Music / ~Dance / 1st Nine Weeks / **Drama / Visual Art
Aug. 6-10 / Aug. 13-17 / Aug. 20-24 / Aug. 27-31 / Sep. 3-7 / Sep. 10-14 / Sep. 17-21 / Sep. 24-28 / Oct. 8-12
Kindergarten / Introduction
Procedures / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Classroom Percussion), Dynamics
Introduction to Rhythm Pies and Solfege, Game Songs and Singing Games / MyCards
Procedures / Art Elements: Color, Line, Shape
Principle of Design: Balance (symmetry) / MyCards Projects
1st Grade / Introduction
Procedures / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Instrument Families), Dynamics
Continuation of Rhythm Pies and Solfege, Game Songs and Singing Games; “Peter and the Wolf” / MyCards
Procedures / Art Elements: Line, Shape, Color
Principle of Design: Balance / MyCards Projects
2nd Grade / Introduction
Procedures / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Brass), Dynamics; Composer: Beethoven
Continue Rhythm Pies, Introduction to Sight-Sing a Song; Folk, Patriotic, Colonial Music / MyCards
Procedures / Art Elements: Line, Shape, Color Artist: Grandma Moses
Principle of Design: Balance AppalachianArt, Folk Art / MyCards Projects
3rd Grade / Introduction
Procedures / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Strings), Dynamics, Harmony
Continuation of Rhythm Pies and Sight-Sing a Song; Folk Songs and Work Songs Composer: Liszt / MyCards
Procedures / Art Elements: Line, Shape, Color
Principles of Design: Balance, Pattern, Emphasis / MyCards Projects
4th Grade / Introduction
Procedures / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Timbre (Woodwind), Form Composer: Stephen Foster
Focus on Music Reading Skills-Continue Rhythm Pies & Sight-Sing a Song; Folk Songs / MyCards
Procedures / Art Elements: Line, Shape, Color
Principles of Design: Emphasis, Pattern, Balance / MyCards Projects
5th Grade / Introduction
Procedures / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Tempo, Dynamics, Harmony, Form Composer: Vivaldi
Native American Music Focus on Music Reading Skills-Continuation of Recorder Playing / MyCards
Procedures / Art Elements: Line, Shape, Color, Space
Principles of Design: Emphasis, Pattern, Balance Native American Art / MyCards Projects
6th Grade / Introduction
Procedures / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Review Instrument Families), Dynamics, Harmony (2-Part singing) Composer: Mozart
Focus on Music Reading Skills-Continuation of Rhythmic Studies and Sight Singing, Begin Keyboards / MyCards
Procedures / Art Elements: Line, Shape, Color, Value
Principles of Design: Pattern, Balance, Emphasis / MyCards Projects
Auditions for Third District Honors Chorus Aug. 20-24 Begin District Chorus & State Audition Rehearsals week of Sep. 10-14
**Auditions for 4th, 5th, 6th Grade Musical, “A Pirate Christmas” October 9 (Rehearsals begin October 16)
**5th & 6th Grade Play, “How Reading Came Back to Nowhere” Performances Sept. 21-22 (Rehearsals resume week of Aug. 13)
MyCards Projects begin Sept. 17 end Oct. 9 (3-4 classes) ~Dance will be integrated into many of the music lessons.
CURRICULUM MAP ARTS & HUMANITIES 2012-2013Music / ~Dance / 2nd Nine Weeks / **Drama / Visual Art
Oct. 15-19 / Oct. 22-26 / Oct. 29-Nov. 2 / Nov. 5-9 / Nov.12-16 / Nov. 19-20 / Nov. 26-30 / Dec. 3-7 / Dec. 10-14 / Dec.17-20
Kindergarten / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Classroom Percussion), Dynamics Composer: Tchaikovsky
Continuation of Rhythm Pies and Solfege, Game Songs and Singing Games, Seasonal Music, ~**Ballet-Nutcracker
Art Elements: Line, Shape (organic), Color (color schemes)
Principle of Design: Pattern Seasonal Artwork
1st Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Percussion), Dynamics
Continuation of Rhythm Pies and Solfege; MIE Keyboards (Pre-MIE 5-10); Native American Music, **Storytelling
Art Elements: Line, Shape (organic), Color (color schemes)
Principle of Design: Pattern Native American Art and Seasonal Art
2nd Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Brass), Dynamics, Harmony; Composer: Strauss, Jr.
