10th March 2017
Dear Parent/Carer
Re: GERMAN STUDY VISIT 17th – 21st July 2017
As we begin to prepare for the German Study Visit there are several pieces of paperwork that we would ask you to complete and return to school.
This year students are travelling on their own passport. Before this is sent into the finance office please check you have written 2 emergency contacts on the inside back cover. Passports are kept in the school safe until the day of travel, a member of staff will be responsible for these on the trip and students will be given them back on the return coach journey back to school. Your child will also need a European Health Insurance Card. These are free. The application forms are available from any post office or apply on-line at websites will charge for these cards. Students cannot travel without this card. This can be sent in any time before the trip. Please check expiry date.
Also attached are the Parental Consent and Medical Questionnaire, Swimming Consent Form and Home School Agreement. Could you please complete and sign them and return them together with the above items to the Finance Office by the deadline of 28th April. If you will need the passport and EHIC card during half-term in May, please send in a photocopy of the passport and EHIC card. Names as they appear on the passport have to be submitted to the coach company by the 2nd May.Please note this is very important information for when we book the tickets. If there are any discrepancies with the ticket name and the passport name when checking in either at an airport or a ferry port you will be charged a minimum of £60 to change the name or they can refuse to take this person.
If you son/daughter will need any medication on the visit, please make sure they have this with them in a labelled bag with dosage and on arrival at school we will give this to the member of staff who is in charge of first aid/medicines. Medication that might be required on the journey must not be packed in their holdall, once this is stored under the coach we will not be able to access it until we arrive at our destination.
Please state on the attached reply slip a contactable telephone number for you that we will be able to put on the telephone chain. We must be able to ring you on this number after 1pm on the day they return home.
A copy of the annual insurance summary of benefits will be available at the parents evening. Should you wish to take out your own travel insurance after reading the summary of benefits documents please do so, the decision is yours.
We will be holding a Parents Evening, which you must attend in order for your son/daughter to participate in the visit,on Monday 22ndMay in the Hall at 6.00 –7.00pm. Important details for the visit will be discussed and you will receive an itinerary of the trip, insurance documents and a copy of the telephone tree.
Yours sincerely
Kim Davies
Leader of Learning – MFL
Trip Leader
Return to: Finance Office by 28th April 2017
Contactable Number for Telephone Chain ………………………………….
Return Checklist (tick the relevant boxes)
Passport or photocopy
(Please make sure emergency contacts in the inside back cover have been entered.)
EHIC Card or photocopy
Parental Consent/Medical Questionnaire
Swimming Consent Form
Home School Agreement
REMEMBER: Everything you might need for the journey MUST be kept in your hand luggage (e.g. inhalers, food/drink, money, toiletries etc.).
You WILL NOT have access to your main luggage until we arrive at the hostel.
- Any medicine you may need, especially inhalers, hayfever/travel sickness tablets etc.
- Food and drink for the outward journey
- Toiletries
- Approx. €50 pocket money plus money for additional food/drinks on the journeys
- Plenty of sun cream, sun hat
- Casual clothes, comfortable shoes and waterproof jacket (just in case!)
- swimsuit/swimming trunks, beach towel
- Diary, pencil case
- Books/magazines
- Music/MP3 player
- Mobile phone and/or camera with battery chargers (optional) / 2 pin plug adaptor
ALL ITEMS ARE BROUGHT WITH YOU AT YOUR OWN RISK AND REMAIN YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Look after your belongings and make sure they are clearly labelled.
German Study Visit 2017
I give permission for my/our son/daughter
to participate in swimming activities at the designated swimming pools visited during their stay in Germany.
I understand that there is NO lifeguard on duty at the pools.
I understand that students will not be permitted to enter the pool unless a minimum of TWO of the supervising adults are present.
Please advise if your son/daughter is not a competent swimmer