Mike JempsonCV
Senior Lecturer: Journalism (0.8)
Faculty of Creative Arts, Department of Culture, Media & Drama
University of the West of England, Bristol
Mike JempsonCV
Teaching Specialisms
Mike JempsonCV
Alternative Media
Diversity Reporting
Health Reporting
Human Rights Reporting
Industrial Reporting
International Journalism
Investigative Journalism
Journalism Practice
Media Ethics
Media Regulation
Press Freedom
Political Reporting
Public Relations
Reporting Children
Use of the Media
Mike JempsonCV
Mike JempsonCV
Current Teaching
Journalism Writing (Level 1)
Local & Global Journalism (Level 2)
Investigative Journalism (MA)
Work Experience (Level 3 & MA)
Other Responsibilities
Faculty Ethics Committee
Open Days
Knowledge Exchange
Media contributions
Mike JempsonCV
Other Positons
2006 - Visiting Professor in Media Ethics, University of Lincoln
Honorary Director, The MediaWise Trust
Freelance Media Consultant & Trainer
Clients include British Council, International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Media Diversity Institute (MDI), UNICEF, World Health Communications Associates
2007- Visiting Professor in Media Ethics, Faculty of Media & Humanities, LincolnUniversity
1978- Visiting lecturer (variously teaching community development, journalism skills, media ethics, media studies)
Mike JempsonCV
Birmingham City University/University of Central England
Bristol Folk House
SoundwellCollege, Bristol
BristolUniversitySchool of Advanced Urban Studies
CityUniversity, London
GloucesterCollege of Art & Technology
GoldsmithsCollege; London
GuildhallUniversity, London
Mary Ward Centre, London
Shadwell Centre, Tower Hamlets
Urban Studies Centre, Bethnal Green
UniversityCollege, Falmouth
University of Brighton
University of East London
University of Southampton
University of Wales
University of Westminster
University of the West of England/Bristol Polytechnic 1989-91
Mike JempsonCV
Mike JempsonCV
ChanJungUniversity, Tainan, Taiwan
ChengChiUniversity, Taipei, Taiwan
ChungChengUniversity, Chia-yi, Taiwan
Colombo University, Sri Lanka
Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Institut Universaire Kurt Bosch/University of Fribourg, Switzerland
NanhuaUniversity, Chia-yi, Taiwan
New YorkUniversity
Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Tzu-ChiUniversity, Hualien. Taiwan
Mike JempsonCV
1958-61St George'sCollege, Weybridge, Surrey
& 1963-65GCE S-level: English
GCE A-levelsEnglish, History (2)
Distinctions:General Studies, Social Ethics, Use of English
GCE O-levels: History, Scripture
1961-63St Joseph's College, Mark Cross, Sussex
GCE O-levels: English Language, English Literature, French, Geography
1965-66BrooklandsCountyTechnicalCollege, Weybridge, Surrey
GCE A-levels: British Constitution, Economics
GCE O-level: Biology
1966-69School of English & American Studies, University of Sussex
Degree:BA (Hons English) 2:2
1969-70Secondary School Teacher, Misbourne County Secondary School, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire i/c Religious Studies and Creative Writing
1970-71Founder & Community Leader, Tunbridge Wells Cyrenians
Residential project for homeless and young offenders.
1971-72Director, Warehouse D Project
Community development scheme on the St Katharine Dock, Wapping, working with local youths and adults to convert a derelict warehouse for community use.
1972England Secretary, Student Christian Movement
Organising & co-ordinating activities among radical Christian students at UK universities.
1972-77Youth & Community Worker, Tower Hamlets Social Services
Stimulating & supporting community development projects in the docklands area of East London, including housing, planning, education, welfare, anti-racist, sports, social and cultural activities. Founder-member of Britain's first council estate to be managed by its tenants.
