Geography- Lesotho Scheme of work for KS1 Year 1/2. Durham Lesotho Link ©
Date / QCA scheme of work / Learning objectives / Possible Activities / Resources / Links to other curriculum areas. / Learning Outcomes / AssessmentWeek 1 / Unit 5
Where in the world is Barnaby Bear? /
- about the location of other places
- about the types of transport used to get to other places
- Bear in Lesotho (CD available for Durham schools to purchase from IT department at Durham, along with other Barnaby resources). Use as a stimulus to start topic.
- Journey/travel. Timeline of a day- where is barnaby. breakfast time on the plane/ lunch time- on plane, by following day- arrive- significant times in the day for them. Pictures of aeroplane to move during day- long way- simple distance.
- Language work underneath so they can follow the sequence- footprints of what he has done.
- Wall maps
- Create own timeline
- Toy or paper plane
- Barnaby bear in Africa activity sheet- free to download from
Barnaby bears world map can be purchased from the Geographical association online shop. /
- Numeracy- graph of transport or measuring distances.
- Literacy: sequencing- time connectives. Where did he go first, second, third…
- develop a sense of distance associated with travel
- know about different ways of travelling to places
- know that different types of transport will give different travel times
Some: that some types are more suitable than others
Week 2 /
- Unit 5 Where in the world is Barnaby Bear?
- that the world extends outside their locality
- to recognise similarities and differences and communicate them to recognise features of places
- to recognise features of places
- Continue on from bear in lestho and timeline work. Where is Barnaby?
- Make a post card from Barnaby- some descriptions of what it is like, where he is staying… and show children some photographs Q: what are the children doing?
- Activty: postcard writing.
- Children to write a post card back to Barnaby- about lestho, what is he doing…etc. (could keep correspondence going for other lessons as a stimulus/starter for other work, e.g weather or transport).
- Use post card to create a display. Could also have an artefact table- items linked to Lestho and England.
- Bear in Lesotho- available for schools to purchase.
- note: if can’t use Barnaby- create own character to go and visit or persona doll to create communication between Lesotho and Class.
- Post cards(examples of other holidays to show as a stimulus). Post card from Barnaby. Postcard writing template, photographs,
- Link to history: where would Barnaby stay? looking at houses/homes- house/rondavel – compare.
- Role play idea- 1 week home in England, following week turn into a Rondavel. Explore differences/similarities.
- show an interest in the world around them
- begin to understand the concept of visiting other places
- understand that other places may be different from their own locality
Most: name some similarities or differences between England and Lesotho.
Some: go into more detail about features, ask Q’s of there own about other places in the world.
3 /
- Unit 5 Where in the world is Barnaby Bear?
- to recognise features of places
- identify types of weather experienced in places and seasonal change and their effects on people
- Could use Barnaby- what sort of weather might he have experienced? Look at photographs.
- Sorting activity- into cloudy, sunny…etc
- Q’s what sort of temperature was it? How hot or cold? How will it affect the land? (Briefly you could discuss what plants need to grow and animals and humans needs).
- What is it like in England- look at the weather today.
- List differences/similarities together: e.g snow, heat.
- Q’s What would you wear in England/Lestho? Look at photographs.
- Link to Literacy: Drama- weather report, Ch could write a short weather report. O r link to art- create own weather wheels for a display.
- Weather chart
- Pictures to show weather
- Link to interactive games- see my world dressing teddy or espresso- weather or Charlie chimp dressing activity.
- ICT- interactive games.
- Link to science- plants and animals. What do plants need to grow? Could plant seeds and carry out a simple experiment- place in different/under different conditions?
- Drama.
- show an interest in the world around them
- develop a deeper understanding of the notion of travel to other places
- understand that weather conditions in other countries may be different from those they are experiencing at the same time
- are aware of similarities and differences between other countries and their own
- All: name different types of weather in simple term.s and begin to recognise that different countries experience different types of weather.
- Some: can compare weather in own country to a different country.
- Some: Begin to think about how weather will affect people, plants and animals?
W4- onwards. / Links to:
Unit 1 Around our school – the local area
Unit 3 An island home /
- that all pupils have a personal address and that they travel to school
- their sense of place in relation to home and school
- to describe a route
- to recognise/identify some of the physical and human features of places (including their own locality) to understand some of the ways in which the features are used
- to describe the features of the local environment
- to express views on the features
- that changes occur in the locality
- to identify some of the uses of land and buildings in their locality
- to understand that these uses are linked to the work people do
- how places/environment change for better or worse over time
- to identify types of transport
- that the world extends outside their locality
- to recognise similarities and differences and communicate them
- to identify likes and dislikes about a place
- that the world extends outside their locality
- Compare contrast Lesotho and own locality. Look at features, similarities/differences, what they like/dislike, people- include jobs. Describe and discuss what places are like. Look at maps- outlines, compare the two countries: Compare- surrounded by water- Britain= island, what about Lesotho? Link To K. Morag stories- Island Home. Make map of own, Split into 2 groups- Durham and Lesotho put on important features.
- Discuss and look at routes to school- pictorial own locality/Lesotho. MA- add labels. Talk about what is seen, what they pass, encourage descriptions of features.
- Link to numeracy- positional language. Use big books such as Rosie’s walk to support (cross curricular link to literacy)
- Literacy: Link to Katie Morag- Yr2.
- Mind journey/map (global citizen ship-fs/ks1- story map- used for citezenship scheme.) .
- Journeys/walking/vehicles- compare towns/city and rural settings.
- Ways to travel there- survey link to numeracy- support Ch to generate a tally/charts. Make a graph on paper or using computer software e.g. RM graphs.
- Explore likes/dislikes- DVD—food
- What Ch like about Durham/like/dislike (own life).Compare to Lesotho. Look at hobbies- football?
- Pictures own locality and Lesotho.
- Big book- Rose’s walk.
- Katie Morag stories.
- Small world vehicles
- World map/globe
Lesotho resource box.
Simple graph templates- NHM.
? food for food tasting- see resource box.
Interactive whiteboard resource comparing Lestho to other countries (hot/cold countries). Also has interactive features looking at the landscape. See:
- Literacy- speaking and listening.
- Literacy: see big books.
- DT looking at patterns- rondarvel.
- Numeracy- create own repeating patterns
- DT: if the children are involved in designing and building a home for Barnaby, could make own rodarvel Also where would be a suitable place to put it- look at locations on maps/in photograph.
- DT- making simple toys, e.g football
- represent the various types of travel on a simple graph
- draw some conclusions from their findings
- draw a map showing their route to school
- identify a clear sequence of features seen on their route to school
- use correct vocabulary to describe features
- know about changes in their locality
- recognise that different places in the area support different kinds of work
- realise that change is continuous and happens in most places.
- are aware of the nature and character of an environment different from their own
- know about various types of transport
- recognise and understand similar and different features of two contrasting places
Some: understand the part people play in developing and changing the area.
All: Suggest some similarities/ differences between own locality and another place. Most: recognise the main similarities and differences between their local area and a contrasting place
Success Criteria:
- To show an interest in and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them
- To be aware of similarities and differences between other counties and their own.