S/No1 / Personal Data / Ms. Priscilla M. Achakpa
Contact Address / Women Environmental Programme
Block E, Flat 2 Anambra Court Gaduwa Housing Estate, Apo, After Legislative Quarters
P.O. Box 10176, Garki Abuja FCT, NIGERIA
Tel: +234 9 2910878 (Office)
Home Tel:+234 9 2910873
Mobile: +234 80 23235798 E-mail: or
Date of Birth / January 23rd 1964
Sex / Female
Marital Status / Widow
No. of Children / 1
Languages spoken / English, Hausa (French-manageable)
Hobbies / Traveling, Meeting people and Listening to Gospel /Country Music.
2 / Objective / A development practitioner that focuses on pro poor development and peace programmes aimed at improving the livelihood of poor people and giving them a voice.
3 / Personal Qualities / Strong drive for results, innovative, likes new challenges, possesses excellent interpersonal relationship and highly motivated. Strong capacity to work independently with proven ability to get job done and good team player.
4 / Educational Qualification / 1. M. Sc Development Studies – Benue State University Nigeria, 2013
2. Professional Certificate, on Strategic Management for Leaders of NGOs, Harvard University Business School, 2009
3. Postgraduate Diploma, Land Management and Informal Settlement Regularization; Institute for Housing & Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam (IHS), The Netherlands, 2008
4. Certificate, Land Governance, Building Trust and Transparency in Land Administration: UN-Habitat, ITC Netherlands & Kwame Nkuruma University, Ghana, 2008
5. 2002 Diploma, Project Management and Programme Administration, Management for Development, (MDF) Ede Wagening, The Netherlands
6.1997 – 1998: Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM); Abubakar Tafawa University, Bauchi.
7. 1993 – 1996: Higher National Diploma (HND) Bus. Admin. & Mgt. Studies Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna State,
8. 1986-1989: National Diploma (ND) Business. Administration, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna State
9. 1976-1981: Govt. Teachers College, Mkar Grade Two Teachers’ Certificate
5 / Summary of Work Experience / I have over 20 years of experience in development work, gender issues, research and documentation, resource mobilization, monitoring and evaluation, conflict intervention and peace building, negotiations, ecclesia, labour movement and poverty reduction intervention programmes. I have undertaken consultancies and worked in several areas, which include Institutional assessment, evaluation, facilitation, product review, impact assessment, group mobilization, organizational development, information management and dissemination, participatory methodologies among others. I have held position of authority both in a work place, in networks and within religious development organizations in Nigeria and internationally and have accomplished these responsibilities successfully. I am very proficient in the use of computer packages such as MS word, PowerPoint, Excel and the use of Internet.
6 / Positions Held and Fellowship Awards / 1. ASHOKA Fellow- 2014
2. National Coordinator, Rural Women Energy Security (RUWES) Nigeria 2011 to date
3. Advisory Board Member, International Conference on Drylands, Desert and Desertification, 2012 & 2014
4. Advisory Board Member, Sustainability Awards Africa
5. Member, Presidential Technical Committee on Land Reform (PTCLR) 2012
6. Member, National Technical Committee on REDD+ 2010-date
7. Member, National Technical Committee on Chemicals Management (NCCM) and Technical Coordinating Committee, 2011 -date
8. Expert Member, Land Governance Assessment Framework, World Bank Nigeria Country Report 2010-2011
9. National Convener Gender and Climate Change Network, Nigeria
10. Advisory Board Member, Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and Natural Resources-FAO
11. Secretary, Women In Nigeria, Kaduna State 1999-2001
12. Member Facilitating Women’s Major Groups; UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) 16th & 17th Session 2007/2009
13. Member of the expert Group on Framework and guidelines on land policy in Africa-ECA, AfDB and AU, 2007-date
14. Coordinating Committee Member and Board Member, Transition Monitoring Group, 2008-date
15. Council Member; African Social Forum (ASF) 2007
16. Board Member, Society for Water and Sanitation (NEWSAN); a network of CSOs on water in Nigeria 2005-date
17. Treasurer, Transition Monitoring Group (TMG) 2005 - 2008
18. Advocacy Committee Member: Caritas Africa, 2004-2006
19. Country Coordinator: Christian Organisations Against Trafficking Network (COATNET) Africa, 2004-2006
20. Chairperson: 1st Nigeria Social Forum (NSF) 2004
21. Secretary, Northern Women’s Wing, Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) 1994-1996
22. Vice Chairperson, NUBIFIE, Kaduna State
23. Coordinator, International Association of Volunteer Efforts (IAVE) Northern Nigeria, 1996-2001
24. Board Member of 15 NGOs/Association in Nigeria
Awards / 1. Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution & UNDP award for Community Peacebuilding in Nigeria, September 2012