Continuation of Rhythm Pies and Solfege; MIE Keyboards (Modules 1-2); Folk, Colonial, Seasonal Music
Art Elements: Line, Shape (organic), Color (color schemes)
Principle of Design: Pattern Native American Art and Seasonal Art
3rd Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Folk Instruments), Dynamics
Continuation of Rhythm Pies and Solfege; MIE Keyboards (Modules 3-4); Appalachian and Bluegrass, Composer: Rossini
Art Elements: Line, Shape (geometric & organic), Color (color schemes)
Principles of Design: Pattern, Emphasis, Balance Appalachian Art, Folk Art
4th Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Woodwind), Dynamics Musicians: Bill Monroe, Jean Ritchie
Continuation of Rhythm Pies and Solfege; Appalachian and Bluegrass; Introduction to the Recorder; Composer: G.F. Handel
Art Elements: Line, Shape (geometric & organic), Color (color schemes) Artist: Anna Mary Robertson Moses
Principles of Design: Pattern, Emphasis, Balance Appalachian Art, Folk Art
5th Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Tempo, Dynamics, Harmony, Form, Timbre (Instrument Families)
Focus on Music Reading Skills-Continuation of Recorder Playing; Colonial American Music; Composer: J.S. Bach
Art Elements: Line, Shape (geometric & organic), Color (color schemes), Form Artist: Rembrant
Principles of Design: Pattern, Emphasis, Balance, Contrast Colonial American Art
6th Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Dynamics, Harmony (2-Part singing)
Focus on Music Reading Skills-Continuation of Rhythmic Studies and Sight Singing, Continue Keyboards, Latin American Music
Art Elements: Line, Shape, Color, Value (monochromatic)
Principles of Design: Pattern, Emphasis, Balance, Rhythm, Movement Latin American Art; Artists: Rivera, Kahlo
Students return MyCards orders by October 24, 25 ~Dance will be integrated into many of the music lessons.
Auditions for Kentucky Children’s Chorus Week of October 22-26 Third District Honors Chorus October 26
~** 4th, 5th, 6th Grade Musical, “A Pirate Christmas” Performances Week of December 17
Music / ~Dance / 3rd Nine Weeks / **Drama / Visual Art
Jan. 2-4 / Jan. 7-11 / Jan. 14-18 / Jan. 21-25 / Jan. 28-Feb. 1 / Feb. 4-8
KMEA / Feb. 11-15 / Feb. 18-22 / Feb. 25-27
Beta / Mar. 4-8
Kindergarten / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Classroom Percussion), Dynamics Composer: Tchaikovsky
Continuation of Rhythm Pies and Solfege, Lullabies, Marches, Folk Songs, ~**Ballet-SwanLake
Art Elements: Line, Shape, Texture, Space
Principle of Design: Emphasis The art of illustrating children’s books
1st Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (voices), Dynamics
Continuation of Rhythm Pies and Solfege; MIE Keyboards (Module 1-2); ~**Mary Poppins
Art Elements: Line, Shape, Texture, Space
Principles of Design: Balance, Pattern, Emphasis Artist: Jackson Pollock
2nd Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (voices), Dynamics
MIE Keyboards (Module 3-4); ~**Mary Poppins / ~**Intro to “Barnyard Moosical” / Practice songs, dances, and dialogue for “Barnyard Moosical”
Art Elements: Line, Shape, Texture, Space
Principles of Design: Balance, Pattern, Emphasis Artist: Edward Hopper
3rd Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (voices), Dynamics
Continuation of Rhythm Pies and Solfege; MIE Keyboards (Module 5-6); ~**Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang / ~**Intro to “ARF!” / Practice songs, dances, and dialogue for “ARF!”
