Minutes of adjourned January Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council
held in the Council Chamber, Aras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford on
Wednesday, 23rd January 2013 at 5.00 p.m.
PRESIDING: Councillor Sean Farrell, Mayor.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Councillors – Larry Bannon, Paddy Belton,
Gearoid O Bradaigh, John Browne, Mick Cahill,
Micheál Carrigy, Mark Casey, Paul Connell,
John Duffy, Frank Kilbride, Donncha Mac Gleannáin,
Victor Kiernan, Padraig Loughrey, Luie McEntire,
Martin Mulleady, Peggy Nolan, P.J Reilly, Mae Sexton, Barney Steele and Thomas Victory.
IN ATTENDANCE: Mr. Tim Caffrey, County Manager.
Mr. Frank Sheridan, Director of Services.
Mr. Jack Kilgallen, Director of Services.
Ms. Barry Lynch, Head of Finance.
Mr. Terry Rooney, Senior Executive Officer.
On the proposal of Councillor P. Nolan seconded by Councillor P. Loughrey, the Minutes of Finance Committee Meeting held on the 12th December 2012 were confirmed and adopted.
On the proposal of Councillor L. Bannon seconded by Councillor P.J. Reilly, the Minutes of Statutory Budget Meeting held on the 17th December 2012 were confirmed and adopted.
On the proposal of Councillor P. Nolan seconded by Councillor P. Connell, the Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on the 17th December 2012 were confirmed and adopted.
Councillor L. Bannon proposed and Councillor P. Belton seconded that a vote of sympathy be extended to the Kenny family, Lisduff Montgomery, Ardagh on the death of Bernard Kenny.
The adopted Minutes of Corporate Policy Group Meeting held on 21st November 2012, which had been circulated, were noted.
The County Manager’s Orders, which had been circulated, were noted.
Public Liability Claims.
It was noted that five public liability claims were received during December 2012.
Memorandum on 2013 Group Personal Accident Schemes A & B.
Memorandum on 2013 Group Personal Accident Schemes A & B received from Irish Public Mutual Insurances Ltd., which had been circulated, was noted.
Local Government Act 2001 - Annual Ethics Declaration.
It was noted that the Annual Ethics Declaration forms should be returned before the
28th February 2013.
Progress Report on Unfinished Housing Estates.
Mr. T. Rooney, Senior Executive Officer, addressed the members as follows -
• Originally 128 unfinished estates within the County, including the Town Council
area consisting of
· 114 – County
· 14 – Town
• To date 8 estates have been taken in charge and a further 5 require no further
· Remaining 115 Estates
o Progress has been made on 79 estates.
of these:
· An agreed programme of works is being implemented on 36 estates
· 13 where enforcement/legal proceedings have commenced
· 11 where the bonds have been paid over
· 4 estates where the bonds are being called in by the Council
· 15 active Taking in Charge applications
Balance of Estates
· 36 estates where detailed technical reports are being carried out with a
view to initiating discussions with the site owners
Gleann Riada
· Bond received of €360,000
· Public Safety Funding of €291,000
· Total of €651,000
Works Programme
· Comprehensive CCTV Survey & analysis.
· Underground services found to be satisfactory with standard repairs to be carried out along with sewer venting.
· Erection of public lighting.
· Carry out road test to determine its fitness and purpose (FWDT) & carry out any identified repairs along with manhole replacement & realignment.
· Necessary repairs to footpaths and treatment of all public open spaces within the development
· Replacement of defective panel fencing throughout the estate.
· Individual assessment on each house by a competent firm of Consultants with the consent of each house owner.
· 52 house owners have given consent to such assessment.
· Each house owner will receive a copy of their assessment.
· Upon completion of all assessments, further consideration will be given as to how best to assist the house owners.
· Consultation with residents
· Short-term control measures to minimise risk of recurrence
The Mayor and members complimented Mr. Lynch, Mr. Rooney and the Project Team for their excellent work in this area, especially the ongoing work at Gleann Riada housing estate.
The County Manager, Mr. Lynch and Mr. Rooney replied to queries raised by the members, including the following -
· Household Charge/Property Tax.
· Gleann Riada housing estate.
· Link road from N4 to the N63.
