Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 2:00 p.m.
Legacy Court
1950 Parallel Drive, Lakeport, California
Commissioners present: Klier (Chair), Pomeroy (Vice Chair), Falkenberg, Maes, Smith, and Daly
Commissioners absent: Jen Staff present: Hays and Ritz Members of the Public: A. Patti- LCOE/Hero Project; C. Swatosh-LCOE; G. Lyle-Griffin-DHS; M. Prather-ESBA; A. Santana-LCOE/ Healthy Start; J. Herring-guest
I. Meeting was called to order by Chair Klier at 2:02 p.m.
II. Introductions were given.
III. Consent Agenda: Motion to approve consent agenda as presented by J. Smith; 2nd by D. Pomeroy; motion carried which included 2-22-17 minutes and February 2017 financial reports.
IV. Executive Director’s Report – The President’s budget proposal was announced after the Director’s Report was sent to the commissioners, so Carla gave an overview. Multiple programs affecting the birth-to-five population in Lake County are subject to federal funding elimination or reduction in the proposed budget, including the Corporation for National and Community Service (AmeriCorps), PBS, Institute for Museum and Library Services, and WIC. First 5 Association is hosting a budget-related informational webinar with a DC think tank on March 27th at 12:30p.m. Brock said it was his understanding if these changes were approved, they would take affect Oct. 2018, not this year, giving agencies time to plan and lobby. A list of current legislation the Association is lobbying for and supporting was distributed. Denise asked what lobbying efforts the commission had done in the past and what have been the results of those efforts. Carla asked if she had the authority to lobby in support/opposition of legislation for First 5 Lake, or if she will need advance permission from the commission to take action. Jeff Smith directed that once Carla becomes more familiar with the commission’s stance on certain issues, he would recommend using her own judgment and if she receives a last minute request for support or opposition of legislation to call the Chair for clarification on the Commission’s stance. Carla agreed and indicated that lobbying procedures are not included in our by-laws, which are soon to be reviewed. Carla shared that First 5 Association moved their meeting date some time ago and it now conflicts with our regular meetings. During the last NW Assoc. call, they asked for county commissions with conflicting dates to consider changing their regular meeting date so they could be represented at these meetings. Lake County is not the only commission with this conflict. Denise and Jeff both stated that the upcoming bylaw review would allow for that to be considered.
· Carla announced the HERO project is having a “Family Fun Day” in Austin Park on May 20th. Carla attended a planning meeting and was asked to see if the First 5 Express could come, but they weren’t available on short notice. First 5 staff will be in touch with some local agencies to get dates for upcoming events to try and get the First 5 Express here for specific events next fiscal year. Vicki mentioned we’ve done that in the past, where the First 5 Express has been present at Children’s Advocacy Day in April, the Lake County Fair in late September, as well as the Pear Festival in Kelseyville, all of which were very well attended. Some of the best feedback we’ve received from one of our First 5 Express events was at Lakeport Elementary and Migrant Head Start where the children are already present and invite their families to participate. Every time the First 5 Express has been in Lake County it has been appreciated. They offer lots of activities for children with two bilingual edutainers and distribute great info to the parents.
· Brought an article published in the Record Bee to the attention of the commissioners regarding Sutter’s Birthing Center participating in the Imagination Library. Unfortunately the article did not mention First 5 sponsorship or give a full picture of what the program is all about. LCOE is reaching out to Sutter to correct the information with the media.
· Carla and LCOE staff attended a training on Monday in Marin County on the new data reporting system for the IMPACT grant that the Northwest Region has adopted. It will make reporting to the state very easy. Carla will connect with Cathy Ferron about it to make sure she’s in the loop.
· We have received 7 applications for commissioner (deadline is today, Wed. March 22, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.) but not as many from the unrepresented districts that we had hoped for. The applications were given to the ad hoc committee which is planning to convene later in April. Pam asked if recommendations for appointment would be ready for the May commission meeting and Denise said it might be a little tight, but every effort would be made to do so.
