
2006 OCCC Officers

President: William Rosenbach303-233-8374Lotus Club

First Vice Pres: Dick Thompson303-699-4819Mile Hi Cobra Club

Second Vice Pres: Joe Baker303-637-0765 AACA

Secretary: Keith Hall303-940-7958Mile Hi Cobra Club

Treasurer Pro Tem: Roger Zaner303-426-8843Studebaker Drivers Club

Committee Chairs and Appointed Positions

Legislative Affairs: Don Whissen303-733-0649Mile High Model T Club

Swap Meet: Shirley Zaner303-426-8843Studebaker Drivers Club, Conestoga

Webmaster: Keith Hall303-940-7958Mile Hi Cobra Club

Minutes of the November 1, 2006 meeting held at the ForneyMuseum.

The meeting was brought to order at 7:30 by President Bill Rosenbach with 38 member clubs present.

Bill Lewis was present representing the Classic GTO Association of Denver, who is in the process of re-incorporating the club and re-joining the OCCC.

Minutes The minutes from the October meeting were accepted without change by the membership.

Nominations and Elections for 20007 Officers The following members were nominated for office:

Treasurer:Roger Zaner Studebaker Drivers Club, Pikes Peak Chapter

Secretary:Bill Colburn OCCC Past President

2nd VPGary Canaday PontiacOakland Club, Colorado Chapter

1st VPDick Thompson Mile Hi Cobra Club

PresKeith Hall Mile Hi Cobra Club

A motion was made and seconded to elect the nominees by unanimous consent. There were no objections and the 2007 OCCC board was elected.

Legislative Report Leo Boyle reported that he has been consulting experts at the county level regarding the question of whether the change in the Horseless Carriage (HC) law (change to a 50 yr old manufacture date requirement from a fixed date) will affect any other collector car plates. He expects to have an answer soon. A discussion was initiated regarding how that measure passed without a fiscal note or any objection from the State because of the potential loss of revenue. It was noted that a 1956 or older auto is now eligible for the HC license and there appear to be many more of those years licensed than the original horseless carriages. Jim Nielsen (Early Ford V8 Club, Hi-Country Region) and Don Whissen (Mile High Chapter Model T Ford Club of America) recounted the history of the HC plates and agreed that it was a “gift” to vintage car owners because of the low cost. Jim Nielsen mused, how the new HC bill will impact enforcement and how many new applicants will the HC license have? Bill Miller (SAAC) ask Leo if the OCCC was asked by the HC bills sponsor to take a position. Leo responded that he was consulted by declined to take a position. The sponsor was Rep Ray Rose (Montrose) acting on behalf of a constituent. Jim Nielsen then suggested that Leo request a written statement from the State explaining how they will implement and enforce the HC law. Leo replied that the administration will change in Jan and he doubted that any department official (who may or may not have a job in 2007) would be inclined to take a position now. Don Joy (Individual Member) ask if safety inspections might be reinstituted with emission inspections in the future (an eerie silence descended over the room). There was no response.

Treasurer’s Report Roger Zaner reported the following numbers:

Car Show0


Operating 2,846.44

Swap Meet23,222.40

Swap Meet pre reg 390.00

Total Cash25,202.37


SEMA Report Joe Baker reported that the SEMA Las Vegas show starts soon and nothing in the recent news affected us here. Bill Colburn ask Joe if SEMA was tracking car donations and who pays for it? Joe answered regarding sunset laws. I was having trouble tracking both the question and the answer so I went back to the refreshments table and enjoyed a couple of cookies. Cookies, lemon aid and halloween candy were kindly provided by the Forney museum. These people are great hosts for our meetingsand we have included them in our sponsor advertisements on the web site (without charge) as an expression of our gratitude kh.

Swap Meet Shirley Zaner reported that checks will be mailed next month for the share distribution from the Swap Meet proceeds. She ask what club Mark Patton is associated with. Crusin Dave has asked for a meeting regarding next year’s contract – we need to think about that. His fee was about $700. We also need to pursue the idea of a sponsorship for next year. Shirley ask if we should consider a car show separate from the swap meet date? She also passed on a request for considering a swap meet in Colorado Springs. Jim Nielsen ask about the former PPIR swap meet. Responses indicated that there were no large swap meets left in CS - that they had been loosing attendance the past few years. Bill Colburn ask about returning to a two day swap meet. Shirley ask if getting a charity involved may help. The discussion turned to the weather the past two years. Someone ask about problems with the vendor sign in process. Bill Rosenbach reminded us that Shirley wants to have an assistant to help her next and to learn the swap meet business. Next year may be Shirley’s last as swap meet manager and we had better produce a replacement. A long and productive discussion about making the OCCC more visible at car shows and other swap meets started. The idea of using the OCCC trailer and having new banners made for use in a booth was brought up. The idea from last month of having business cards made for all OCCC members to hand out was brought up again. A motion was made by Jim Nielsen to get this done, seconded and passed. Joe Baker accepted the task.