· Footpath on the Mullingar Road, Ballymahon.
· Remedial works at various unfinished housing estates throughout the county.
The County Manager reiterated that the housing estates mentioned in the presentation are private housing estates. He stated that when these estates were being built, there was aresponsibility on the developers and on the lending agencies to certify that the building works were up to standard.
Planning Applications
The list of Planning Applications which had been received since the December meeting of the Council was submitted and noted.
Political Donations.
Political Donations- Local Elections (Disclosure of Donations and Expenditure ) Act
1999, as amended - Members of Local Authorities.
It was noted that completed Annual Donation Statements should be returned to the
Meetings Administrator before 31st January 2013.
Circular Letter LG 4/12 – Local Government Act 2001 – Ethics Framework in
Local Government.
Circular Letter LG 4/12 – Local Government Act 2001 – Ethics Framework in
Local Government was noted.
Revision to Polling Scheme.
Councillor L. Bannon proposed and Councillor M. Cahill seconded the Revision of Polling Scheme for the Ballymahon Electoral Area, as circulated.
Councillor P. Connell proposed and Councillor F. Kilbride seconded that a letter be forwarded to the County Registrar regarding the following -
· consideration of the employment of unemployed people at polling stations
· the use of community centres, where possible, for polling stations.
Progress Report on Irish Language Scheme (Official Languages Act, 2003)
Mr. F. Sheridan, Director of Service, gave a progress report to the members on the implementation of the Irish Language Scheme under the Official Languages Act 2003.
The third year expiry date of the implementation of the Scheme was the 30th May 2011. A second Irish Language Scheme will be agreed on completion of a satisfactory audit by the Office of the Coimisinéir Teanga.
During 2012 progress was made in addressing outstanding matters identified at audit in October 2011 and the Office of An Coimisinéir Teanga has since declared it is satisfied that, in general, the Scheme is being implemented satisfactorily.
As agreed with the Coimisinéir Teanga’s Office, 30% of the “static content” of the websites was translated into Irish and made available by the end of May 2012. Also, as agreed, thirty of the most commonly used application forms were identified, translated and made available to the public by the end of May 2012.
In addition, the Irish Language Development Officer continued to promote development of the Irish language in the local authorities. Her work included the following:
· Ciorcal Comhrá - facilitation of an Irish Conversation Group/ Ciorcal Comhrá during lunchtime every fortnight during 2012 for staff from the various sections of the local authority. The idea is to enhance each persons ability to develop and improve their spoken Irish through reading, discussion and group conversation “ as Gaeilge”.
· Provision of translations of correspondence and personal attention to Library clients who wished to conduct their business through Irish.
· Organisation of a series of events to promote Irish Language and Culture in all the branch libraries in County Longford. Storytellers, quizzes and displays of Irish books were organized for Seachtain na Gaeilge. Irish language material was purchased.
· Two sets of Irish classes were arranged for the public during the year. The classes were given by a local national school teacher.
· The commencement in October 2012 of an evening course in Irish in Maynooth University in an effort to improve her own standard of post-degree Irish. The course involves attending a class in Maynooth every Monday evening for a duration of three hours over a twenty week period. At the end of this period (April 2013) she will sit an oral, aural and written exam. The course covers the material for level B2 of Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge (European Certificate in Irish). Course levels for TEG run from Level A1 for Absolute Beginners to Level C1 for Advanced. The course was largely funded by Longford County Council.
Mr. Sheridan acknowledged the interest and input of the elected members during 2012 in the implementation of the Irish Language Scheme.
The implementation of the Scheme will continue to be monitored and reviewed during 2013.
Duirt Donncha Mac Gleannáin - “ba mhaith liom chomhghairdeas a gabháil leis na daoine atá ag obair ar son na Gaeilge sa chomhairle. Tá iarracht déanta le céimeanna beaga gach bliain chun úsáid a bhaint as ár sean teanga agus tá sin ana-tábhachtac agus leis sin tá Gaelscoil sa bhaile Longphoirt chun an Gaeilge ar chuir ar siúl. Tá mórán le déanamh againn sa todhchaí.”
Update on “The Gathering 2013”.