1972-77Youth & Community Worker, Tower Hamlets Social Services
Stimulating & supporting community development projects in the docklands area of East London, including housing, planning, education, welfare, anti-racist, sports, social and cultural activities. Founder-member of Britain's first council estate to be managed by its tenants.
1977-9Senior Reporter East London Advertiser/Dagenham Post
Weekly paid-for local. Specialised in cultural, industrial, planning, political & social affairs.
1979Senior Reporter East Ender
Weekly paid-for local. Specialised in cultural, industrial, planning, political & social affairs.
1979-81Founder-Editor & Company Secretary East End News
Innovative paid-for local weekly, run as workers and readers co-operative. Raised capital; managed staff of 14; supervised 50 trainees; promoted ethnic minority journalists (led to creation of The Voice, Britain’s most popular Black newspaper)
1981-83 & 1986-95Freelance journalist & media consultant
Clients included:
Mike JempsonCV
Amnesty International
Arts in Communities Action Network
Broadcasting Consortium (now The Media Trust)
Campaign for Press & Broadcasting Freedom
Community Radio Association (now Community Media Association)
Further EducationStaffCollege
Labour Party
Matthew Trust
National Council for Civil Liberties (now Liberty)
National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Musicians Union
Mike JempsonCV
Special projects
Special Parliamentary Hearings on Press Freedom and Responsibility 1992
Public Service Broadcasting Campaign, 1989-90
Opposition Front Bench Advisor during passage of 1990 Broadcasting Act
Mike JempsonCV
Andersonstown News
Daily Mirror
Independent on Sunday, Irish Post
London Evening Standard
New Statesman
Private Eye
Sunday Times
Time Out
UK Press Gazette
The Voice
Western Commerce
Mike JempsonCV
National, regional and local (news, current affairs & arts) public service and commercial radio & TV in Canada, Eastern Europe, France, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, & UK & US.
1983-86Senior Information Executive,
Greater LondonEnterprise Board
Internal communications;
National & international media & parliamentary relations;
Research & production of corporate videos & publications;
PR, marketing & media training for small businesses, workers’ co-operatives & international Trade Fairs;
Project advisor on media investments.
1996-2006Director, The MediaWise Trust(formerly PressWise)
Journalism ethics charity providing advice, information, research and training in the UK and internationally
Advising and assisting members of the public with complaints about the UK print and broadcast media, and students with enquiries about media policy, practice and law.
Devising and delivering use-of-media, ethics and journalism training.
Liaison with media regulators, editors, programme producers, statutory bodies and non-governmental organisations.
Public speaking, lectures, conference presentations and media appearances.
Commissioning and supervising research projects, conferences and seminars.
Management of staff, contracts, projects and fundraising.
- Author
Mike JempsonCV
Saving jobs… shaping the future: An introduction to Enterprise Planning
Greater LondonEnterprise Board
A Strategy for Co-operation: Worker co-ops in London
Greater LondonEnterprise Board
Working Together: Trades unions and worker co-operatives
Greater LondonEnterprise Board ISBN 1-8510402304
Under starter’s orders: A response to Radio: Choices and Opportunities
National Union of Journalists
Public Service Broadcasting: a journalistic responsibility
National Union of Journalists
Centenary Celebration: An illustrated history of the Musicians’Union
Musicians Union/Crantock Comms
Victims of Care: The care of the mentally ill in the community
The Matthew Trust
The Heart of Britain: The voluntary sector & BBC Charter renewal
Broadcasting Consortium / National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Creating the Future: The role of the Arts in the new Unitary Authorities
Arts 4 All/Arts in Communities Action Network
Children in the Picture: Media, ethics & reporting of child labour
International Federation of Journalists
The Media and Children’s Rights: a handbook for media professionals
Spot On! A handbook for health communicators
WHO Europe / The PressWise Trust
Devising an Ethical Code for the Bulgarian Media
IFJ, BBC World Service Trust
The Media and Children’s Rights: a handbook for media professionals
UNICEF/PressWise, (2nd Edition)
ISBN 0-9547620-3-7
Working with the Media: A handbook for health communicators
World Health Communication Associates/ European Public Health Alliance/European Environmental Network/The MediaWise Trust ISBN 0-9547620-2-9
Mike JempsonCV
Mike JempsonCV
With Curtis L
Interference on the Airwaves: Ireland. the media and the broadcasting ban
Campaign for Press & Broadcasting Freedom, ISBN 1-898240-01-9
With Grahame J & Simons M
The News Pack (& video)
English & Media Centre ISBN 0-907016-13-8
With Norris W
Information and Child Rights: the challenge of media engagement
International Federation of Journalists/The PressWise Trust
With Norris W & Bygrave L
Covering Suicide World wide: Media responsibilities
The PressWise Trust/Befrienders’ International
From the Margins to the Mainstream: Putting public health in the spotlight
WHO Europe
With Cookson R
The RAM Report: Campaigning for fair coverage of refugees and asylum-seekers
The MediaWise Trust, ISBN 0-9547620-4-5
With Cookson R & Maisokwadzo F.
