2. Application for financial support for formal learning courses for those who are engaged with Methodist Pioneering Pathways.
Please read the accompanying notes in the Appendix before completing this form
Section 1 | Personal details (To be completed in all cases)
First name(s)
Preferred name
Tel number
Email address
Date of birth
Please indicate whether amember of the Methodist Church or employee or minister
Current appointment if employee or minister (eg Youth Worker)
Location of current appointment or circuit membership as applicable (including circuit and district numbers)
Section 2 | Course information
ATo be completed in all cases
i.Degree,course or programmetype (eg PhD, MA, PGDip, PGCert, Cliff College Cert/Dip)
ii.Course title
iii.Has your place on this course been secured or conditionally approved?
Evidence of acceptance will be required prior to the allocation of funds
iv.Are you receiving funding for this work from any other source? If yes, please provide details.
Include other Methodist sources
BTo be completed only for accredited MA or BA courses
i.Higher Education institution (either The Queen’s Foundation or Cliff College)
ii. If applying for a HE award, please indicate your academic qualifications to date
iii.Proposed start date
v. (a)For how much are you applying?
(b)How do you intend to pay for the balance?
v.Have you received funding for research or postgraduate/undergraduate study from the Methodist Church in the past? If yes, please provide details.
vi.How does this course build on or link into your prior education and experience?
Section 3 | Further information (To be completed only for accredited MA or BA courses)
- What benefits will your studyhave in terms of:
(a) your personal development?
(b) the context of your role within the Methodist Church?
- Explain why you have chosen your particular course.
- Who have you discussed this with?
Section 4 | Ministry/ study balance (To be completed in all cases)
i.How do you intend to fit your studies around your other commitments?
ii.If an employee or minister, describe any discussions you have had with your colleagues about this application and its potential impact on others.
iii.For employees or ministers: I confirm that I have discussed this proposed study with my line manager/Superintendent/Chair and that this study is supported by my line manager/Superintendent/Chair (as appropriate).
Signed ______(Line Manager/Superintendent/Chair)
For lay people: I confirm that I have discussed this proposed study with my minister and that this study is supported by my minister.
Signed ______(Line Manager)
- For lay people, employees and ministers: I confirm that I have discussed this proposed study with my DMLN regional pioneering officer and that this study is supported by my DMLN regional pioneering officer.
Signed ______(DMLN regional pioneering officer)
Section 5 | Further information
Please provide any other relevant information which you wish to be considered.
click here to enter information
Optional Question
Please indicate ethnicity
Asian orAsian British / Bangladeshi / Black or
Black British / African
Indian / Caribbean
Pakistani / Other black background
Other Asian background
Chinese / Chinese / Mixed / White & Asian
White & Black African
White & Black Caribbean
Other mixed background
White / British / Other ethnic group / Other
Other white background / Any other ethnic group please specify
Note that a requirement of funding for Higher Education study is that you participate in an annual day conference arranged by the Director of SRI of the Methodist Church. The costs of attending this conference are already included in any award received
Signed ______(applicant)
Please return to the Pioneer Ministry Coordinator, The Revd Ian Bell,
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