- PRESENT: Linda Longnecker (WELCOME!!!) Jerry Czech, Gail Swanke (welcome back!) Mary Lewellin (welcome back!) Jennifer Greiert, Nancy Schultz, Mary LaMarsch, Janet Lewellyn, Gail Bartz, Nancy Brown-Koeller, Greg Sturm, Ron Skalmusky, P.Lee Peterman, Peg Gallagher, Matty
- Minutes read and approved (Jan and Nancy)
- “LET’S GET MOVING! Event on May 14 from 4-7 starting/ending at Kuckuk Park JERRY C will take care of getting this into the Market Messenger. P.Lee and sister, Peg G and Chuck, Maxine and Chuck, and Mike and Idell Johnston will issue incentives at each of the parks. Greg Sturm and Jerry Czech will work the Pathways membership campaign. Dave Koeller and Jim Heinz will set up canopies, Judy Judd and Joan Shebuski will do food, Nancy, Gail and Matty will help with registration, etc. An information letter will be sent before the event.
- Updates on promotional campaign – Amish Auction, Apple Valley, Mielke, Peaceful Palette in May.
- Sponsors
PLEASE re-connect with the businesses you’ve already contacted and remind them to send money and logo AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!! It seems early but the fitting the logos on map/shirt is difficult.
Not such success with the Shawano Lake, Cecil, Bonduel, and Pulaski businesses, so perhaps only 1 t-shirt with all sponsors on it?
GAILl shared Thank You notes. Jan offered to do Matty’s for her. (THANK YOU!)
NANCY will check with Shawano County Farm Bureau for string cheese.
GAIL issued an income and expense sheet for BTBQ
- LOGOS Nick needs them soon!! NANCY- please forward the ones you have to Nick.
- Mail merge. GAIL AND STEPHANIE will work with Julie Wilber at Navarino on mail-merge, sharing contact information and sharing postage costs. (THANKS LADIES!)
GAIL will send Navarino participant list to Dave Koeller who will mail out our information to them.
- REST STOPS: Koeller’s for family fun ride and 2nd stop on 35 mile route CONFIRMED
Witt’s Locker for the 16-mile route, Belle Plaine Cheese MARY LAMARSCH will check on these
Buettner’s for the 35 mile route– CONFIRMED (Matty)
2nd for the Belle Plain route: Scott & Georgia LaBrosse W7401 Cloverleaf Lakes Road CONFIRMED (Matty)
JERRY C is meeting again with the Pulaski Pedal Pushers for possible rest stop help at Laney’s
Laney’s, Dairy Cove and Bonduel rest stops are CONFIRMED (Jerry) check for details later
CANOPIES – Koeller’s have their own, Chamber’s goes to Witt’s and Belle Plaine, Pathways to Buettners, Lee’s to LaBrosse’s, need 3 more for the Bonduel, Cecil, and Pulaski sites.
MAXINE- do you have a canopy? If so, we only need two more.
MATTY – we need SIX portapotties (Buettner,Witt,BellePlaine,LaBrosse,Koeller,Bonduel)
- FOOD REPORT NANCY issued sheets for food at stations and park before/after event; talked about responsibilities. MARY LEWELLIN, P.LEE PETERMAN, LANORE BEHNKE, MAXINE WILLIAMS, and &
WHO WILL BE THE ICE MAN??? MARY LEWELLIN is the PICK AND SORT FOOD MANAGER, with Lanore and P.Lee doing the before/after food. Meeting will be arranged for further preparations.
The logistics of getting food to rest stops was discussed with Pulaski, Bonduel, and Cecil stops being taken care of Friday night. Maxine and Chuck will keep Bonduel food until am; rest delivered to places. More planning necessary for other 5 stations regarding time, etc.
- THRIVENT - is giving us money!!
DAVE KOELLER will re-do FAMILY FUN RIDE, finding an alternative to returning on Main Street (and adding 2 new quilts on South Forty) Send to MkePatza when completed
Nancy and John won’t be here for the guided tour ride, but GREG STURM and LINDA LONGNECKER have volunteered to take this over (Jim/Irene Leuenberger will be at each site)
Discussion followed about keeping group together, a ‘chase’ vehicle or 2, booklets, etc.
GREG-talk to Jeff Heffernon/sherriff about having an escort?
- SHIRT SALES (and possibly new maps?) Jan Lewellyn will ask DEB LONICK maybe Nick/Rachel/Jennifer G?
- REPORT ON MAPS Finalized written descriptions and Mike is working on maps. Then we can start working on adding advertisements, etc.
- BANNERS – Jerry is getting old ones updated for this year. (They’ll go on bank and flea market corners) ED AND MAXINE are working on color in the park
VOLUNTEERS GAIL issued an initial volunteer list
MATTY and maybe Maxine will meet with 4-H leaders on May 7 for potential rest stop help.
NANCY will follow up with HCE ladies as well as Strong Bones participants for help
We can send a letter to service organizations asking for help. Has Inner Wheel committed to help?
GAIL will contact homeschool people and 4-H that helped last year.
- SAGS AND SWEEPS should we have 1 or 2 sags plus Ron’s groups for the 70-miler?
MATTY -Ask Tim Conradt if one of his staff can sag the 16-mile route? Jan Bartz Belle Plaine route,
Stan Surhing Gresham route, Becky S the family fun ride?, Phil Trinko, Johanna Grover, others?
DAVE KOELLER – create signs for the sag trucks (Magnetic didn’t work) ?
- PUBLICITY – JERRY C. will contact tv stations for possible coverage
- SHIRTS – Nick no report
- QUILT RAFFLE- RACHEL No report (Please let us know how we can help and what the plan is)
- Enjoy the bike bags!
- NEXT MEETING : MONDAY, MAY 19 6PM basement of courthouse (room tba)
THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! Matty and Nancy