauer, Jeffrey Bernard, Aisha Cheeks, Ashlee Clark, Donald Coleman, Alberta Cook, Elizabeth Davis, Angela Evans, Sarah Fanning, Jennifer Figueroa, Amanda George, Sharon Hodge, Traci Hubbard, Jessica Jones, Scott Jordan, Lisa Lewis-Fears, Debra Mahan, Vickie Moody, Nicole Phillips, Kathy Rechsteiner, Levi Sexton, Stacey Solomon, Ann Vancza
Members not in attendance:
Brittany Bailey, Christy Bohannon, Derek Brott, Ashley McClure, Tim Murphy, Sherida Studwood, Cynthia True, Christine Zelt
Guests and Speakers:
Amanda Seals, AVP of Economic Development & Community Engagement;
Fatimot Ladipo; Director of Government Relations;
Maureen Patton, Director of University Events;
Lynda Johnson, Exec. Administrator to the President, Chief of Protocol;
Ron Bullock, Facilities;
Dee Rule, (Teacher Resource and Activity Center) TRAC
Kathy Rechsteiner, Chair, called the meeting to order. The theme of Kathy’s term of office is “Let the Journey Begin” and her motto is “Once a Senator, always a Senator”.
Approval of Minutes:
There were a few corrections to the minutes from the floor. They were so noted. A motion was made by Jeffrey Bernard, and seconded by Alberta Cook to approve the minutes of January 28, 2016 as corrected. Motion carried.
Report of the Chair:
Kathy wants to keep the Senate abreast of the various meetings she attends. They are listed in the Agenda.
Officer’s report:
January, 2016:
Agency Account: $ 140.55
Foundation Gift: $ 179.64
Foundation Operating: $ 1,505.72
Foundation Scholarship: $ 2,008.35
Petty Cash: $ 1.75
Will be filled for audit.
a. $360 has been received from the cookbook sales
b. $4 has been received from last year’s yard sale, and
c. $100 has been received from Reel Seafood Restaurant from the KSU Staff Senate Scholarship
fund night
d. Pertaining to the November 2015 Treasurer’s Report, $500 will be placed into the Foundation Scholarship account.
New Business: Guests:
Amanda Seals, AVP of Economic Development & Community Engagement and Fatimot Ladipo, Director of Government Relations discussed how their department works and the hottest issues that are presently on the floor of the Legislature. Jeffrey Bernard will e-mail the new newsletter “From Under the Gold Dome” to all staff senators.
Maureen Patton, Director of University Events, presented the newly approved Facility Pricing Procedures. A handout was received with the new pricing structure.
Elections & Nominations:
· Since we had a quorum present at this meeting, nominations and elections could take place.
· The Executive Committee met on Friday, February 5, 2016 and decided that the Chair-Elect should be elected in March. A Motion was made and passed and seconded that there would be a special election in March. The Executive Committee thought that it would be better if the Senators elected the Chair-Elect. Therefore, the Executive Committee appointed the following to the 2016 Nominating Committee. All the committee appointees have accepted the nomination.
Lisa Bauer
Christy Bohannon
Vickie Moody
Tim Murphy
Christine Zelt
· An e-mail was sent to those eligible for the Chair-Elect position. Senators who are eligible are those who have signed up for a three year term. There were 13 who were eligible.
· The Chair opened the floor for nominations for Chair-Elect:
o Alberta Cook nominated Jeffrey Bernard, who consented to the nomination
o Aisha Cheeks nominated Lisa Bauer, who consented to the nomination
o Vickie Moody nominated Stacey Solomon, who consented to the nomination
No further nominations from the floor; the nominations were closed.
· It is the charge of each nominee to be prepared for the next General Staff Senate Meeting on Thursday, March 31, 2016. We do need a quorum to vote.
Vacant Senator Positions:
· The Chair opened the floor to nominations of Senators:
· Group 3 – 1 position to finish 2 year term – June 2017
o Elizabeth Davis nominated Ron Bullock, Facilities, Plant Operations, who accepted the nomination; no further nominations; floor closed, the nominee was elected.
· Group 4 – 2 positions to finish 1 year term – June 2016
o Ashlee Clark nominated John Clark, Michael Leven School of Culinary Sustainability and Hospitality, who accepted the nomination; no further nominations; floor closed, the nominee was elected.
o No nominations for the second position to finish 1 year term – 2016. Floor closed. This will be repeated at the March meeting.
· Group 5 – 1 position to finish 1 year term – June 2016
o Ashlee Clark nominated Megan MacDonald, Dept. of History and Philosophy, who accepted the nomination; no further nominations; floor closed, the nominee was elected.
· Group 6 – 1 position to finish 2 year term – June 2017
o No nomination. Floor closed. This will be repeated at the March meeting.
· Group 8 – 1 position to finish 1 year term – June 2016
o Alberta Cook nominated Evelyn Jackson, Facilities, who accepted the nomination; no further nominations; floor closed, the nominee was elected.
o – 1 position to finish 2 year term – June 2017
Alberta Cook nominated Laura McRath, Facilities, who accepted the nomination; no further nominations; floor closed, the nominee was elected.
Standing Committee Reports:
· Awards & Recognition Committee – Sarah Fanning & Ashlee Clark
o Employee of the Month for January was Amanda George, IPEDs V.
o Nominations for the February Employee of the Month from IPEDs category III & IV will be open till February 29, 2016.
· Policies and Procedures Committee – Jeffrey Bernard & Alberta Cook
o Jeffrey had submitted the committee’s report to the Secretary. He did not present his report as the majority of it reiterated what our guest speakers, Amanda Seals and Fatimot Ladipo, had presented.
Movement to Adjourn meeting:
Moved by Jeffrey Bernard and seconded
Adjourned by Chair Kathy Rechsteiner
The meeting was adjourned at 11:12AM
Approved: Motion by Ron Bullock, Seconded by Jeffrey Bernard