2. Bank of Industry/United Nations Development Programme (BOI/UNDP) award winner for renewable Energy in Nigeria, 2011
3. Mother of Peace Award: to Priscilla M Achakpa for Mediating and Bringing Peace to Agila Community in Benue State Nigeria, 2011
4. Environmental Awareness Creation Award: to Women Environmental Programme for Her Meritorious Support to Environmental Causes in Nigeria by the Environmental Outreach Magazine, 2010
5. Rewards, Recognition and Award Scheme for Non State Actors Selfless Award to Priscilla M Achakpa by NGO NETWORK, 2010
6. Certificate of Recognition: In recognition of Outstanding Contributions Towards a Cleaner and Healthier Environment in Nigeria, by Nigeria National Volunteer Service (NNVS) Federal Republic of Nigeria, 5th December 2009
7. 2007 Independent Sector Promoters Award: In recognition of Outstanding Service and Excellent Performance in Women and Environmental Rights by NGO Network, March 22, 2007
8. National Environment Award: Outstanding Advocacy Works in Gender and Environment by National Environment Newspapers and Federal Ministry of Environment, 22nd November 2006
9. Friends of Children and Youth Award: In recognition of Outstanding Contribution towards the Plight of Children and Youth by Wulia Foundation, June, 2005
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7 / Professional Services, Research and Consultancy Works / 1. Consultancy to conduct Gender Sensitive Leadership Training on Climate Change Adaptation for Senior Government Officials and CSOs in Nigeria; African Adaptation Programme, Federal Ministry of Environment and UNDP Nigeria, May- July 2012
2. Consultancy for the Assessment of Gender Based Adaptation Programmes in Nigeria; African Adaptation Programme, Federal Ministry of Environment and UNDP Nigeria, May- October 2012
3. Consultancy Services for Conflict Mapping in Adamawa and Niger States, UNDP-Nigeria, November 2010-January 2011
4. Consultancy Services for the Establishment of Information Action Centres, Nigeria, UNDP-Nigeria, November-December 2010
5. Consultancy to carry out Research into Root Causes of Gender Based Violence and Assessment of the Repertory Center- UNFPA, Nigeria November –December 2010
6. Consultancy to conduct inventory on Volunteering NGOs/initiatives in Nigeria, UNDP, January-February 2010
7. Consultancy to produce a chapter on Community Empowerment/ Strengthening Negotiation Powers on Enumerations: Writeshop Workshop, UNHABITAT Navisha, Kenya October 2009.
8. Consultancy services for strengthening community based early warning & conflict monitoring mechanism in central states of Nigeria, UNDP, June-November 2009
9. Team Member; UNHABITAT/AGFE Mission to Port Harcourt on Forced Evictions, Nigeria, March 2009
10. Monitoring and Evaluation of Virtual Poverty Funds of MDGs Projects in Nigeria; office of the Senior Special Assistant to The President of Nigeria-2007-2009
11. Research on Assessing Gender Knowledge and Awareness on Climatic Changes in northern Nigeria (Kebbi, Benue and Borno States); Building Nigeria’s Response to Climate Change (BNRCC/CIDA) 2009-2010
12. November 2008 – 2010 Expert Team Member; Development of Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and other Natural Resources, FAO/UNHABITAT
13. 2007–Date Expert Team Member; Development of Framework and Guidelines for Land Policy in Africa: Africa Union (AU), AfDB and UNECA
14. Evaluation of the Integrated Food Security Programme of Diocesan Development Services Idah, Kogi State, Nigeria, June 2008
15. Review of CEDAW implementation in Nigeria and preparation of Shadow Report, New York June, 2008
16. The Impact of drought and desertification on women in northern Nigeria. Research conducted for Women Environmental Programme 2007 supported by Misereor
17. Consultancy to Implement a Project of Maternal Mortality and Reproductive Health for Adamawa and Taraba States, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, November 2007
18. Consultancy to Disseminate the National Gender Policy for Katsina, Niger and Edo States, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development, 2008
19. Development of a five year strategic plan for Diocesan Development Services (DDS), Idah, Contracted by Trocaire, Ireland, August 2007
20. Women Political Empowerment for three states in north -east region 2006/2007(Yobe, Borno and Gombe states) Federal Ministry of Women Affairs, Nigeria.
21. A review/editing of the VVF baseline Survey for the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs, May/June 2006
22. Drew Up a National Action Plan for the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development, May/June 2006
23. An Assessment Report of Potential Approaches and Impacts of Projects Executed by Church Based Organizations, For GKKE/MISEREOR, Germany April 2006
24. Baseline Survey for NBA Shared Vision in Nigeria, the Civil Society Participation for UNEP/Federal Ministry of Water Resources, Nigeria. July 2006