Web Site Keith Hall (Mile Hi Cobra Club) reported that a new Financial page was added to the Members Only (password protected) section of the web site. This page contains the financial accounting of the 2006 swap meet and other financial documents will be added when they become available. The monthly treasurer’s report is contained in the archived minutes posted on the Minutes page of that section of the web site (the minutes posted on the main (public) web site have financial figures removed. kh).Also I have added the ForneyMuseum logo to our sponsors slide show on the web site, as mentioned above. kh

New Business Roger Zaner gave a glowing review of a MilitaryHistoryMuseum in Colorado Springs that contained many interesting vehicles including a vertical history of the Jeep. It is closed for the winter. Telephone # 719 683-2800

Dick Fritz (MG Car Club of England, Ltd) Proposed the idea of a coordinated calendar of events for 2007. This would be a great help in organizing shows and meets. The OCCC is the obvious organization for this undertaking.

Old Business Don Joy reported that the Forney Museum Halloween party went well and that Pam still needs volunteer help for the monthly exhibit cleaning.

V-8 Club will have a tour to the ForneyMuseum (I didn’t get the date or time kh)

Olds Club The Rocky Mtn Olds Club and the Pontiac Club are hosting a show and shine open to all Buicks - Cadillac- Olds and Pontiac on Sat May 19 at Sheplers at I-25 and Orchard. hours will be 10-2.

The Highlands Ranch Classic Car Show will be held Sat June 16th at St. Andrews Church on S. University in Highlands Ranch. Hours 10-2.

A motion to adjourn was made at 8:49 pm. The next meeting will be held Dec 6, at the Forney Museum.


From the outgoing president

The Old Car Council of Colorado is poised to enter a bright new era. We have just seen a great surge in enthusiasm and in the number of people willing to step up and take the reins of the Council, and move it forward.

Our 2006 secretary, Keith Hall, will be taking charge as president. He and continuing 1st vice president, Dick Thompson, were instrumental in the “KIT car” legislation recently passed in the Colorado legislature. These two, along with Gary Canady, our new 2nd vice president, have been working together with the organizers of the Colfax Marathon to bring Cruise the Fax, to life.

Cruise the Fax, using the Woodward Dream Cruise, in Michigan as a model, has the potential to become a grand, premier event on the nation’s Street Rod, Hot Rod, Collector/Special Interest Car, Custom, and general automotive enthusiast’s calendar. The 2006 Woodward Cruise, in its 11th year, drew some 1.5 million people to see the fabulous automotive rolling art show consisting of 40,000 Muscle Cars, Street Rods, Custom, Collector and Special Interest Vehicles.

To make an event of this nature come to fruition, it will take a great deal of support and effort on all of our parts. I was pleased to see the level of enthusiasm and great ideas flying around the room near the end of November meeting. With the new and energetic board, renewed member enthusiasm, the Old Car Council of Colorado future looks bright.

Thank you for your support,

William G. Rosenbach

President 2000-2002, 2004-2006


Keep in mind, the need to find an assistant for, and successor to Shirley Zaner, as the producer of the Mountain States Swap Meet. Shirley will be retiring from organizing the swap meet after the 2007 event.

Roger Zaner is continuing as treasurer for, I believe a fourth consecutive term.

Impromptu Memorial to Emmett Jackson

During the weekend following the funeral for Emmett Jackson, one of the OCCC’s long time, ardent supporters, member of the Vintage Chevrolet Club, American Truck Historical Society to name just a few, I noticed a peculiar thing. I am reasonably certain that, in general, I notice most classic vehicles near me in traffic. Having the luxury of being a passenger, not a driver, I get the opportunity to really look around. What I witnessed was not apparently an organized gathering. Rather, everywhere I went, I saw exceptional examples of classic American Puck-up Trucks. Restored, Hot Rod, Restored with classic company advertising. Most were Chevrolet’s as well.

If it was an organized regional display, it was noticed and appreciated. If it was not organized, I can only assume that the loss of Emmett from the collective conscientiousness of truck owners caused them to get the trucks out, whether they knew him, or not.

Without question, Emmett will be missed.

William G. Rosenbach

OCCC President