Mrs. Hudak
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):September 2, 2015
The 2015-2016 school year will be both exciting and challenging for students, parents/guardians and educators as we continue our journey through a thought-provoking English Language Arts curriculum. Our course of study will focus on student-centered learning, with goals and expectations in reading, writing, listening and speaking, and language that will prepare them for career/college readiness. Consequently, a stronger focus will be placed on nonfiction and informational texts, research, literacy in the content areas and academic vocabulary.
To begin the school year, aswe develop our classroom community,students will participate ininterest surveys to help guide instructional choices to students’ interests. Multiple Intelligence Testing will also be used to assess students’ strengths and weaknesses, while also helping to build relationships within the classroom. As the year will consist of many cooperative and inquiry-based activities, students will be encouraged to develop relationships with their peers. In addition, a baseline assessment of students’ skills in ELA through the STAR, an online assessment tool, will be administered at the beginning of the year to drive instruction and focus on students’ individual needs.
Throughout the school year, students will participate in an engaging curriculum that will focus on various units of study including:
Unit 1:Close Reading for Character and Theme: “Flowers for Algernon”; “There Will Come Soft Rains”; and “The Landlady” (short stories)
Unit 2:A World at War: The Diary of Anne Frank(play)
Unit 3: Working With Evidence- To Kill a Mockingbird (novel)
Unit 4:Finding Home: Refugees- Inside Out and Back Again (verse novel)
In addition, various writing pieces and projects will provide opportunities for student assessment and enrichment.
To ensure your child’s success throughout the school year, communication is essential. Please be sure to contact me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to meeting both you and your child.
Mrs. Hudak
Please fill out your child’s name, and sign below:
Students: You are required to obtain the following materials and have them in class with you no later than Friday, September 11. If you have these materials with you, you will receive a 10/10 as a quiz grade. Failure to have these materials will result in a 0/10 quiz grade.
1-a three ring binder (at least 1 & 1/2” thick)
2- dividers
3-loose-leaf paper
4-pens, pencils, highlighter (I suggest purchasing an inexpensive, plastic zippered envelope pouch with three holes to house utensils)
5-marble notebook
*If there are reasons why you are unable to purchase these materials by Friday, September 11, please bring a note from your parent(s) or guardian(s) as soon as possible. Thank you.
- Students are required to have a marble notebook to be used as a reading response journal, which must be brought to class each day. Students who do not bring their journals to class will be deducted 1 point on their quarter grade for each time it is not in class. Students may not use loose-leaf paper for reading responses. Each reading response is worth 5 points (up to 25 points a week), so it is imperative that students bring their journals and write in them everyday as they are required to do so. All responses must be written in paragraph form (at least 5 sentences). Students are not to scribble, draw, or use this journal for any other class. I will collect this journal and will grade it based on the acceptable completion of tasks assigned each week. Late journals will not be accepted unless in case of absences.
- Pupils are also required to have a three-ring binder. This will be required in class Monday through Friday. Students who come unprepared to class will receive a daily reduction of 1 point to their quarter grade. Your binder should be separated into the following sections:
- introductory and miscellaneous materials
- notes
- reading
- writing
- language
- tests/quizzes
- Discipline: Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to work with all required materials before the bell rings. Those who are late for class will be given a late slip. Pupils will be given assigned seats, are expected to raise their hands when they have questions or want to participate in discussion, and are required to be respectful to others at all times. Students may not leave the room without my permission and may only leave so under my discretion. In the event of a personal emergency, I will permit pupils to leave the room. Students must use their agendas whenever they leave the classroom. The use of cellular phones and other electronic devices is prohibited.
- * I strive for my classroom to be a safe, learning environment where all students can learn and grow. Therefore, I will not tolerate rude comments or gestures that insult cultures, races, religions or that are profane or sexual in nature. Students must be reminded that school is a place for the learning and sharing of ideas that are appropriate, ethical, and are in the best interest of all others in the classroom.
Contact Information:
The easiest way for us to keep in touch is through e-mail. Please feel free to e-mail me at any time with any questions or concerns. I check my e-mail frequently throughout the day.
My website contains all the information needed to make this year a successful one for your child. All assignments, due dates, project/task descriptions, and announcements will be available. A copy of this syllabus, along with a copy of a parent/guardian letter can also be viewed. A link to my e-mail will also be provided on the site, where you and your child can reach me with homework questions, inquiries on projects, or any other concerns you may encounter during the year.
Directions for finding site:
- Go to
- Click on “Choose a School”
- SelectMarlboroMiddle School
- Click on “Faculty”
- Find my name and click on my website