· Carla provided an update on regular meeting locations: staff is still dealing with a delay in getting an insurance certificate to meet in the Round Room at Mendocino College. The meeting that was scheduled for April 26th at DSS was double-booked, so we may have to meet here at Legacy again. Kathy said she will double-check to see what happened. Jeff also recommended either Clearlake City Hall or LC Transit Authority, both of which are on the South shore.
· County of Lake budgets are due before our next meeting so we will have to ask for an extension. We will have our 2017-18 budget ready for review at the April meeting. Denise said Cathy Saderlund, Auditor/ Controller, knows the due date conflicts with our meetings. We will work on having the budgets ready by March next year to meet county’s deadline.
V. Discuss and approve revised 2016-17 budget – Carla shared we have $56,311 in cost savings due to staffing changes and vacancies. $41,088 had been budgeted to draw from reserves, so the remaining $15,233 is available for reallocation. Carla recommended $2,185 be added to inventory/equipment and used for updating the First 5 Lake office computers, printers and monitors and that $13,048 be added to special projects. Laurie Daly asked if the office phones had been fixed, and Carla shared that the problem had been the phone lines, which AT&T has fixed. Carla shared three possible ways to utilize the cost savings in special projects: 1. advertising for the First 5 Lake sponsored programs that would benefit from it, 2. A Lake County “Family Fun” website, and 3. Mini-grants. Brock and LCOE staff agreed that the community needs one location for posting all events so families don’t have to look into several places for the information. Laurie Daly said she just attended an ECE advisory council meeting this week where three different people said they could benefit from a mini-grant; particularly for in-home care providers. It was suggested we could spend the cost savings in more than one of these areas. Brock reminded everyone that these are one-time only budget savings and to keep that in mind when considering what types of things to fund. Carla did some research on different types of advertising including “before the movie” ads, local radio, Facebook and print ads. Audrey Patti suggested the commission sponsor one of the free Thursday Night Movies at Lakeport Cinema.
Brock suggested that LCOE could offer a community events calendar on their website. He will look into the cost and staffing required to maintain the information. First 5 could then link the calendar to their website, and so could many other agencies. Brock made a motion to approve the revised 2016-17 First 5 Lake Budget as presented; Laurie 2nd; motion carried. The commission directed Carla to spend the special projects funds in the areas discussed with priority given to advertising all around the Lake and any left-over funds to be considered for mini-grants.
VI. Legacy Court Lease Renewal Update – Carla met with the CFO of Lake County Tribal Health Consortium; he said their agency has decided not to become the primary leaseholder. Subsequently, Easter Seals Bay Area has expressed an interest in doing so. Their real estate broker is currently in negotiations with Fresh Winds Church, the property owner. Carla expressed interest to ESBA’s broker, on behalf of the commission, for a five-year sublease at Legacy Court, providing the rent is not higher than the 12% increase the landlord is requesting. Tribal Health officials also indicated that they no longer want to be responsible for the landscaping and janitorial duties at the property in exchange for reduced rent. Vicki is proactively getting estimates from People Services and others for landscaping and janitorial to determine what First 5’s share of the cost of those services will be. Carla will stay in touch with the landlord and ESBA’s broker about a draft lease for review at our next meeting.
VII. PUBLIC HEARING: 2015-16 Annual Report – First 5 California
Opened Public Hearing at 2:47p.m. and there being no comments from the public, Public Hearing was closed at 2:48 p.m. Staff reminded everyone that the draft annual report is on our website under the REPORTS tab. The public hearing is mainly a formality to inform the public that the information is available for their review and comment. No comments were received. Kathy motioned to approve First 5 CA’s 2015-16 Annual Report without comment; Jeff 2nd; motion carried.
VIII. Program Presentation – Gilbert Rangel from AmeriCorps was not present. Staff will touch base with him to get his PowerPoint to distribute to the commissioners with his program update.
