Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Brannel Room, Fore Street, St Stephen on Wednesday 25 May 2016 commencing at 7.30pm.

Present: Chair: Cllr Hatton

Vice Chair: Cllr Hallett

Messrs: Cllrs Davey, Phillips, Sibley, Simpson and Wonnacott MBE

Madams: Cllr Mrs Wonnacott

In Attendance: Linda Ranger – Deputy Clerk, Jack May – Denis May & Sons and 15 members of the public.

Cllr Hatton advised everyone present that, if they intended to participate in the meeting, they could be recorded, photographed, filmed or otherwise reported about.

P44/16 Election of Chairman:

It was

RESOLVED that Cllr Hatton be elected as Committee Chairman for the year 2016/17.

P45/16 Election of Vice Chairman:

It was

RESOLVED that Cllr Hallett be elected as Committee Vice Chairman for the year 2016/17.

P46/16 Apologies:


P47/16 Declarations of Interest:


P48/16 Dispensation Requests:


P49/16 Denis May & Son:

Jack May advised Members that he had attended the meeting to give an update on the move of operations surrounding application 15/07077. There had been a delay with paperwork meaning that stone crushing was still continuing despite the six-month permission having expired. Cornwall Council were aware. Denis May & Sons remained 100% committed to the move and once the paperwork had been signed, the move would be immediate. It was anticipated this move would be within in the month.

Members thanked Jack May for providing the update.

P50/16 Public Participation:

As there were no questions from members of the public, Jack May left the meeting at 7.45pm.

Mr Yeo provided details of an application due to be submitted for an extension at Tellam Barn, Hillhead/Stepaside and took questions. Members stated that they looked forward to receiving the planning application.

Simon Paull spoke in objection to application 16/02777 and took questions from Members.

Paul Bateman from Influence Planning spoke in support to application 16/02777 and took questions from members of the public and the committee.


A member of the public spoke in objection to application 16/02777.

Mr Yeo left the meeting at 8.30pm.

Mrs Buckley spoke in support of application 16/03910 and addressed the objection that had been posted on the Cornwall Council online system.

P51/16 Previous Meeting Minutes:

It was

RESOLVED that the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Wednesday 20 April 2016 be signed as a true and accurate record.

P52/16 Matters Arising:


P53/16 Planning Applications:

The following Pre Planning Advice Application was noted –

16/01400 Chy-an-Vre, Cleers Hill, Cleers, Roche

Pre application advice for erection of dwelling.

16/01298 30 Chegwyns Hill, Foxhole

Pre application advice for new residential development.

Members were advised that the case officers had requested comment on the following non material amendment applications –

16/03789 Trethosa Farm, Trethosa, St Stephen

Non material amendment for various alterations including details of fencing, gates, mammal access gaps, CCTV, distribution network operator substation, on-site housings reduced in number from four to three, the addition of a satellite dish, weather station and CCTV receivers, solar panel table detail, as built overall park layout and no swales built in the archaeological no build area to decision PA13/11191.

RESOLVED: Members had no objections to the amendments.

One member of the public, Mr Trebilcock, left the meeting at 8.45pm.

16/04057 Hendra Barn, Access to Hendra Lodge from Coombe Rd, Coombe

Non material amendment to correct current finishes to existing walls, changes to finishes, window detail, door and roof details to the conversion of the piggery in respect of decision 14/05537

RESOLVED: Object. Members felt that the changes were not non material amendments and that a further full application should be submitted.

The following non material amendment application was noted –

16/03981 8 Dabryn Way, St Stephen

Application for a non-material amendment in respect of decision notice 15/07068 – demolish outbuildings, build extensions to existing detached dwelling, build double garage.


The following Planning Applications were considered -

16/02777 Land East of Greenhalgh, Access to Greenhalgh, High Street

The construction of a single dwelling house to round off the residential development at Newgate.

RESOLVED: Object. Members felt that the current proposal, by the position of the dwelling, meant that the development would be overlooking and dominant to neighbouring properties; that the design of the dwelling was out of keeping with the local street scene; that Highways needed to be consulted on the access from the main road; that a construction management plan was required to prevent disruption to the neighbouring properties and damage to access road; and that the current problems with surface water and water pressure needed to be addressed within the application.

Nine members of the public left the meeting at 9.05pm.

16/03910 Land East of 5 Brookfield Close, Lanjeth

Proposed dwelling.

RESOLVED: Support as no objections.

Two members of the public left the meeting at 9.10pm.

16/04150 Boundary Farm, Cleer Hill, Cleers, Roche

Replace 2 sheds with an agricultural building and resite existing access.

RESOLVED: Support as no objections

16/03514 Ikoyi, Carpalla Road, Foxhole

To drop kerb and provide access to the property for parking

RESOLVED: Support as no objections

16/03581 Winnipeg Farm, Nanpean

Proposed tractor, agricultural implement and hay straw (barn) with occasional use to house sick lambing livestock

RESOLVED: Support as no objections

16/04161 Gwendra, Gwendra Lane, Whitemoor

Certificate of lawfulness – change of use to residential

RESOLVED: No comment as none of the Members present knew the history of the dwelling so could not confirm or deny its use.

16/04162 Finning CAT, Quarry Close, Nanpean

Display of 2 fascia signs, 2 wall signs 1 post mounted entrance sign

RESOLVED: Support as no objections


P54/16 Planning Decisions:

The following Planning Decisions were received:

Application / Address / SSPC / CC
15/06865 / Former Damerells site, Whitemoor / Support / Granted
15/11585 / Grenville Arms, Fore Street, Nanpean / Support as no objections / Granted
16/00143 / Dubbers Tip Complex, Nanpean / Object / Granted
16/01620 / Tolgarrick Farm, Coombe / Support as no objections / Granted
16/01879 / Daniels Salon, Fore Street, St Stephen / Support as no objections / Granted
16/01946 / Land off Goudges Lane, Whitemoor / Support / Granted
16/02238 / Land North of Homeleigh and Olde Carpalla Cottage, Foxhole / Support as no objections / Granted
16/02612 / 2 Central Treviscoe, Treviscoe / Support as no objections / Granted
16/03013 / Coombe Farmhouse, Coombe / Support as no objections / Granted

P55/16 To Receive Correspondence:

Enforcements –

Ref No / Address / Alleged Breach
16/00766 / Land North West of Penare, Gwendra Lane, Whitemoor / Change of use of land for construction of car park and new access of Gwendra Lane also concerns regarding hardcore being laid in field
16/00770 / Goonvean Blockworks, Goonvean Hill, St Stephen / Breach of Condition No 4 (Within 6 months form the date of this permission the operators shall have ceased stone crushing operations at this site in accordance with the Phased development set out in the application documents) of planning application 15/07077 – Continuing to break stone at the moment despite 6 months having had passed.

P56/16 Gypsy and Travelling Communities Site Allocations Development Plan Document Scoping Report Consultation:

It was

RESOLVED that Cllrs Sibley and Mrs Wonnacott respond to the consultation.

P57/16 Information and Answers:

A schedule of road repairs had been received – the B3279 between Carpalla Rd and Long Lane, High Street would be affected.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm


