Finance Division - Complaints procedure
Please refer to the LSE Service Complaints procedure in the first instance:
- All Finance Division staff are committed to providing an efficient and effective service. The senior management of the Division are therefore anxious that there should be a procedure under which aggrieved members of the School can register any complaints, and from which the Division can amend and improve their working practices to avoid a repetition of the problem.
- Complaints may fall into the following categories:
- Failure by Finance Division staff to respond to enquiries, e.g. answering telephones and returning calls, replying to email messages.
- Lack of information/erroneous information provided to staff and students.
- Internal or external deadlines not met.
- Delays or non payment of invoices/personal expenses claims.
- Perceived discourtesy on the part of Finance Division staff.
- Complaints should be directed as follows:
To the Financial Controllerfor
- Services provided by the Financial Controllers team
- Pensions, Insurance and VAT
- Deputy Financial Controller
To the Deputy Financial Controller for
- Cashiers team
- Credit Control team
- Accounts Payable team
- Fees team
To the Director of the Finance Divisionfor Services provided by the
- Systems Accounts team
- Financial Planning and Analysis team
- Procurement team
- Office Manager
- Any other matters not specifically falling within any of the above
Please note that the School payroll systems and processes are managed by the HR Division – see HR Pay for more information.
Any complaints about the conduct of the Director of the Finance Division should be made to the Chief Financial Officer, COL1.03, extension 7100.
- All complaints will be acknowledged within three working days. The Divisional standard is to resolve the problem within five working days, but any questions which involve external bodies, e.g. banks, Inland Revenue, will inevitably take longer. In such cases, the complainant will be initially advised of the possible timescale and kept in touch with progress.
- The response to the complaint will address the questions of:
a)the cause of the problem;
b)the steps taken to ensure non-recurrence;
c)apologies - if relevant - for the difficulties caused;
d)financial compensation. It is unlikely that any will be available, unless the problem was caused by an outside agency, e.g. a bank, in which case the Finance Division will use its best endeavours to ensure adequate recompense is paid.
6.The redress will be confined to the matter under complaint. Any disciplinary action against any member of staff as a result of a complaint will be a matter for the Division's senior management.