Exiled Journalists in Europe
The MediaWise Trust ISBN 0-954760-9-6
Mike JempsonCV
- Editor
Mike JempsonCV
The Hurd Broadasting Ban: A synopsis of British media coverage
The 1990 Broadcasting Bill: Briefings
Public Service Broadcasting Campaign
South West Media Guide(2nd Edition)
Sanitising through Censorship: Media coverage of the Gulf War
Campaign for Press & broadcasting Freedom
Bidding to Broadcast: A summary of applications for Channel 3 licences
National Union of Journalists
Putting the Citizen at the Centre of British Broadcasting
Labour Party
Human Rights in the UK: the Challenge to Government
Amnesty International/Crantock Comms
Freedom and Responsibility of the Press: Report of Special Parliamentary Hearings
Crantock Communications
The South West Media Guide
(3rd Edition) UNISON/Crantock Comms
Child Exploitation and the Media Forum: Report & recommendations
The PressWise Trust
Telling it like it is: Ethnic minorities and the media
The PressWise Trust
Access to the Information Society
PressWise/European Commission Information Society Forum
Children, Violence and the Media in an expanding Europe
The PressWise Trust/European Commission Daphne Programme
Suicide Sensitive Journalism in Sri Lanka
Centre for Policy Alternatives/PressWise
Directory of Exiled Journalists
The PressWise Trust
Reporting Children in Africa: A handbook for media professionals
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Press complaints systems under scrutiny
Jempson M & Cookson R, The MediaWise Trust
ISBN 0-9547620-4-5
Journalism and Public Trust
The MediaWise Trust/National Union of Journalists
Sensitive Coverage Saves Lives: A study of suicide coverage in the UK and the efficacy of guidelines for journalists
National Institute for Mental Health in England/Care Service Improvement
Partnership/Shift Stigma Campaign/MediaWise
Belarus: The struggle for press freedom
Belarus Association of Journalists/International Federation of Journalists
Mike JempsonCV
4.Short Works
Mike JempsonCV
a. Chapters
Smaller is better in the localities
Whither alternative local papers?