25. Baseline Survey for the informal sustainable communities in FCT, for Misereor June 2006.
26. Background Study on Water and Energy Issues in Nigeria to Inform the National Consultative Conference on Dams and Development, for Federal Ministry of Water Resources /UNEP; August 2006
8 / Membership of Professional Organization / 1. Network of Women Environmental NGOs, Nigeria
2. Association for Women in Development, AWID
3. Gender and Energy Network
4. Gender and Disaster Network
5. Global Land Tool Network
6. Gender and Climate Change Network
7. Prentice Nigeria Limited: Management consulting and Education Support Services
8. Member, International Association for Volunteer Efforts, (IAVE) Nigeria
9. African Centre for Strategic Studies (ACSS) Nigeria Community Chapter
9 / Research Works Published / 1. Assessment of Gender Sensitive Adaptation Initiatives for Sustainable Livelihoods Development under the Platform of African Adaptation Programme- Federal Ministry of Environment/ UNDP 2012
2. Report of field hearings of on Equity and Sustainable in Communities in Nigeria- Initiatives for Equality and Women Environmental Programme, 2012
3. Assessment of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies Among Women Farmers In Oju Local Government Area of Benue State, Masters Research work unpublished, 2012
4. Assessment of Gender Knowledge and awareness, vulnerability and adaptation strategies to the impacts of climate change in northern Nigeria, 2011-CIDA/Building Nigerians Response to Climate Change (BNRCC)
5. “Hunger on the Urban Fringe: Land Rights, Gender and Agriculture” - Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria, 2008.
6. Fuelwood consumption and land clearing in Benue state: Presented at the Federal Secretariat, Makurdi during a 3-day workshop on Forestry and livestock as tools for economic development, 22-24, October, 2010.
7. The role of organic manure in the fertility of soils in Konduga, Borno State. The Sahel Analyst Vol.(1), 32-40, 2009
8. Communities organizing for infrastructure improvements in city slums, Abuja, Nigeria – Misereor, 2010
9. Climate change adaptation in Africa: its implications and socio-economic prospects for farmers in the sub-sahelian agro-ecological zone of Nigeria. A TECHNICAL REPORT submitted to The African Radio Drama Association (ARDA) and Partners, 2007
10. Community enumerations and household mapping in informal settlements in abuja – cordaid, 2009.
11. The role of Anthropogenic factors in the Degradation of Rural Lands.” In Book of Proceedings of Association of Nigerian Environmentalist (ANE). 2010 Annual Conference
12. “Implications of Gender Roles in Rural Land Degradation” In Savanna. A Journal of Environmental and Social Sciences Vol. 21.
13. Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa-Expert Member- African Union, African Development Bank and Economic Commission for Africa, 2010
14. Member of the research team on regional assessment studies on land policy in West Africa, 2010- Africa Union, African Development Bank and Economic Commission for Africa
15. The Smoldering Peace on the Plateau: Mapping Conflict and Prospects for Lasting Peace in Plateau State, 2004
16. Living Conditions in Abuja: The Challenges of Nigerians Emerging Capital City, 2005
17. Women and Development in Benue State, Progress Report, 2002
18. Conflict Research: A Training Manual for Peace Workers, 2004
19. Uneasy Peace: A Report on Violent Conflicts in Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Abuja, 2004
20. Introducing New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) 2003
21. Gender and Governance, A training Manual 2006
22. A Baseline Survey of Informal Settlements in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria, 2006
23. Training Manual: Women Participation in Political Leadership, 2007
24. Electronic Voter Registration: Building Confidence in the System? Women Environmental Programme, 2007
25. 2007 Elections: Who’s Mandate: Women Environmental Programme 2007
26. The Perspective of Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Age of Globalization, Edited by Mirjana Radovic, published by Information Age Publishing Inc, 2007
27. Background Study on Water and Energy Issues in Nigeria to Inform the National Consultative Forum on Dams and Development. J.K Okoye and Priscilla M Achakpa. Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources/ Society for Water and Public Health Protection, Nigeria 2007
28. Beyond the Tears and Rubble: Ongoing Demolitions in the FCT: Women Environmental Programme 2009.
29. Training Manual for Community Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Promotion: Women Environmental Programme, 2009
30. Conflict in the Middlebelt Region of Nigeria: Engendering Peace in Agila Community, Women Environmental Programme, 2010
10 / Papers presented/Facilitated / 1. Gender and Water Governance: Federal Ministry of Water resources, Nigeria and Change Managers International, Abuja, 17th November 2011
2. Relationship Between Gender and Drylands Management: 3rd International Conference on Drylands, Deserts and Desertification, the Route to Restoration held at Sede Boqer campus of Ben Gurion University in Israel 7th-12th November 2010
3. Enhancing Women’s Human Right Through their Inclusion in Peacebuilding organized by IMPACT, Benue Hotels Makurdi, Benue State Nigeria, 21/05/2009.
4. Perspectives to Gender and Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and other natural resources: FAO Rome, Italy, November 24th-25th 2008
5. Renewable Energy, Poverty Alleviation and Gender Issues: International Renewable Energy Conference (IREC) 22nd- 26th October 2007
6. Land Rights and Women Empowerment: Breaking the Sounds Barrier: Workshop organized by: Social and Economic Rights Action Centre (SERAC) Abuja 31st July 2007
7. Strategies For Involving Women In Framing Environmental Policies; First International Conference on Environment Research, Technology and Policy, Accra, Ghana, July 16-19 2007: