28 October 2003
Dear Colleague
South Wales & Western Branch Meeting Wednesday 20th February 2008
The next meeting of the South Wales & Western Branch will take place on Wednesday 20th February 2008 at Memorial Woodlands, Earthcott Green, Alveston, Bristol, BS35 3TA.
Following refreshments attendees will be taken on a tour of the facilities and see part of the 100 acre site
Following the tour, attendees will be taken to the conference room where a buffet lunch will be provided yet again by our kind sponsors Teleshore UK Ltd.
The Branch Meeting will commence after lunch, after a brief presentation by Teleshore UK Ltd.
If anyone has any business for the Branch Meeting, would they please let me know as soon as possible for inclusion on the agenda? So far the only item of which I am aware is my ratification as Branch secretary; if any other brave soul wishes to contest the position, again please let me know soon.
An ICCM officer, identity yet to be confirmed will be in attendance to give an update on latest initiatives and issues. A question and answer session will also be added in order to provide the opportunity to discuss problems and issues with like-minded people.
The day will end with a round up of news from the region – please bring along any items you may think will be of interest.
You do not have to be a member of the ICCM to attend. Please complete and fax the attendance slip attached to register your intention to attend to 01392 265795, or email .
I look forward to seeing you all at the Branch Meeting.
Yours sincerely
Ian Quance
Acting secretary
Ian Quance
Acting Branch Secretary
Tuesday 20th February 2007, Bristol;
10.00 - Members meet at Memorial Woodlands, Earthcott Green, Alveston
Bristol, BS35 3TA.
Tea / Coffee will be available upon arrival.
10.30 - Tour of facilities and grounds followed by a presentation by Wayne Armstrong, Managing Director
12.30 -Lunch
1.30-Presentation by Teleshore UK Ltd followed by Branch Meeting
2.00Branch meeting
2.30ICCM National news
3.00ICCM Regional news followed by open session
4.00-Approximate end of day
Branch Meeting
- Welcome
2.New Members of the Branch
3.Apologies received
4.Previous Minutes
5.Ratification of Branch Secretary
6.Any Other Business
7.Vote of Thanks
8.Close of Meeting
I will / will not* be attending the meeting to be held at Memorial Woodlands, Earthcott Green, Alveston, Bristol, BS35 3TA, on Wednesday 20th February 2008
Organisation ………………………………………………………………………………………
I will be bringing ……………………………………………………………… (name of guest)
Please post, fax or email to:
Ian Quance
Bereavement Services and Cemeteries Manager
Exeter City Council
Civic Centre
Paris Street
EX15 2AA
by no later than Wednesday 6th February 2008
Tel:01392 265701
Fax : 01392 265795
*(please delete as appropriate)
Registered Office: ICCM National Office, City of London Cemetery, Aldersbrook Road, Manor Park, E12 5DQ
Tel: 020 8989 4661 Fax: 020 8989 6112Website:
A Company Limited by Guarantee Founded 1913 – Incorporated 1958 London Register No. 610299