Medical Terminology
Module 4 Practice Test
- List all the terms you know that are used for blood.
- List the functions of blood.
- List all the names, descriptions and functions of the blood components.
- List the proteins found in blood.
- Define hemoglobin and hematocrit.
- What is the term for production of blood cells?
- What are the 4 blood types? Which is the universal donor? Which is the universal recipient?
- What is meant by the RH factor?
- What causes clotting of blood to occur?
- What condition results with an increased number of WBCs?
- What condition results with a decreased number of RBCs and iron?
- What is an embolus?
- What is a thrombus?
- What condition results with an increased amount of iron in the blood?
- What condition results with an increased amount of fat in the blood?
- What condition results with an increased amount of sugar in the blood?
- What term means cutting into the vein?
- What is ablation therapy?
- What is the cisterni chyli?
- What are Peyer’s patches?
- List and describe the components of the lymphatic system.
- What type of immunity protects against bacterial or viral infections?
- What type of immunity protects against cancer?
- What type of immunity protects by increasing the number of lymphocytes that attach to an invading substance to destroy it?
- What is edema?
- What type of immunity occurs when a person has already had the disease?
- What type of immunity occurs when the protection is passed from mother to child via breast milk or placenta?
- What does it mean to be susceptible to a disease?
- What is angioedema?
- What is an example of a hemolytic autoimmune disease?
- Describe granulocytes.
- Define nutrition.
- What is meant by anemia?
- List, describe and locate all the structures of the heart.
- What is the term for slow heart rate?
- What is the term for fast heart rate?
- What is the term for irregular heart rate?
- What is the term for normal heart rate?
- What type of circulation occurs in the digestive tract with the absorbed food products?
- What is the largest blood vessel in the body?
- What is an artery?
- What is a vein?
- Which side of the heart contains oxygenated blood?
- Which side of the heart contains deoxygenated blood?
- What is an arteriole?
- What is a capillary?
- What is a venule?
- Where would you find the mesenteric artery?
- Where would you find the femoral artery?
- Where would you find the carotid artery?
- Where would you find the inferior vena cava?
- Where would you find the radial artery?
- Where would you find the pulmonary artery?
- What is meant by defibrillation?
- What is meant by systole?
- What is meant by diastole?
- What is the name of the item used to measure blood pressure?
- What is the name of the item used to auscultate the heart?
- What is the term for heart muscle disease?
- What is the term for hardening of the arteries?
- What is the term for premature heart beats?
- What is a hemorrhoid?
- What is the surgical cutting of the flaps of the mitral valve?
- What is angioplasty?
- What is a pacemaker?
- What is thrombophlebitis?
- What is an anticoagulant?
- What is cardiac tamponade?
- What is the renal pelvis?
- What is the renal calyx?
- What is a ureter?
- What is the urethra?
- What is the function of the urethra in males and females?
- What is the term for looking into the bladder with a lighted instrument?
- What is the cortex of the kidney?
- What is the term for cutting into the kidney to remove a stone?
- What is the term for inflammation of the bladder?
- What is the term for absence of urine?
- What is the term for sugar in the urine?
- What is the term for blood in the urine?
- What is the term for pus in the urine?
- What is the term for bedwetting?
- What is the term for excessive urination?
- What is the term for scant production of urine?
- What are two other correct terms for urinating?
- What is the correct word for kidney stone?
- What type of specialist is concerned with kidney function?
- What type of specialist is concerned with heart function?
- What type of specialist is concerned with blood function?
- What type of specialist is concerned with drawing blood for study?
- What is the largest artery in the body?
- What is the reason for blood leaving the heart and traveling to the lungs?
- What is a stem cell transplant?
- What condition results when a transplanted tissue is not accepted by the graft site?
- What is the sinoatrial node?
- What is the difference in the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein in the heart?
- What is the term for a heart attack due to death of the heart muscle tissue?
- What is the term for swelling containing blood?
- What is the term for high blood pressure?
- What is the term for low blood pressure?