in Power M & Sheridan G Labour Daily? CPBF
Torture Worldwide
The Agencies Involved
in Forrest D (Editor) A Glimpse of Hell: Reports of Torture World-wide Cassells/Amnesty International, ISBN 0-8147266-6-6
And the consequence was…
in Berry D (Ed) Ethics and Media Culture: Practices and Representations, Focal Press, , ISBN 0-240-51603-6
From PressWise to MediaWise: promoting journalisms ethics in the UK
in Torbjorn von Krogh T (Ed)Media Accountability Today and Tomorrow: Updating the concept in theory and practice. Nordicom ISBN 978-91-89471-58-0
b. Journal articles
Cleaning up our own backyard British Journalism Review, Vol 15, No 2, 2004
Spinners or sinners? PR, journalists and public trust
Journal of Communication Management, Vol. 9, Issue 3, 2005
Slander, Sentimentality or Silence: What children put up with from the media
ChildRIGHT, Nov. 2005, CR221
The Media and Global Ethics
Royal Society of Arts Journal, April 2006
The stinking fish of suicide contagion
Ethical Space, Vol 5, No 1 2008
d. Non-commercial/alternative newspapers: (variously 1974-2009)
Enterprising London
Gas Points
People’s March for Jobs
Responsive College News
South Western Approach
Zvon (Belarus Clarion)
e. Websites (content)
Mike JempsonCV
Mike JempsonCV
Mike JempsonCV
Brighton, UK
Conference co-ordinator & speaker: First Anglo-French Student Ecumenical Conference,
University of Sussex
Lille, France
Conference co-ordinator & speaker: Second Anglo-French Student Ecumenical Conference,
Lille University
Conference co-ordinator & workshop contributor: The Medium and the Message
Student Christian Movement Bible & Liberation Conference
London,UK (26 Feb)
Presentation: Whither alternative local papers?
CPBF Conference: Labour movement daily and media alternatives
Bristol, UK (21-22 Nov)
Conference organiser and facilitator: What price Media Freedom? Secrecy, Censorship and Discrimination in the Free Enterprise Culture
Campaign for Press & Broadcasting Freedom South West at the Watershed Media Centre
Bristol, UK (5 Jan)
Organiser & Chair: Media racism & black employment in the media
CPBF-SW & the Watershed Media Centre screenings & debate
Bristol, UK (Feb)
Organiser, chair & contributor: Beyond the Pale: British media and Ireland
CPBF-SW & the Watershed Media Centre, exhibition, screenings & debates
Bristol, UK (16 June)
Organiser and facilitator: Broadcasting in the Nineties
CPBF-SW & the Watershed Media Centre
Dublin, Ireland (11 Mar )
Guest speaker: Campaigning for press freedom in the UK
Inaugural conference, MediaWatch Ireland, Trinity College
Bristol, UK (20 July)
Organiser and Chair: Banned films: Secret Society: Cabinet
CPBF-SW & the Watershed Media Centre screenings and debate
40 July
Bonn (19-22 March)
Presentation & Workshop leader: The Media and the Gulf War
International Volunteers Forum: Ethnic & Religious Minorities in Europe and the Gulf War
Athens, Greece (4 June)
Presentation: The State and the Media: a question of finance
(BBC, Deutsche Welle, EKAI) International Symposium Mass Media and the State
London, UK (8 June)
Conference co-ordinator: UK Human Rights and the UK: The challenge to government
Amnesty International preparatory forum for UN World Conference on Human Rights, (Vienna, 14-25 June 1993)
London, UK
Presentation: Wapping, Fleet Street and the process of change in the 1980s
City University conference The End of Fleet Street?
London, UK (11 Mar)
Conference co-ordinator & facilitator:Child Exploitation and the Media Forum
National PressWise conference
London, UK (29 Nov)
Conference co-ordinator & facilitator: Telling it like it is…Ethnic Minorities &the Media Forum National PressWise conference
Bristol, UK
Conference co-ordinator & facilitator: InfoCity98 -Access to the Information Society
European Commission Information Society International Forum & Exhibition
Stockholm, Sweden
ILO Child labour conference
Paris, France (25 May)
Presentation: Building a global network of journalists sympathetic to children’s rights
UNESCO symposium
Banjul, The Gambia (14-17 June)
Workshop leader: Developing materials for reporting about children
West African Journalists Association Regional Conference
Oslo, Norway
UNICEF Oslo challenge conference,
Chisinau, Moldova (22-27 June)
Conference facilitator: Presentation: Tell me a story
WHO European Health Communications Network conference
Brussels, Belgium (Sept)
Conference co-ordinator & speaker:The Media and Sexual Abuse of Children by Tourists
IFJ International conference
Helsinki, Finland (10 Nov)
Presentation: Black and white and read all over
Finnish Refugee Council seminar on coverage of refugees and asylum seekers
London, UK (1 Feb)
Conference organiser & facilitator: Refugees, Asylum-seekers and the Media Forum
National PressWise conference bringing together politicians, senior journalists, media regulators, and refugee organisations.
