Athabasca & District Minor Hockey Association

Executive Meeting

Edwin Parr Composite High School - EPC

November 14, 2007

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Athabasca & District Minor Hockey Association

Executive Meeting

Edwin Parr Composite High School - Library

November 14, 2007

Attendance: Darcy Tangedal, Sharon Greene, Wendy Hutchinson, Deidre Runcer, Karen Tangedal, Rick Bendall, Brad Sakowich, Don Dron, Nova Saxton, Pam Carlton, Hugh Greene, Tina Biro (7:20 p.m.),

1.0  Call to Order

Acting Chair Darcy Tangedal called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m.

2.0  Approval of Agenda

Motion by Sharon Greene to approve the Agenda with additions.

Seconded by Darcy Tangedal

6.4 Annual Society Return

13.7 Code of Conduct and Ethics

13.8 Multiplex Labor Volunteers - Midgets

Motion Carried.

3.0 Approval of Minutes – October 3, 2007

Motion by Brad Sakowich to approved the October 3, 2007 as previously distributed.

Seconded by Rick Bendall

Motion Carried.

4.0 Business Arising from the Minutes

4.1 CKBA/Oilers Promo Update

Hugh Greene reported the following update with respect to the CKBA/Oilers Promo:

·  Joanne Peckham is no longer working on the project. Hugh is currently dealing with Wray Betts, Westlock CKBA representative.

·  Pleased with the support - Businesses committed to the promo project:

o  Semalta Communications

o  Gustafson’s Auto Clinic

o  Whispering Hills Fuels/SS Athabasca Car Wash

o  Paramount Energy

o  Athabasca Dental Clinic

o  Desran Holdings

o  Athabasca Outdoor Products

o  Pronghorn Instrumentation

·  Ads are now being played during the Oilers broadcast.

·  Business information will be transferred to Treasurer Trevor Marks for invoicing purposes.

·  Businesses still wanting to participate in the promo can still do so.

Discussion ensued with respect to acknowledging the aforementioned businesses possibly on the ADMHA website for their support on this project.

4.2 Hockey Draft

Sharon Greene reported that the Hockey Draft forms for the 2007/2008 season are currently being entered and that everyone please be patient during this entering process as volunteer coordinators are doing the best that they can with the time that they have.

4.3 Transition Committee Update – Multiplex Opening

Hugh Greene reported the following:

·  Special Events Committee Meeting scheduled for November 13th was cancelled and rescheduled for November 19th or 20th.

·  Looking for a participant(s) from our association to volunteer for the Grand Opening Special Events Committee (assist with event planning for minor hockey)

·  Looking for event ideas to showcase minor hockey.

·  Multiplex Grand Opening date: February 22 & 23, 2008

·  Friday, February 21, 2008 – Wine & Cheese event to recognize volunteers, contributors, and sponsors.

·  Opening Ceremony scheduled Saturday, February 22nd at approximately 4:00 p.m. (duration approximately 1-hour) in the Field House.

4.4 Proposal of Player Evaluation Process Update

Nothing to report at this time.

5.0 AHPA (Athabasca Hockey Parents Association)

5.1  Chairperson – Virginia Krysta-Gill (Absent)/Karen Tangedal

Karen Tangedal reported the following:

·  Kitchen Concession Staff – Fully staffed; hockey parents helped out during the week shifts until concession staff could be found.

·  Parent Survey Re: Multiplex Concession Proposal Feedback

§  Majority of the responses have come back from the parents with the exception of the Midget AA and Girls. Thank-you to those who responded.

§  Consensus of the parents preferred Option #2 on the survey:

“AHPA should partner with other Multiplex user groups and submit a proposal for hockey season only (hockey parent volunteers will be required during hockey season only, but hours may increase).”

§  Parent Notice – indicating results and proposal will be distributed through the divisional directors and may be posted on the website.

·  AHPA Draft Proposal regarding the Multiplex Concession was presented to those present as information and review. The proposal is to be submitted by November 16, 2007 for consideration. It was noted that Multiplex Committee Request for Proposal indicated a year-round operation; however the AHPA decided their proposal would focus on only a portion of the year as the AHPA is a volunteer group with volunteer members and could not commit beyond the hockey season, as indicated from parent response – Option #2. Noted in the proposal is an option that if the ARM Committee selects an alternate proposal, AHPA is interested in negotiating to schedule parent volunteer workers for weekend shifts with salaries paid back to the AHPA.

·  If neither of the above options are possible, then the AHPA will pursue the second most popular parent survey choice - Option #3:

“Additional other fundraising activities will be organized to compensate for the concession revenue (hockey parent volunteers will be required for other fundraising activities whenever they occur.”

