Town Hall Court Room 7:00 p.m.

ITEM # 1:

The meeting was called to order by Planning Board Chairman Kenneth Zittel at 7:00 p.m.

ITEM #2: Roll Call

Present: Also Present:

Kenneth Zittel, Chairman Darlene Schweikert

George Donhauser Clyde M. Drake, Councilman

Bruce Luno

James Jozwiak Not Present:

Lawrence Kelly, Jr. Julie Zybert

Joseph Edbauer

ITEM #3: Citizen Participation

There was no one for Citizen Participation.

ITEM #4: Approval of Minutes

a)  June 2, 2015

Chairman Zittel asked for comments or questions regarding the June minutes. L. Kelly made the motion, seconded by J. Jozwiak, to approve the minutes as presented. All in favor. Carried.

ITEM #5: Business from the Floor

a)  The members reviewed information provided on Solar Panels and WECS.


Chairman Zittel noted that the Clarence WECS law requires maintenance reports

be given to the Building Department. Darlene noted that when the Town Board approved the Rosenblatt Special Use Permit last month, the Board made that a condition of the permit that the Town CEO be provided copies of the inspection reports. Chairman Zittel noted that there is not a lot the Town of Concord can do with WECS because of all the agricultural districts located within the Town.

Page 2 July 7, 2015

RE: Solar Panels

L. Kelly noted that after a brief review of the New York State Unified Solar

Permit form, he thinks this draft looks good and is a very good starting point. The first page of the document is the law. The Town would just need to decide on a fee to be inserted on that page. G. Donhauser had attended a training seminar in June and one of the topics was Solar Energy Regulation. He had a brochure and this will be given to the members by Darlene.

J. Edbauer feels the Planning Board members should review this material and have a workshop to discuss and then put something together to present to the Town Board.

b)  The next Southtowns Planning & Development meeting will be July 27th

at 6:30 p.m.

c)  J. Edbauer asked Town Board Liaison Drake for an update on the Kissing

Bridge KB Moto/Craneridge matter. Councilman Drake advised that people are not happy and there are complaints. J. Edbauer was in Craneridge during one of these events and he feels that the complaints are legitimate; you could really hear the noise. Councilman Drake said the Town really has no defense. Kissing Bridge is zoned a recreational area and if the Town does try to pass a law, Kissing Bridge could argue that they are grandfathered because they are already doing this activity. It appears that the Craneridge residents tried to contact the DEC regarding this matter and the DEC said they have no involvement.

d)  J. Edbauer asked the members if the Town issued a recreational permit to

Springville Travelers on Route 219. It is becoming a campsite with 4 or 5 trailers set up on the premises and there is an illegal sign out front with no sign permit issued. The members would like the CEO to check into this matter. Councilman Drake will follow up.

e)  J. Edbauer noted that Jake Miller has two off-premises signs: one at Route 240

and Genesee and the other at Route 240 and Foote Road. These signs are not allowed in our Code. Discussion ensued about signs in that area and off-premises signs. Chairman Zittel would like the members to review the sign permit code. The 2’ x 2’ size is just really small. L. Kelly said the Town should enforce what our Code has or change the Code. Chairman Zittel thinks the Code should allow off-premises signs which should be constructed pursuant to our Code and should include the number assigned by the Town.

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f)  J. Edbauer will be on vacation and will not be in attendance at the August


ITEM#6: Motion of Adjourn

The members will review the information on Solar Panels/WECS and the Town’s Sign Permit Code for the August meeting.

G. Donhauser made the motion, seconded by J. Jozwiak, to adjourn the meeting at approximately 7:55 p.m. All in favor. Carried.


Darlene G. Schweikert