London, UK (24-27 July)
Presentation: Making space for the voiceless; Refugees and the right to be heard
Institute of Education International conference Representing Diversity in the Media
Bath, UK (Sept)
Workshop Leader: Great copy - pity about the rights
for 2001 World Congress on Family Law and the Rights of Children and Youth
Sri Lanka (Oct)
Presentation: Reporting suicide
SE Asia Environmental Journalists’ Association International Congress
Bristol, UK
Conference organiser & facilitator: Developing Training Modules for Journalists
MediaWise Training of Trainers event
Bristol, UK
Conference co-ordinator and facilitator:Working in the UK Media
MediaWise RAM Project conference
Delhi, India (17-23 Aug)
Presentations: Journalists and good governance Network-building
WHO/UN Habitat conference Journalists and Good Governance
Cardiff, Wales (24-7 Nov)
Co-ordinator & Presenter: A Sense of Place Media Day (25 Nov)
British Council international conference on displacement and Integration in Europe
London UK
Conference co-ordinator & speaker:Journalism and Public Trust
National conference NUJ Ethics Council / MediaWise
Birmingham, UK
Workshop presentation: Working to improve media coverage
Home of Office National Refugee Integration Forum Research Conference
London, UK (May)
Presentation: Untangling the world wide web - when errors hit the information superhighway
Organisation of Newspaper Ombudsmen International Congress
Brussels, Belgium
Speaker: Representations of Refugees and asylum seekers in UK media
Jesuit Refugee Service European Media conference Aliens in the Media
Durban, South Africa (Sept)
Presentation: Media coverage of Suicide: the need for guidelines
International Association for Suicide Prevention Annual Congress
Bristol, UK Oct –
Conference co-ordinator and facilitator: Exiled Journalists Network Inaugural conference
Exiled Journalists Network 3-day Inaugural Conference
Bath, UK (11 Nov)
Conference co-ordinator and facilitator: Children’s Rights vs. Press Freedom: Who wins?
Quarriers/MediaWise national conference
Magreb Review conference Oxford
London, UK (19 April)
Workshop: Combating inaccurate & unfair media coverage of refugees
Save the Children Brighter Futures Conference
Vienna, Austria(22-23 May)
Workshop: UK media regulation and representation of refugees & asylum seekers
European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) conference
Bamako, Mali (4-8 June)
Workshop leader: Reporting Children and Working with children
International Youth Media Development Forum
Holland (June)
Brighton, UK (25 June)
Panellist: Refugees and the Media
West Sussex Refugee Week event
Brussels, Belgium (26 June)
Presentation: Watching the Media
Free University of Brussels international conference,Them & Us: Moving Beyond the Cliches
London, UK (27 June)
Panellist: Ethical Shadows on CommunicationsAga Khan Education Board conference
Ross-On-Wye, UK (1-2 July)
Presentation: Regulation & the UK Press
John Smith Foundation International Fellows Weekend
London, UK (13 Sept)
Chair: Journeys into Journalism 1: Leaks Lies & tip Offs
SS Robin Gallery, Canary Wharf
London, UK (11 Oct)
Chair: Journeys into Journalism 2: Conversation with a Child Trafficker?
SS Robin Gallery, Canary Wharf
Taipei, Taiwan (17 Nov)
Keynote speaker: Reporting suicide worldwide
National ChengChi University Media and Suicide Symposium
Kalmar, Sweden, (13-14 Mar)
Presentation: From Media Victims to MediaWise
Contribution to international conference ’Media Accountability Today – and Tomorrow’ organised by FOJO Institute for Journalism Training & Kalmar Institute for Communication & Design