Art Elements: Color, Texture, Form, Space
Principles of Design: Balance, Pattern, Emphasis, Contrast Artist: Degas
4th Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Woodwind), Dynamics, Harmony
Playing the Recorder
Art Elements: Color, Form, Texture
Principles of Design: Pattern, Emphasis, Balance, Contrast Artist: Leonardo
5th Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Tempo, Dynamics, Harmony, Form, Timbre
Focus on Music Reading Skills – Keyboards West African Music, Spirituals
Art Elements: Form, Texture, Line, Shape, Color Artist: Winslow Homer
Principles of Design: Pattern, Emphasis, Balance, Contrast West African Art
6th Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Review Instrument Families), Dynamics, Harmony (2-Part singing)
Focus on Music Reading Skills-Continuation of Rhythmic Studies, Sight Singing, Keyboards; Music from Asia
Art Elements: Form, Texture, Space, Color, Value Artist: Cassatt
Principles of Design: Repetition, Rhythm, Proportion, Movement Egyptian Art (Jan.-Feb.) Asian Art (Mar.)
KMEA Conference February 6-9 Kentucky Children’s Chorus February 6-7 ~Dance will be integrated into many of the music lessons.
Beta Club Song Fest practices begin (State Beta Convention February 28-March 1)
Music / ~Dance / 4th Nine Weeks / **Drama / Visual Art
Mar. 11-15 / Mar. 18-22 / Mar. 25-29 / Apr. 8-12 / Apr. 15-19 / Apr. 22-26 / Apr. 29-May 3 / May 6-10 / May 13-16
Kindergarten / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Instrument Families), Dynamics; Lullabies & Marches / MIE Keyboards
MIE PreModules 1-5
Art Elements: Form, Line, Shape, Color, Texture
Principles of Design: Balance and Pattern
1st Grade / Practice songs and dances for April performance / “Dress” Rehearsal for Performance / Review: Tempo, Rhythm, Melody, Form, Timbre, Dynamics, Keyboards / Talent Show
Practice / Talent Show
Art Elements: Form, Line, Shape, Texture, Space
Principles of Design: Balance, Pattern, Emphasis Artist: Monet
2nd Grade / Practice songs, dances, and dialogue for “Barnyard Moosical” / Dress Rehears/ Perform “Barn-yard Moosical” / Review: Tempo, Rhythm, Melody, Form, Timbre, Dynamics, Keyboards / Talent Show
Practice / Talent Show
Art Elements: Form, Line, Shape, Texture, Space
Principles of Design: Balance, Pattern, Emphasis Artist: Monet
3rd Grade / Practice songs, dances, and dialogue for “ARF!” / Dress Rehears/ Perform “ARF!” / Review: Tempo, Rhythm, Melody, Form, Timbre, Dynamics, Keyboards / Talent Show
Practice / Talent Show
Art Elements: Color, Texture, Form, Space
Principles of Design: Balance, Pattern, Emphasis, Contrast Artist: Renoir
4th Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre (Woodwind), Dynamics, Harmony
Playing the Recorder / Talent Show
Practice / Talent Show
Art Elements: Color, Form, Texture Artist: Georgia O’Keefe
Principles of Design: Pattern, Emphasis, Balance, Contrast / **Drama: Literary, Performance, Productions Elements
Wind in the Willows
5th Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Tempo, Dynamics, Harmony, Form, Timbre
Focus on Music Reading Skills – Keyboards West African Music, Spirituals / Talent Show
Practice / Talent Show
Art Elements: Form, Texture, Color Artist: van Gogh
Principles of Design: Pattern, Emphasis, Balance, Contrast / **Drama: Literary, Performance, Productions Elements
6th Grade / Music Elements: Rhythm, Melody, Form, Tempo, Timbre, Dynamics, Harmony Composer: Bizet
Focus on Music Reading Skills-Continuation of Rhythmic Studies, Sight Singing, Keyboards / Talent Show
Practice / Talent Show
Art Elements: Form, Texture, Space, Color, Value Asian Art
Principles of Design: Repetition, Rhythm, Proportion, Movement / **Drama: Literary, Performance, Productions Elements
Alice Upside Down
~Dance will be integrated into many of the music lessons. Student Art Show April 15-26