8:00 / Direct Service: Interviews 6 students / / Program Planning: Advisory Council Mtg. / 8:00
:15 / Direct Service: Interviews 6 students / Indirect Service: Parent Meeting re: NG / / :15
:30 / Parent Phone Call Re: AH’s academics / Direct Service: Interviews 6 students / Indirect Service: Parent Meeting re: NG / :30
:45 / Parent Phone Call Re: AH’s academics / Direct Service: Interviews 6 students / Indirect Service: Parent Meeting re: NG / :45
9:00 / Program Planning Prep for group / Program Planning Prep for group / Program Planning Prep for group / Program Planning Prep for group / 9:00
:15 / Direct Service- Academic Group / Direct Service- Academic Group / Direct Service- Academic Group / Direct Service- Academic Group / :15
:30 / Direct Service- Academic Group / Direct Service- Academic Group / Direct Service- Academic Group / Direct Service- Academic Group / :30
:45 / Direct Service- Academic Group / Direct Service- Academic Group / Direct Service- Academic Group / Direct Service- Academic Group / :45
10:00 / Program Planning- event form for Advisory Council Mtg. / Program Planning: Counseling Department Meeting / Direct Service- Core Curriculum Career Cruising Haddox Team / / 10:00
:15 / Student NG Personal / Program Planning: Counseling Department Meeting / All four Science Classes in the Media Center. / :15
:30 / Student NG Personal / Program Planning: Counseling Department Meeting / :30
:45 / Student CB Academic / Program Planning: Counseling Department Meeting / :45
11:00 / Indirect Service Parent Call re: NK Attendance / Program Planning: Counseling Department Meeting / Lunch / 11:00
:15 / Student AB Academic / Program Planning: Counseling Department Meeting / Lunch / :15
:30 / Student AD Academic / Program Planning: Counseling Department Meeting / :30
:45 / Lunch/Program Planning / Parent Phone Call re: NG / :45
12:00 / Lunch/Program Planning / Program Planning: Copies for Advisory Council Mtg / / / 12:00
:15 / Lunch/Program Planning / Lunch/Program Planning / Lunch/Program planning / :15
:30 / Program Planning: Reply to emails / Lunch/Program Planning / Lunch/Program planning / :30
:45 / Program Planning: Reply to emails / Lunch/Program Planning / Lunch/Program planning / :45
1:00 / Program Planning: Last minute changes to Core Curriculum Schedule / / Lunch/Program planning / 1:00
:15 / Student MA-O Academic / Indirect Service: Meeting with Starling ES 5th grade / :15
:30 / Program Planning / Teachers to improve student transition / :30
:45 / Program Planning / :45
2:00 / Indirect Service: Attendance / 2:00
:15 / :15
:30 / :30
:45 / / Lunch / :45
3:00 / Indirect Service: Meet with Ricker/Fentress re: student academics / / Student PD re: Social / / 3:00
:15 / / Indirect: Meet with teachers re: PD / :15
:30 / :30
:45 / :45
4:00 / School support-Hall Duty / School support-Hall Duty / School support-Hall Duty / School support-Hall Duty / School support-Hall Duty / 4:00
:15 / School support-Hall Duty / School support-Hall Duty / School support-Hall Duty / School support-Hall Duty / School support-Hall Duty / :15
:30 / Direct Service: Interviews / / / / / :30
:45 / Direct Service: Interviews / :45
5:00 / Direct Service: Interviews / 5:00
5:15 / Direct Service: Interviews
Blue – School Support/Program Planning
Yellow – Indirect Services
Green – Direct Services
Time spent before 8:30 or after 4:30 is outside of contract hours.