The Randolph County Board of Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting at the Welcome Center with the following members in attendance: Chairman Jimmy Bradley; VC Steve Jackson; Commissioners Jimmie Allen, Lamar White and Wesley Williams; County Manager Frank Etheridge; County Attorney Tommy Coleman and Finance Director Lori Moore.
Chairman Jimmy Bradley called meeting to order and VC Steve Jackson gave the invocation.
- Approval of Agenda
Motion By: Wesley Williams
Second By: VC Steve JacksonTo approve Agenda as presented
Motion Carried Unanimously (5-0)
- CITIZENS COMMENTS – No one appeared to speak to the Commission
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES – December 8, 2015 regular meeting
Motion By: VC Steve Jackson
Second By: Wesley WIlliamsTo approve Minutesas presented
Motion Carried Unanimously (5-0)
County Manager reported that we had completed the end of the year with expenditures of $4,994,729.77 which represents 99% of the 2015 budget and revenues of $4,732,381.64 which represents 93.24% of the 2015 budget. The end of the year resolutions will be handled later (in this meeting). Chairman Bradley asked if we had heard anything from the City of Cuthbert about the fire truck sell; we will send a courtesy letter to Mayor Whatley on the Commissioners decision.
Motion By: VC Steve Jackson
Second By: Wesley WIlliamsTo approve Financial Report to Continue Paying the Bills as Scheduled Motion Carried Unanimously (5-0)
- Appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman - Attorney Coleman asked for nominations for the Chairman position. Lamar White nominated Jimmy Bradley. No additional nominations were made.
Motion By: VC Steve Jackson
Second By: Jimmie AllenToClose Nominations and Approve Jimmy Bradley as Chairman
Motion Carried Unanimously (5-0)
Chairman Bradley then asked for nominations for the Vice Chairman position. Lamar White made motion, with a second from Jimmie Allen, to nominate Steve Jackson. No additional nominations were made.
Motion By: Wesley Williams
Second By: Steve JacksonToClose Nominations and ApproveSteve Jackson as Vice Chairman
Motion Carried Unanimously (5-0)
- Committee Assignments-Each member was given a copy of the different assignments and which two of the Commissioners were assigned to what committee.
- Policy on Protection of regionally important places – The County Manager reported that the State has updated the planning minimum standards required by the local communities over the last several years. One of the changes required the Regional Commissions to adopt a Regional Plan that included the identification of and methods of protecting regionally important resources (RIR). In our area the ground water recharge areas and wetlands fall into the RIR category. The County is required to adopt policies in support of the Regional Plan and the RIR’s identified in that plan before January 31, 2016 or lose its Qualified Local Government Status until policies are adopted. A resolution adopting local policies to consider as part of reviewing development proposals was presented.
Motion By: Lamar White
Second By: Jimmie AllenTo Adopt Resolution 2016-001 that identifies local policies to protect RIR’s
Motion Carried Unanimously (5-0)
- FY 2015 end of the year resolutions– The County Manager stated in an effort to balance the end of year expenditures and revenues for the 2015 budget, the finance officer has prepared Resolution 2016-0002 adjusting and balancing the budget on the department level.
Motion By: VC Steve Jackson
Second By: Lamar WhiteToAdopt Resolution 2016-002
Motion Carried Unanimously (5-0)
- COMMITTEE REPORTS-Jamie Sauls, EMS Director, went over Response Time Statistics Report. She also stated EMT classes were underway with 26 students from Randolph, Clay and Quitman counties.
- County Extension-Kris Peavy was not in attendance but County Manager went over the flyer she sent.
- County Manager-Highlights of things happening-Blinds in meeting room will be installed Thursday January 14th ; the heating system will be finished the end of this week or the beginning of next week (completed on January 26th); Striping of parking lot scheduled for next week (completed); Still working on acquiring a speaker system;The small sugar maple tree in Shellman which grew from a tree originally here at the Welcome Center is requested to be planted here (completed); There will be a permanent display of Historic Cherokee Panels set up here at the Welcome Center; City of Albany backed out of E-911. We met with City of Blakely and Early County and will have a follow up meeting with them to see if we can work something out with them. Until then we will stay on a 6 month extension with LCR E-911 or month to month.
Motion By: Wesley Williams
Second By: Lamar WhiteTogo with a 6 month Extension for the LCR E-911 Authority
Motion Carried Unanimously (5-0)
The advertisement for applications for EMA/Fire Chief closes out next week. Need to set a time with VC Steve Jackson and Commissioner Wesley Williams to review the applications which are about 20.
- County Attorney-Lamar White asked about the alcohol referendum. The City of Cuthbert approved to go forward with the referendum and it will be on the May 1st ballot.
- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE-Patricia Goodman went over the Chamber of Opportunities handout.
Motion By: VC Steve Jackson
Second By: Jimmie AllenToEnter into Executive Session for Personnel Purposes
Motion Carried Unanimously (5-0)
Motion By: Chairman Jimmy Bradley
Second By: Lamar WhiteToRe-Enter into Regular Session
Motion Carried Unanimously (5-0)
All members signed affidavit affirming reason for going into executive session.
Motion By: Wesley Williams
Second By: Jimmie AllenToAdjourn
Motion Carried Unanimously (5-0)
Jimmy Bradley, Chairman
Addie Taylor, County Clerk