Board of DirectorsMeeting Minutes
Home of Brenda Schuhmacher
April 7, 2015
Board members present: Mark McKechnie, Tami Ottley, Ben Swita, Brenda Schuhmacher, Anita Overton, Marie Swita.
Guests: Britton and Lida Elder. See ACC report below.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order by President Mark McKechnie at 6:08p.m.
Secretary’s Report:
- Minutes of March meeting was distributed and read. Tami made the motion to accept the minutes and Ben seconded. The motion carried. These March minutes will need to be signed for the bank in order to prove that Mark was elected at last meeting as President.
Treasurer's /Financial Reports:
- Financial reports were distributed. Profit and Loss Budget vs Actual, (January to April 6) Operating Budget, Balance Sheet,Check Detail and Customer Balance Summary.
- Currently there is a deficit of $7,409.67 in unpaid assessments and fines. Those homeowners continue to be billed monthly and shall bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum from the due date until paid in full. There is no interest paid on fines or late fees.
- There was discussion once again about small claims versus foreclosure. The attorney informed us that we cannot collect any amount in small claims that is over 6 years old. Marie has talked with the attorney at length and foreclosure has been brought up as a possibility way to go about collecting from 5 of the 30 delinquent homeowners. The CC&R’s allow this. Anita made a motion to proceed with foreclosure letters to the homeowners owing over $500.00 and the treasurer will speak with the attorney again about what the cost per letter will be. All expenses will be passed along to the debtor. Based on that cost, we will vote via e-mail for the treasurer to proceed. Mark seconded the motion and the motion carried.
- Marie and Anita will meet to do the HOA federal income taxes.
Welcoming Committee:
- Tami welcomed four neighbors to Shadow Run. They were each given a packet with CC&R’s, ACC rules and also a magnetic business type card that contains the web address and phone number for Shadow Run.
Activities Committee:
- The Easter egg hunt was a great success. Over 75 children participated. See the web page for pictures and winner of the contests.
- Brenda contacted Karin Hogg and she will be happy to advertise the upcoming yard sale in May for Shadow Run.
Landscaping and Community Enhancement Committee:
- Brenda called Jobs Nursery again to get a date for tree planting and it is scheduled for April 21 or 22nd.
- Desert Green came out to do the Spring maintenance on the trees. It consisted of a drench, insecticide and herbicide application. Two trees need to be watched on the south entrance as they are showing signs of distress. All trees in the subdivision were treated and the bill was over $5,900. Marie is to check the bid paperwork from last fall before she pays the bill.
- The fence stain has been acquired and the fence will be stained this week sometime by volunteers.
ACC/Rules and Regs Committee:
- The Edler’s came to the meeting to appeal having to paint their front door color again. They would like it to remain the same. After discussion, Mark asked each board member to drive by the house in the next 48 hours, look at the paint color and let him know via e-mail if they like the color or not. Mark will then let the Edler’s’ know what the vote was and decision.
- Reminder letters for painting the nine houses that were viewed will go out next week via certified letter. These homeowners were notified last fall that their homes need to be painted. Anyone that gets a letter will be asked to fill out an ACC form to communicate to the ACC committee what they are planning to do and when. If there is no communication the fine process will begin.
- Because of some notices being placed on doors, there have been some belligerent phone calls made to the Shadow Run phone. After talking about the question of safety regarding those door postings, the Rules and Regs committee would like to reestablish the mail system to contact the homeowner. There will no longer be door postings but letters mailed out to violators. Yes, this will cost more but safety to committee members is paramount.
- There have been boarders renting rooms at a Conway Drive home. A letter was sent to the homeowner asking him to cease renting rooms and have renters gone in 30 days to rectify the situation. The owner called to say there was no one renting the rooms. After speaking with our attorney, we will need to get a sworn statement from at least one of the two roommates who alerted us to the situation and then we will pursue this.
New Business:
- Since Marie has taken over the Treasurers job, she needs to subscribe to the WA State CAI membership. Brenda made the motion to pay for that membership and Mark seconded. The motion carried. This allows Marie to keep current on homeowner association laws - state wide and federally.
Old Business:
- A shed has been purchased to be placed in the main park. Mainly decorations, pesticides and other misc Shadow Run items will be placed in that shed. Ben and Mark will install the shed and secure it for theft purposes.
- We are waiting for the irrigation water to be turned on to make sure of the fix needed in the value box in the entrance on 33rd street.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Next meeting: Next meeting will beon Monday May 4, 2015 at 6:00pm at the Kennewick Public library.
Respectfully submitted:
Brenda Schuhmacher, Secretary.