IX. Commissioner’s Reports – updates on relevant information concerning budget issues, legislation or activities relating to prenatal-to-5 programs
· Laurie shared the MCAH Advisory Board will be holding a workshop on Attachment Theory with a PEI grant funded by the Dept. of Behavioral Health on Thursday, April 6 from 8:00 to 12 at the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Dr. Daly will be the keynote speaker, followed by a panel discussion with local physicians and counselors. A light breakfast will be served. Registration can be found on the First 5 Lake website’s home page.
· Brock welcomed Carly Swatosh, Education Specialist in Early Literacy, to the meeting. She is replacing Stephanie Wayment but her role will focus mainly on ECE, literacy and school readiness. He also announced LPC’s Annual Early Childhood Educator Awards Dinner on Saturday, May 6th; the theme this year will be Rock ‘n Roll. Registration for the event opens this Friday. Nominations are being accepted until Mar. 30th. Both Carla and Brock will present awards on behalf of the commission.
X. Public Comment & Announcements – open forum where any member of the public may speak on items within our scope but not appearing on the agenda (3 min limit please).
· Mary Prather is attending an ASQ “Train the Trainer” training the first week in April in Las Vegas. Bonnie Bonnett has been her mentor in performing the ASQ’s thus far, and she said it was reassuring to know that everything Easter Seals has been doing all these years is everything that she’s been learning more about.
· Gina from the Health Department reported on the Youth Coalition and Youth Summit and shared about Photo Voice, a project where students took photographs of things pertaining to tobacco and tobacco litter. The posters will be displayed throughout the community. She passed around a flyer for “Kick Butts” day. They have completed their 1 and 3 yr plans for Tobacco Education which includes starting another Youth Coalition group at Kelseyville High School. Gina was asked by Jeff to give a presentation on tobacco cessation to the commission. Jeff also asked her togive one to the Board of Supervisors. Laurie said she’d like to video tape her presentation sothe tape could be utilized by various agencies in the communities interested in promoting tobacco cessation. Recent bills have passed that qualify vaping products as tobacco and therefore will be taxed like one. These additional taxes will provide more funding toimplement their tobacco cessation plan. The bill was also passed increasing the age to buy tobacco products from 18 to 21. Denise said Lake County needs a tobacco ordinance. Gina reported their 4-yr. plan will focus on Youth engagement, smoke-freeoutdoor areas, and making Mendocino College a 100% tobacco-free campus. Jeff said another idea for a presentation Gina could give would be the Clearlake Community Collaborative which meets once a month at the Adventist-Clearlake hospital.
· Ana Santana reported on several upcoming Children’s Council activities. April is Child Abuse Awareness Month, and one related event will be the Annual Child Abuse Prevention Event at Library Park on Saturday, April 22nd preceded by a parade down Main Street. The Children’s Council has developed a plan for education relating to trauma-informed communities. A Trauma Informed Conference will be held on April 26 in Lower Lake. Paper Tigers, a documentary about resiliency following trauma will be screened at the Cornelison Event Center with a presentation and guided discussion to follow. Another documentary, Resilience - The Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope, will be screened as a joint event with the MCAH Advisory Board at Soper Reese on May 19 and 20 with guided discussion to follow. Registration for both film screenings and the trauma informed conference is online at
· Audrey Patti shared updates from The Hero Project including the upcoming Family Fun event on May 20 at Austin Park in Clearlake. She recently recruited volunteers from Lower Lake High School to assist with the event. Audrey also shared that Brock can be heard this month on our local radio stations reminding people that April is Child Abuse Awareness month and encouraging the community to get involved.
XI. Meeting was officially adjourned at 3:20 p.m. The next meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 in the DSS Conference Room, 14092 Lakeshore Drive in Clearlake.
Respectfully submitted,
~First 5 Lake Staff