Mr. F. Sheridan updated the members regarding “The Gathering 2013”.
The members paid tribute to Frank, Mary Carleton Reynolds and Ciaran Murphy for their excellent work to date on “The Gathering 2013”.
Cycle/Walkway - Longford to Clondra.
Mr. Sheridan updated the members regarding the Longford to Clondra cycle/walkway project.
With regard to funding for the project, he stated that the Council met with representatives from Longford Community Resources Ltd. and it was agreed that the most beneficial way to access funding is to establish a limited company under the Tourism Board. This company is to be established as quickly as possible. Therefore, there should be no unnecessary delays in the progression of the project.
Joint Meeting of Longford County Council and Longford Town Council.
The members discussed the uncertain economic future of Longford town and county.
Councillor P. Connell proposed and Councillor P. Nolan seconded that Longford County Council meet with the top ten employers in the County to discuss how best the local authority can assist businesses in the county. Following that meeting, a joint meeting to be held between Longford County Council and Longford Town Council.
The members praised the work of Michael Nevin and the County Enterprise Board in assisting businesses in the County and discussed the introduction of Local Enterprise Offices, which will play a vital role in supporting business startups and also the facility to act as a ‘one stop shop’ where the public can access information.
Suspension of Standing Orders.
Councillor P. Connell proposed and Councillor P. Nolan seconded that Standing Orders be suspended to allow the meeting to continue.
Progress Report on Water Services Investment Programme 2010 – 2013.
The Progress Report on Water Services Investment Programme 2010 – 2013, which was circulated with the Agenda, was noted.
Date for Meeting of Delegation to the National Roads Authority.
The Mayor referred to letter dated 18th January 2013 received from the National Roads Authority regarding a meeting with a deputation from the Council.
It was agreed that the following Councillors attend the meeting with the NRA –
Mayor Sean Farrell
Mayor Peggy Nolan
Councillor Denis Glennon
Councillor P.J.Reilly
Councillor Tom Victory
Councillor Mae Sexton
Councillor Mark Casey
Councillor Paddy Belton
Councillor Frank Kilbride
Councillor Larry Bannon
A Briefing meeting will be held prior to the meeting with the NRA.
River Basin Management Committee.
Mr. Kilgallen informed the members that the Shannon Catchment Flood Risk Assessment Management Study is currently in progress and is scheduled to produce it’s final report by the end of 2015. No recommendations have been made to date. Regular newsletters have issued from the study and these have already been circulated to Councillors. Further information on issues and progress can be accessed at www.shannoncframstudy.ie. Arrangements are currently being considered for a presentation to be made by the OPW to Councillors on the current status of the Shannon CFRAMS process.
Control of Horses Byelaws.
On the proposal of Councillor Peggy Nolan seconded by Councillor Denis Glennon, it was unanimously agreed to adopt the Control of Horses Byelaws 2012.
Taking in Charge of Group Water Schemes.
On the proposal of Councillor Denis Glennon, seconded by Councillor Peggy Nolan, it was unanimously agreed to approve of the takeover of the following Group Water Schemes by Longford County Council:-
Aughnavalley / BallaghgowlaRathvaldron / Cornadrung
Annagh / Rhyne Hill & Lane
Kilcoursey / Brianstown No.2
Legan / Corlea/Kenagh
Smear/Crott / Derryharrow
Ballymakeegan/Lisduff/Trillick / Renehan
Muckerstaff / Lisaneddan
Derryveigh / Legga
It was agreed that the following items be deferred to the February meeting of the Council -
Notice of Motion.
Dog Fouling in the County - Councillor P. Nolan.
“That the Council discusses the issue of dog fouling in the County.”
General Items.
Correspondence .
Letter dated 10th December 2012 received from the Office of the Minister for Education and Skills in relation to the Higher Education Grant Scheme was noted.
Notice of Motion.
Garda Numbers in Ballymahon Garda Station
“I request that the number of Gardai in Ballymahon Garda station be restoredto five, so that the Gardai in Ballymahon are not doing duty in other towns.”
Report from Corporate Policy Group.
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Signed: ______
Anne Lee,
Meetings Administrator.
Confirmed and adopted at Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council held on the
20th February 2013.
Signed: ______