Central Railway
To detect premature bearing failures Electric Loco Shed, Ajani has started condition monitoring of TM bearing using Electronic stethoscope.
East Coast Railway
- Pre-fabricated Shelters in ghat section:
For Stationary Watchman in Ghat section, prefabricated shelters of 5’ x 5’ size manufactured and provided on Anathagiri Ghat section between Shrungavarapukota-Araku of Waltair Division replacing the old system of tarpauline.
North Central Railway
- An ODC (Over Dimension Cargo) measurement gauge was developed at Babina defence yard in JHS division. The gauge has been further modified and provided with hinges and soft probes as suggested by GM/NCR. This gauge will help in reducing the measurement time of ODC consignment of military tanks/vehicles.
- In JHS division a multipurpose tool bag has been designed for carrying tools in passenger yard for attending repairs. This is light weight bag and can be carried on the back of staff to enable hands free movement.
- A universal pedal has been developed on Jhansi Division to operate ball valves for removing the choking of bio-toilets on trains.
- Air brake component testing stand:
There was no facility to check working of BP (Break Pipe)/FP (Feed Pipe) angle cocks, BP/ FP hose pipes, Horn body & D-1 emergency flap valve. These were checked directly on locomotives. Now they will be tested on this in-house developed test stand before fitment.
South Central Railway
- Coal indenting at Ports:-
Differentiation of coal indents from ports at indenting stage itself, on the basis of type of coal loaded i.e. imported or RSR coal, helped in loading to mobile streams with same Power House, resulting in better release of BOX’N rakes.
- Loading Pattern:-
By bringing out changes in loading pattern in loading of coal from Ports and loading over mobile routes and to mobile terminals/streams not only resulted in incremental loading in PKPK (M/s Krishnapatnam Port Company Ltd. Siding, Krishnapatnam) and KSLK(Kakinada Seaports Ltd. Kakinada) ports, but also improved the turnaround of BOX’N rakes.
Western Railway
- New Retirement Initiative –
“Good Bye Tension, Happy Pension” ‘Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter’. As a mark of respect for our family members, who leave our association on retirement after rendering decades of dedicated & self less glorious service, BCT division has taken an innovative initiative wherein on the final day in office, apart from handing over traditional retirement papers, it has been decided to conduct two sessions to impart tips on Retirement Financial Planning & Retirement Health care by calling experts for the benefit of staff retiring. On 30.6.14, first such session was arranged in BCT division. The new initiative was well appreciated by 80 staff retired in June, 2014.
- Use of LED lights for Portable trolley lighting for pit & carriage inspection :
At BDTS (Bandra Terminus), there are old open type pit lines for which pit-lights are not available. This necessitated developing a movable pit lighting arrangement consisting of LED based flood lights (focused) which operates on 12V rechargeable battery, mounted on stainless steel trolley. Provision of keeping tools has also been made. The focus lights can be turned upto 1800 as per requirement inside the pit for under gear examination and repair works. The complete unit has been made from available serviceable materials.
- Technical Information KIOSK at Diesel Shed, Ratlam :
A Computer kiosk has been installed in Ratlam Diesel shed, in which all work instructions and instruction Bulletins are kept in soft form and are readily available for all the 24 hours for staff to browse. This shall serve as a repository of technical knowledge.
- Making of In-house Training Film:
Diesel Traction Training Center (DTTC), Sabarmati, has produced an in house technical film, explaining the arrangement of under gear safety fittings on HHP and ALCO locomotives for educating the running staff attending various courses in the DTTC. The film depicts the location and significance of various components of the under gear, as well as important items of safety-check.
West Central Railway
- Gauge for checking correct location of FIP (Fuel Injection Pump) on FIP support:-
There have been various failures due to misalignment in fuel jumper pipe and high pressure line. In some cases, FIP base of different thickness has been noticed and maintenance staff was negating this difference by using multi gasket of different thickness which were resulting into other failures. To avoid such failures, a gauge has been developed by New Katni Junction shed for the purpose to select only these base which are within the recommended thickness band.
- Rotary switch replaced with modified MCOS (Motor cut-out switch) used in standby inverter for AC Fuel Pump Motor (FPM):-
Shed had started modification for provision of additional standby inverter for AC fuel pump motor so that in case of failure of FPM inverter, driver can change the position of rotary switch to another position as per RDSO modification sheet no. MP.MOD.EM-01.01.11 (REV.00) dated 17.02.2011.
RDSO has suggested using 25 Amp., 6pole, 2 way DC rotary switches. New Katni Junction shed has converted MCOS removed from E-type locomotive during retro fitment of MEP to this rotary switch. For carrying out this modification shed has used rectangular shaft and some other component. By this modification, MCOS which was of no use after MEP conversion has become very useful in carrying out RDSO modification.
- Installation of in house turn table:-
Coach Rehabilitation Workshop,Bhopal in wheel shop incoming wheel sets need to be placed on a different track for overhauling. Earlier placement of wheel set was done using EOT (Electric Operated Trolley) cranes. This activity was dependent on availability single EOT crane in wheel shop, which is used for handling axles & wheel sets for machine/pressing etc.
To reduce dependence on EOT crane, wheel shop has developed a turntable using released material. Axle box assembly with bearing and axle has been placed vertically on foundation to carry out the function of turn table effectively. Handling of wheel sets has become safe and easy in this manner.
- Indigenously developed MU coupler Test Bench has been inaugurated on 14.06.2014. Test Bench has been used for checking continuity of cables in MU couplers for forming multiple units of WAM4 as well as WAG5 class of locomotives, saving time and manpower.
- MS strip were provided between roof and channels of SIV for avoiding vibrations to SIV foundation. However, these strips were found to be cracked in every inspection of loco. To avoid this, shed has started to provide ‘L’ clamp in place of MS strips. 27 locos, out of 42 SIV equipped locos, have been provided with this arrangement, so far.
- Earlier, Crew management system (CMS) developed by CRIS at Kota Crew lobby was not having facility of interfacing of BA (Breath Analyser)Biometric Identification device. Interfacing of Breath Analyser and Biometric Identification Device with CMS has been completed which was checked and found satisfactory. LCD Projector with Audio-Video System has been installed in Training Centre, Kota, Lobby which is helpful in imparting effective training to ALP/LPs..
- Loco no. 30376, WAP7, of Electric Loco Shed, Tuglakabad failed due to VCB (Vacuum CircuitBreaker) not closing due to quick release coupling became uncoupled. In order to avoid such failures, shed has started providing clamping on pipeline of VCB quick release coupling, So far, 15 locos have been completed.
- A fixture has been developed for measurement of ovality on commutator of TM armature to reduce ovality of TM and thus flashing cases will be minimized.