STEM Pre-Calculus Syllabus

Mrs. Melissa Sawyer

Schoology Code: B9T28-CVQ7C

Contact Information

(704)786-0125 ext. 1332

3rd Period Planning: 10:11-11:31 on POWER days

In STEM Pre-Calc, you will combine the math skills you have acquired and incorporate them in new concepts. The emphasis throughout the course is on developing critical thinking skills, student-led reasoning, and creativity. Much of it will be done collaboratively. Functions include polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational, radical, piece-wise, and trigonometric and circular functions and their inverses. Parametric equations, vectors, and infinite sequences and series are also studied. The topics covered will be enriched by lessons that will prepare you to view mathematical concepts using different representations: Algebraic, Graphical, Numerical, and Verbal. Within our classroom, you will be challenged to explore and discover the following major topics through problem-based learning:

Pre-Calculus Units

Unit 1: Functions and their properties

Topics of study include parent functions, combinations of functions, inverses of functions, and transformations

Unit 2: Rational functions

Students extend their understanding of rational functions from Algebra 2/ Math III

Unit 3: Exponential and logarithmic functions

Students extend their understanding of exponential and logarithmic functions from Math III

Unit 4: Trigonometric functions and the real world

Connections are made to the unit circle and students analyze trigonometric and circular functions

Unit 5: Simplify and identify trig functions

Students simplify expressions, prove identities, use the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines to solve problems

Unit 6: Vectors, polar functions, and parametric functions

Students apply vectors, polar functions, and parametric functions to real world situations

Unit 7: Sequences, induction, and probability

Students explore different aspects of discrete mathematics, including counting principles, the binomial expansion theorem, and sequences and series

Unit 8: Limits of a function

Students will explore limits numerically, graphically, and algebraically

Parent Newsletter

I maintain a parent newsletter on my school website. Here you will find information pertaining to important dates for this class, such as projects and tests. Dates will be added as we proceed throughout this course. This is probably the best resource for parents to stay up to date on students’ coursework.


Homework will be assigned daily and checked on a regular basis. You are expected to give each assignment your full attention and best effort.

Upon entering the classroom, students should show their homework to the teacher. If you did not do your homework, you need to let the teacher know during this time. Bring your homework stamp sheet with you when you come see the teacher. By the time the bell rings, you should have shown the teacher your homework.

A homework stamp sheet will be used for each unit and collected the day of the test. Do not lose your stamp sheet! It is your responsibility and you will not be issued another one.

Homework is scored based on the following system:

  • 3 points:Student legitimately tried every problem, with evidence of work, even if there are errors
  • 2 points:More than half but not all problems legitimately attempted
  • 1 point:Less than half of all problems legitimately attempted
  • 0 points:Homework not done or not present at due date/time

At times, the teacher may take up homework and grade it for correctness. These times will be at random, so students should attempt all homework assignments and take them seriously.

Mrs. Sawyer’s Classroom Procedures and Policies

Students should never talk while the teacher is talking. If you have a question, raise your hand. If the noise level becomes a problem, the teacher will stop instruction and time how long it takes the class to quiet down. The class will be required to stay after class for this amount of time.

If you are instructed to submit an assignment online, make sure you submit a pdf. If it is a group assignment, make sure you include the names of your group members.

If you submit an assignment late (not homework), 10 points will be deducted for every day that it is late.

Check POWERSCHOOL often! Not having POWERSCHOOL is not an option. You can go to the office to get your login.

Do not touch anything on the teacher’s desk or mess with the fish bowl

Students are expected to work the entire class period. No one will be dismissed until all supplies are put away and students are sitting. Calculators should be returned to the proper numbered slot and not left on the tables. Unwanted paper should be thrown away. If the classroom is left a mess, this can result in a quiz the next day. The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.

No food or drink trash can be thrown in the classroom trashcan. This is a school rule. It must go in the trashcan that is located in the hall. You may not use class time to throw away trash. If this becomes a problem, food privileges will be taken away.

Profane language, violation of dress code, and excessive grooming in class is not allowed.

All issues with MacBooks must be submitted as a technology Work Order, which will be located on the teacher’s website.

All classwork/homework/tests that is done on paper must be completed in pencil. No pens!

“Egg-celent” Questions’ Rules

Sometimes the teacher will reward students for answering questions in class by tossing them a plastic egg. These eggs are filled with different prizes, such as candy, homework passes, add 5 points to an assignment, etc.

Students are not allowed to trade prizes or ask the teacher for a different prize. What you get is what you get.

Do not try to duplicate the prizes. The teacher will know if you try to duplicate a prize.

Do not throw the eggs and make sure to return any eggs to the blue bucket at the end of class

Make-Up Work Policy

When students miss class, they must get the notes from the day missed. They can ask a fellow student or use the teacher’s website. Notes are automatically updated from each day on the teacher’s website under “What Did I Miss?”.

Any previously assigned work is due the day the student returns.

For each day missed, the student will have two days to complete their missed assignments.

If a student misses a quiz, they have up to one week to make it up.

If a student misses a test, they have until the next unit’s test to make it up.

Cell Phone/Technology Policy

Students are not allowed to use technology unless they are given permission by the teacher.

Upon entering the classroom all headphones/earbuds should be put away.

If a student disobeys this policy, an envelope will be given to the student and the student must put his/her electronic device in the envelope and seal it. The envelope will remain on the student’s desk. Once you have received an envelope 3 times, you will be issued a referral.

Playing games on the MacBook is never allowed

Chromebook Pens and Mousepads

STEM will be purchasing mouse pens to take notes in class. Each student will be assigned a pen and a mousepad. Students will not be allowed to take the pen or mousepad home, and a fee will be charged if the pen or mousepad is lost or damaged. If a student would like to purchase their own pen and/or mousepad, please see me.

Bathroom Policy

Students may not use the restroom during the first or last 10 minutes of the class. This is a school rule.

Students will have a check-in/check-out computer when leaving and coming back from the bathroom. Once a student has spent over 15 minutes out of class, they will need to use POWER timeto make up additional time missed.

Test Corrections

I do allow test corrections for all of my tests. The format for test corrections is as follows: Write the question on a SEPARATE sheet of paper and solve correctly. Then, explain what you did wrong the first time you tried to answer the question. Do not write your old answers. You will receive half credit for each question you answer correctly. If you need help, please come ask! Test corrections must be completed in class or during POWER time and cannot be done at home.

Academic Integrity Policy

The essential mission of Central Cabarrus High School is to help students develop the academic skills to be successful in reaching their goals. Academic honesty and integrity are integral to this process. Administration and staff at CCHS require that students adhere to the Academic Integrity Policy, which deems cheating, plagiarism, and any otherdishonest academic work to be unacceptable. Violation of the Academic Integrity Policy will result in consequences. The policy has been outlined in class and can be found on the CCHS website.


I have read the syllabus for STEM Pre-Calculus and understand what is expected in this class. Please sign and return this page tomorrow.

Student Name: ______Student Signature:______

Student Email:______

Parent/Guardian Name:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______


Is there any additional information that I should know?