Discussion ensued with respect to seasonal vs. year-round commitment.

Motion by Karen Tangedal that the Executive support the AHPA Multiplex Concession Proposal as presented.

Seconded by Deidre Runcer.

Motion Carried Unanimously.

Karen further reported a concern with respect to referee scheduling and fee confirmation. This past weekend the AHPA had not received a referee schedule, fees or informed with respect to referee officials shadowing/training. An attempt to contact Dustin Pysyk failed and the hockey parents were unaware as to how much the out-of-town referees were to be paid.

Another concern was raised with respect to referees showing up late for games, which may be due to ice schedules not matching up between Recreation Office and Minor Hockey’s schedules.

Decision of the Executive that Darcy Tangedal speaks to Dustin Pysyk with respect to referee scheduling, fee confirmation, and contact information; that a listing from 2007/2008 Hockey Alberta Rules and Regulations publication – Referee Fees be copied and inserted into the AHPA Binder stationed in the kitchen concession for parent volunteer awareness; and further, that Darcy Tangedal discuss ice schedule time conflicts with Russ Strathdee.

Karen also noted there is a concern with out-of-town referees assuming they are eligible for a free hamburger and pop.

Decision of the executive that Karen Tangedal confirm with Mark Kanzig with respect to a possible one-time only hamburger/pop deal for out-of-town referees; and further, that Mark Kanzig invites Dustin Pysyk to the next scheduled ADMHA meeting for clarification regarding referee issues and address any concerns that Dustin may have.

It should be noted that Tina Biro entered the meeting at this time (7:20 p.m.).

5.2 Treasurer – Deidre Runcer

As information, Deidre Runcer presented an AHPA Cash Flow Comparison dated November 13, 2007. Deidre noted that $5,000 has been transferred to ADMHA. Key items to note compared to last season at this time are increase in referee costs due to travel and decrease in staff wages due to staff shortage; as well, the Kitchen Duty Forfeit line is not utilized as this is not an option this season.

6.0  Treasurer – Trevor Marks (Absent)

Darcy Tangedal and Sharon Greene presented the Treasurer Report dated November 13, 2007 on Trevor Marks behalf.

Financial Report dated November 12, 2007

As information, Sharon Greene presented the Financial Report dated November 12, 2007 and noted that the $1,000 website sponsorship monies from Cheap Seats has been received and deposited.

Motion by Karen Tangedal to accept the Financial Report dated November 12, 2007, as presented.

Seconded by Hugh Greene

Motion Carried.

Outstanding Funds

·  Lovelace Correspondence

Darcy Tangedal presented correspondence received from Terry Lovelace dated October 14, 2007 regarding Michell Lovelace hockey registration fees.

Motion by Don Dron that Treasurer Trevor Marks send correspondence to Terry Lovelace, requesting the registration fee be paid in full by November 30, 2007; if fee is not received by November 30, 2007 Mitchell Lovelace will not be allowed on the ice until the fee has been received in full.

Seconded by Pam Carlton

Motion Carried Unanimously

·  Bantam Players:

Motion by Brad Sakowich that Treasurer Trevor Marks send correspondence requesting payment to the parents of the Bantam players whom have not paid their child’s registration fees in full, indicating a payment submission deadline of November 30, 2007; if fees are not received by November 30, 2007, these players will not be allowed on the ice until fees have been received in full.

Seconded by Hugh Greene.

Motion Carried Unanimously

It is the understanding of the Executive to allow the above noted players on the ice for practice and games until the November 30th deadline.

·  Novice & Atom Fees:

Consensus of the Executive that the Novice and Atom Division Directors discuss the outstanding fees with the parents in question as outlined in the Treasurer’s Report.


Decision of the Executive that the Divisional Directors inform the Treasurer of required fundraising information, with the understanding of the November 30th fundraising cheque cashing deadline.

Annual Society Return

Darcy Tangedal noted that Trevor is looking for someone (who is not on the executive) to review the Associations 2006/2007 books to that the Annual Society Return can be submitted. It was noted that this is not an audit, but a review.

It was suggested that Trevor may want to contact Yvette Haggerty or Glen Martin

7.0  SPHL (Sturgeon Pembina Hockey League –

Tina Biro reported that an SPHL President’s/Tiering Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 18, 2007 and Mark Kanzig will be attending.

Discussion ensued with respect to Atom and Peewee tiering preferences and it was noted that Atom would like to stay “C”, as well, Peewee would like to stay “C”; however confirmation will be presented to Mark Kanzig prior to Sunday, November 18th once Saturday’s games have been played.

