2015/2016 Monthly Blog Calendar
December 2015: TOPIC OF THE MONTH: CTSO Leadership. Students who participate in CTSOs display higher levels of academic commitment and motivation, community engagement, and leadership and employment skills than other students. Do you have a student that is a CTSO leader? What successful programs are in your school or community that offer your students leadership roles?
January 2016: TOPIC OF THE MONTH: College and Career Readiness. The goal of educators is to engage and educate students. What are your schools best practices in preparing students for the next step? What career and college readiness events have you attended and found helpful? How do you best navigate the college and career process?
February 2016: TOPIC OF THE MONTH: CTE Month: Classroom Innovators. What aspects of CTE make it useful for students preparing for careers? What obstacles do CTE students face as they attempt to utilize their skills, and how are they overcome? Tell us about someone you know who used their CTE education to find a stable career (former student, current or former teacher or colleague, etc.) What have they done to stay engaged and effective in their career (Engaged in professional development training? Changed jobs to where their skills were most useful?)
March 2016: TOPIC OF THE MONTH: Policy/CTE advocacy. How do you add your voice to the growing discussions around CTE policy? What are some techniques you have used to make the case for CTE to policymakers? What are some obstacles you have encountered/overcome? How does federal legislation directly affect students? How critical has federal funding been in sustaining and improving your classroom?
April 2016: TOPIC OF THE MONTH: How All Educators Can Benefit From CTE Teachers. CTE educators offer a unique experience to engage students in a variety of subjects, combining academic and technical skills, while preparing them for opportunities beyond high school. How do you work with your colleagues to make the most of each student’s learning experience? How do you combine academic rigor with technical skill development? How do you apply outside classroom experiences to a student’s academic education? How can other teachers benefit from these students’ experiences?
May 2016: TOPIC OF THE MONTH: Student Success profiles. It’s getting near the end of the school year! Do you have a student who has made a positive difference? What is your favorite student success story this year, or of your career? How has this experience benefited you as an educator and/or personally?