CEN 591, Fall 2012
Performance evaluation of a network system using socket programming and empirical study
Assigned: Mon. Nov. 12, Due: Mon. Nov. 26, 11:59PM
In this assignment you’ll write server-client programs that communicate with each other using TCP protocol (through socket programming in C), and measure the system performance using experiments in a realistic network environment. The objective is to become familiar with, socket programming, parallel programming using threads, the concept of ports, and perform empirical study to evaluate performance metrics such as throughput and latency in a realistic system.
2- Handout instruction
Start with downloading the HW4 folder from the blackboard under the item Course Document\ HW4.zip. The hw4-appendix.docx in this folder provides server/client example programs, the changes that you need to make on those programs, and some hints to write routines for selecting files by the client program. The folder also includes 15 sample image files that you will use in your experiments.
3- Instruction
You need to write two multithread applications, one for client side and one for server side namely as client-node.c and server-node.c. These programs do file transferring using sockets and TCP protocol. The client side program sends TCP request to receive a file by sending its name. The server side program accesses a set of files, receives the TCP request, and sends the file per each request. You can use pthread and socket library to implement your programs.
The client program should be implemented such that it can generate various rate of request per second, given as an input parameter. According to the specified rate it should dynamically generate number of threads per second by which a new request is sent. The program should receive the request and logs the turn-around time of each request, i.e., the time it takes from sending the request up to receiving the whole file. It does not need to save the files.
The server program is also a multithread application where it generates a thread to resolve a request once a TCP request is received. It parses the request, determines the name of the file and sends it back to the client side.
You can run both of the programs in one machine by using loopback IP address i.e.,
The set of files that the programs are transferring is provided in the hw4 folder in the blackboard.
The running format of the files should be as follows:
· ./server-node portname (where portname is an integer that your program communicates through that)
· ./client-node portname R size-dist (where R is the file transfer rate, size-dist is a string and can be “uniform”, exponential” or “pareto”, refer the requirement 3 )
4- Requirements
1- Source code + makefile: Note that TA will use general.asu.edu server to compile and run your programs. You should submit (i) two c files i.e., client-node.c and server-side.c which includes all of the required codes to run client and server program, (ii) a makefile that produces executable file of these programs, and (iii) a folder named “input” which consists the files that you programs are transferring them. You should use 15 files, whose size is as follows {300B, 400B, 500B, 600B,700B 800B,900B, 1K, 2K, 5K, 10K, 20K, 50K, 100K, 200K}, files are provided in the HW4 folder. You need to put them in your submission folder, such that your programs run without any configuration. Your client program should choose the files randomly (i.e., uniform, exponential and parteo)
2- File size distribution and throughput-latency plot. Change the client program to get the file size distribution as input. The distribution can be “uniform”, “exponential”, and “Pareto”. You need to implement some routines that select files such that the distribution of transferred file sizes follows the given distribution (see section 3 in hw4-appendix.docs). Run your programs for each of the given distributions and various request per seconds, and plot the throughput-latency of all of them. Compare the results and argue about them.
3- Design document: In your report you should clearly describe the flow, functionality and the algorithm you use for every procedure you implement. The description should make clear the sender and receiver side functionality and provide the corresponding FSM.
4- Validation technique you use to validate your implementation. You should clearly report the methodology (e.g., a test scenario) you used to test the validity of your code, and support your claim using the results you get.
5- (extra credit) Empirical study on the IMPACT lab’s platforms. Repeat the requirement 2 in the IMPACT lab’s platform (the details of how to access the platforms will be posted in future)
5- Submission Instructions
You need to submit (i) a single pdf document which includes your report for all of the requirements, (ii) your source codes, (iii) a makefile, and (iv) all of the files that your code needs them for compiling and running. All of your files should be in one folder which is named as [ASUID]H4 (e.g. 222222222H4). Zip your folder and submit it to the BB.
6- Grading criteria
Please note that if the programs you submit do not compile or run, your assignment won’t be graded and you will get zero point for this homework. Your assignment is evaluated according to the following table.
Requirement / Points(1)Source code + Design documents +sample output / 50
(2) Latency-throughput for uniform, exponential and pareto file-size distribution / 25
(3 and 4) Validation test of your implementation / 25
(5) Empirical study on the IMPACT lab’s platforms / 25 (bonus)
7- Logistics This assignment must be done individually. All handins are electronic. Clarifications and corrections will be posted to the blackboard.