8.0 Hockey Alberta ( – Wendy Hutchison

Hockey Alberta

Wendy Hutchinson offered the following Hockey Alberta update:

·  Wendy and Mark Kanzig attended the “Hockey in the Rockies” Meeting on November 3, 2007 and offered the following but not limited to:

·  Hockey Alberta Coach Mentorship Program Initiative.

·  Association Bylaw & Policies review – Template supplied to make updates easier.

·  Guiding Principal recommended – a strong statement to relate to all levels/aspects of the Association.

·  Emphasis on “Game & Conduct” position on the executive (suggestion only).

Decision of the Executive to reimburse Wendy Hutchinson accommodation fees for the “Hockey in the Rockies” meeting.


·  Registration and Affiliations are completed.

·  Team rosters sent out with affiliation indication.

9.0 Division Directors

9.1 Girls – Donna Gustafson (absent)

Nothing to report at this time.

9.2  Pre-Novice – Nova Saxton

Tina Biro and Nova Saxton reported the following:

·  Pre-Novice have been split into two teams of 16.

9.3  Novice – Brad Sakowich

Brad Sakowich reported the following:

·  Teams are affiliated together.

·  Practices are together.

9.4  Atom – Hugh Greene

Hugh Greene reported the following:

·  4on4 Tournament held November 3rd. Atoms received an invitation to Thorhild’s 4on4 (Zone 2) and accepted as opposed to Hinton due to travel distance. A good time was had by all.

9.5  PeeWee – Pam Carlton

Pam Carlton reported the following:

·  Peewee A’s are submitting a Provincial Hosting Application Bid. The Executive wished the Peewee luck in their submission.

9.6  Bantam – Darcy Tangedal

Darcy Tangedal reported an issue arose during an at home game, where they had to run non-stop time during the last part of their game due to the Arena Manager stating they had to get off the ice in 15 minutes. Darcy noted the Athabasca Bantams received a $200 fine from the league due to the non-stop time.

Discussion ensued with respect to game allotment time and ice scheduling.

9.7  Midget – Darryl Anderson (Absent)

Nothing to report.

10.0  Equipment Manager – Don Dron

Don Dron reported the following:

·  Request for equipment to be brought to his attention.

·  Game pucks are going missing – reminder to coaches and directors that game pucks are not to be used for practice. Also ensure the door is to be locked after each game. A Notice will be posted as a reminder.

11.0 Coaching Director – Rick Bendall

Rich Bendall reported the following:

·  Had approximately 14 attendees take part in the Safety Clinic.

·  No issues have been brought to his attention.

·  Deadline for Criminal Checks for coaches and bench staff is December 15, 2007.

Sharon Greene and Darcy Tangedal reminded those present of the following:

·  Email received from Dustin Pysyk requesting that players refrain from stepping onto the ice and shooting pucks until the Zamboni gate is closed – thus ensuring the safety of the Arena operator.

·  Dressing Room conditions (safety & liability).

12.0  Ice Scheduler – Russ Strathdee (Absent)

Nothing to report.

13.0 Other

13.1  Minor Hockey Pictures – SDI Photography

Sharon Greene reported that Darcy Marks has scheduled the minor hockey pictures for Wednesday, November 21, 2007 in the Arena Lobby starting at 4:30 p.m. It was further reported that a schedule providing team photo times will be posted in the arena. Order forms and price packages will be placed in the Division Mailboxes for distribution purposes.

After the adjournment of this meeting it was noted that the Addiction Awareness Free Skate was also scheduled for Wednesday, November 21, 2007; therefore, minor hockey pictures are rescheduled for January 9, 2007.

13.2  Division Bank Accounts – ATB Financial

Sharon Greene informed those present that team bank accounts have been authorized, assigned and confirmed. Sharon noted that these account numbers will remain with the division team from now on (there will be no closing or transferring of accounts). Should the account not be utilized, confirmation will be forwarded to ATB Financial stating the account is not required for the season. This process should elevate any confusion for upcoming signing authorities. Also noted signing authorities were reminded that they need to complete the required ATB Financial paperwork prior to any bank transactions occurring.

13.3  Athabasca Advocate Correspondence

Darcy Tangedal presented correspondence received from Athabasca Advocate dated November 1, 2007 regarding misplaced cheques.

Motion by Brad Sakowich to concur with the Athabasca Advocate dated November 1, 2007; and further, should bank charges be incurred the Athabasca Advocate be responsible for these charges.

Seconded by Don Dron.